Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Essay Due & College Project

Your transformational thinkers essay is due today by 3:15.  Please ask for any last minute revisions or do some peer review.

It is time to begin our next college project.  Here is your updated rubric for your presentation.  Please follow all directions carefully and ask about any questions you may have.  Before you get started you may want to look at this college search to get an idea of some colleges that may be right for you.  It uses your likes and dislikes to find colleges that you may not have considered that meet your needs for college.  Presentations will begin next Friday.

After we finish college projects we will move on to our unit on the Great Gatsby.  A digital copy will be made available to you and you can view it here.  If you would like to have your own hard copy there are multiple copies available at public libraries around San Diego; or for purchase online.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Extension on Essay

To ensure that you have enough time to craft a HIGH QUALITY essay that you are proud of I have given an extra couple of days to complete your transformational thinkers essay; it will now be due on Wednesday (3/26).  Use this time to get your paper edited by me or a peer or ask for suggestions.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rough Draft Due & New Info

The rough draft of your Transformational Thinkers Essay is due this morning for credit.  Make sure you get your paper edited and suggestions before you leave today.  Final Draft will be due Monday 3/24.  Please look at the rubric to better understand how you will be graded.

If you would like to take any AP Exams to try and get college credit, please speak with Mrs. Hosking ASAP

There are opportunities to take online courses that meet High School A-G, UC A-G, and industry certification requirements.  Courses include Anatomy & Physiology for Health Careers, Business 100, Human Psychology, Intro to Criminal Justice, Nutrition, Video Production, etc.

 If you are interested in applying to or attending University of Oregon, they are hosting an information session here in San Diego.  Saturday, March 29th from 11am to noon at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina on Harbor Island Drive.  Please RSVP to attend online

Free SAT prep for Juniors; takes place May 17th at UCSD from 9am to 12pm.  They will work on strategies to improve your score in all areas.  Click here to register.  You may want to look at other events that CAL SOAP offers to students for free test prep.

Monday, March 17, 2014

History Presentations

Today we will complete our history presentations.  Students will be presenting during 1st and 6th period.

This week you will be focusing on your transformational thinkers essay.  You have been working up to these and they will require a great deal of effort.  Please see me about any questions you have.  Your rough draft will be due this Wednesday.  Remember, this is a 7 paragraph essay, complete with quotes from your text and your personal thoughts.  This will be a large project for you so make sure you turn in something you're proud of

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Busy Day!

Continue your work on your transformational thinkers essay.  Remember, your rough draft is due on the 19th.  You can click here to read the Prompt and an example Outline

Your Powerpoint presentation is due to me Friday morning when you walk into class.  Be ready to present because a few groups may have time to present on Friday.

We will have a book check for your next 6 weeks on book review on Friday.  Please choose a book from the available list.  I will need to see a hard copy of your book or a shipping notification if you are buying it online.

We will return your EAP practice essay that you took on Monday.  Take a look at my suggestions.  Also take a look at the EAP scoring guide;  and here are some sample essays from the same prompt you were given.  Compare your essay to the ones here that received scores of 5 or 6.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Transformational Thinkers Essay

Today you will use the knowledge you gained recently and look at the information we have discussed to craft a well thought out essay.  We will look at how the great minds we have studied recently influenced on another and these ideals have led to civil disobedience as a viable way to create change.  Here is the essay prompt and and outline to get you started.

The first draft of your essay will be due: Wednesday March 19th
Final Draft will be due: Monday March 24th

Please continue working on your 1920's project which is due on Friday

If you are interested in applying to or attending University of Oregon, they are hosting an information session here in San Diego.  Saturday, March 29th from 11am to noon at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina on Harbor Island Drive.  Please RSVP to attend online

EAP Practice
Directions:   You will have 45 minutes to plan and write an essay on the topic assigned below.  Before you begin writing, read the passage carefully and plan what you will say.  Your essay should be as well organized and as carefully written as you can make it.

In a recent editorial essay, a working mother of four laments being made to feel guilty for not "being there" every minute for her children.  She notes, "The school nurse has taken me to task for not being immediately accessible, and my kids--who live in a world where instant gratification has become the norm--complain about my intermittent unreachability.  To which I say, hey, deal with it.  I'm not cavalier about my mothering responsibilities....  I'm an involved parent.  We modern moms and dads are not only expected to make sure our kids are perfectly nourished, endlessly enriched, and absolutely safe at all times:  now, with cell phones and pagers, we are also supposed to be instantly reachable and immediately responsive....  We cannot and should not orchestrate every moment in our children's lives for them--partly because the effort turns out to be futile, but more importantly because it prevents our kids from learning skills they need to succeed in the real world.  There are times they need to ad lib.  There are times they need to wait.  There are even times they need to turn to someone else."

Explain the author's argument and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with her views.  Support your position by referring to the passage and by providing reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Assignments Due Today

You have 4 assignments due today:

Internship Display for Board
Stride Towards Freedom Response
Modern Example of Civil Disobedience
Book Reviews

ACT registration deadline for April 12th test, is today

Continue working on History Project

If you are interested in applying to or attending University of Oregon, they are hosting an information session here in San Diego.  Saturday, March 29th from 11am to noon at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina on Harbor Island Drive.  Please RSVP to attend online at

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Modern Civil Disobedience

Today you will research some modern examples of civil disobedience.  Take the time to find a news article on an example of civil disobedience that has occurred recently (past 5 years).  There are many examples here in the US or around he world.  Please choose an issue that you find interesting.  There are lots of issues with education (student walk outs or teacher protests), immigration, conservation or protection of nature, the many issues in the middle east, nuclear armament, etc.  Please print the article then staple a one page summary and response.  Make sure you clearly understand civil disobedience and your article fits before moving forward.  Assignment will be due by the end of the day on Friday.

 Remember your 1920's powerpoint presentation is due to me when we arrive at school on Friday March 14th.  We will try to fit in a few presentations but most will take place the following Monday.  While you may present later remember that your completed powerpoint is due Friday.  Please make sure you are working hard because this project will count for a large portion of your grade.

ACT registration deadline (to register without added late fees) is this Friday.  If you are interested in taking the ACT, which many of you should be, the deadline for the April 12th test is this Friday.

Tardy Policy: We will begin our new tardy policy starting on Monday!!!
You will get one "free pass" for your first tardy.  After that you will receive 10 minute detention (lunch or after school) for each tardy.
1st tardy - Free pass
2nd tardy - 10 minute detention
3rd tardy - 20 minute detention
4th tardy - 30 minutes
5th tardy - Referral
This will restart every 6 weeks.  This is at the beginning of school, every subsequent class period, and from lunch.

CAL SOAP College & Financial Aid Info

Monday, March 3, 2014

Stride Towards Freedom

Today we will read more of the work from Martin Luther King Jr.  Stride Towards Freedom is about King's plan to battle discrimination.  He discusses the importance of non violent protest as a form of civil disobedience.  You can read on pg. 301 in your text book.  Please write a 2 paragraph response, as you did you the speech by Gandhi, 1 paragraph summary and a 1 paragraph personal response.  Please turn in on Wednesday (3/5) along with your Letter From Birmingham Jail annotations.

Continue to work on your 1920's project.

We are looking at having a presentation from the Mesa college class on what classes met students are interested in taking or should be taking.  Please fill out and either print or e-mail to me this form by the end of the day today.  It is a few simple questions about your classes and plans for the future.

Remember, those of you who have internships need to have your new internship description to be displayed on the board by the end of this week.  Here is the example

Finally, book reviews are due this Friday.  Please look at the rubric because there have been a few slight changes.  You also may want to begin looking for a new book for the following 6 weeks.  We will have another book check next Friday so start looking at the lists for a book that you want to enjoy next.