Friday, March 27, 2015

Picnic Today!!!

Final day before Spring Break!  Please put all of your assignments to the box.  After announcements you may finish any assignments you have for other classes or do some reading once we finish with announcements.

Friday Schedule

Start Time
End Time
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:45 AM
11:00 AM
1:10 PM

We will also be collecting your $6 for lunch today

Grad Nite
Letters were sent home to parents as well as e-mailed regarding Grad Night.  The letter can be seen here.  Administration and I looked at our funds and costs and we will need a $100 deposit by next Friday.  So far I have only received payment from 1 student.  Unfortunately, if we do not have enough student interest we will have to cancel Grad Nite.  Please turn in your deposit ASAP!!

At Risk Students
Letters were sent home to parents for student who are at risk of failure (D's and F's)

Mesa Career Workshops
Mesa is offering multiple career workshops this April and May if you are interested.  Please see dates and info here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Neoclassicism & Romanticism Art History & Announcements

Art History
Today we will discuss the Enlightenment and its influence on Art.  We will look at Neoclassicism and Romanticism in art.  Please complete the handout as you listen to lecture and turn in Wednesday (4/8) when we return from break.

You have 2 economics assignments due Friday (3/27) on Market Structures and Financial Markets; which includes a review of a finance article.  Also, make sure you have registered and purchased at least one stock in our stock market game.

Research Project
Check in for you research project is also due on Friday (3/27).  Make sure to review the rubric to make sure you receive the grade you feel you deserve.

Friday Lunch
Please turn in $6 donation for lunch from Tacos Don Luis!

Grad Night Deposit
Please turn in your non refundable $50 deposit for Grad Night.  We will start ordering buses and deciding on guests so you MUST have your deposit in by Friday (4/10).  Cash or check accepted.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Announcements & Economics

Friday Lunch
This Friday we are having lunch at the park for a fun day for all Met students.  We are asking for $6 for lunch from all students and staff.  For the event we are having a taco truck!  please give $ today or on Wednesday.  Anyone with financial issues can see Mrs. Leonard or Mr. Brandes privately

Students now need passes to anywhere on campus except the restroom.  All students must sign out whenever they leave the classroom.  Students will be asked for a pass from the receiving teacher, they will sign the pass when you return to class.

A few students have been taking advantage of going to other classes or to the office and either going somewhere else or going just to socialize.  Because of this we all have to be more diligent about where we are going.

Research Project Check In
Please turn in an updated draft of your research project Friday morning.  Rubric available here

Stock Market Game
Please register for the stock market game.  You must be register in the group and make at least one trade by Friday to receive full credit for participation.  Remember, the top to participants at the end of May will receive extra credit.

Financial Markets
Today we will have a presentation on financial markets.  Please follow along with the presentation and complete the handout.  Please turn in by  this Friday (3/27).  See handout for article review

Friday, March 20, 2015

Announcements & Market Structures

$1,000 essay contest, 500 words, about Armenian Genocide.  More details here

Keep making that $!  Let me know if you do receive any scholarships, no matter how small

Prom Themes
Today we are going to vote on Prom theme.  Remember this is the theme and specific name of the dance will be built around that theme.  Options are:
Hollywood/Red Carpet
Under the Sea
Royal Ball

Stock Market Contest
To learn about the stock market and how it works we are going to begin by competing in a stock market contest.  You will start out with $50,000 and be able to invest in any company you'd like.  Please take a look for stocks in companies you are familiar with.  Play around with your portfolio and you can start to trade if you'd like.  We will learn more about what stocks are in the coming weeks.

Please join today!  Search for Mr. Hurl's Economics - Password: SDMet

The top 2 students with the most $ at the end of the contest will receive 10 points extra credit for their efforts!!!  Use the following resources (or others you find on your own to help):
Wall Street Journal
CNN Money
Yahoo Finance
Google Finance

Market Structures
Please complete the following handout on Market Structures and turn in before Friday (3/27)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Prom, Grad Night, & Art of Later Japan

Grad Night
We will discuss information about grad night and make plans.  At this time we will also be asking for a $50 non-refundable deposit to reserve a ticket for Grad Night.  Please turn in your deposit to reserve your seat on the bus by Friday March 27th (Day before spring break).  I will pass out a letter with more info in the coming days.  Please make checks out to San Diego Met High School

We are going to have a brief meeting after school about Prom.  We have picked a venue and will have discussion about theme, advertising, and other info.  All seniors who would like to be involved are welcome.

Art of Later Japan
 Please complete the handout on Art of Later Japan and turn in by Wednesday (3/25)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Things They Carried & Announcements

Please take a look at for more scholarships.  Continue filling out scholarships apps, there is still time to make money for college.

The Things They Carried
This morning we will have a literature discussion about the reading of The Things They Carried.  After our discussion please answer the following questions with at least a one paragraph response:

  1. Why does Mitchell Sanders declare "there's a moral here"? Is there a moral?  How do you know?
  2. The story begins with Lieutenant Cross' fantasies about Martha.  How do these fantasies change?  Why?
  3. Are fantasies destructive, an avoidance of reality, or a method for bearing the unbearable? Think about how you would react if put in this situation

Friday, March 13, 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Announcements & Art of Later China & Korea

Scholarships & Activities
Hispanic Business Association is holding a conference at SDSU on April 25th.  The conference centers around encouraging Hispanic youth to attend 4 year institutions and to encourage leadership.  Please take a look at the website for more information and to registration.

Scholarship America is a website dedicated to helping students reach college and be successful. Please click on the students and parents tab to register and find open scholarships. 

Dollars for Scholars is another site that allows you to search for scholarships in your area.

Please check on your current grades:
Art History

If you were absent on Friday or did not get the new assignment from the substitute, please complete the worksheet on supply which is due Friday (3/13)

Students must get their absence cleared to make up quiz.

Independent Reading Books & Presentations
For students who sent me their presentations but were absent on Monday:  You must have your absence cleared and then schedule a time with me to present 2nd, 3rd, or 4th period.

Your next independent reading book review will be on April 27th.  Please choose your next book to read and show me a copy (either in person, digital, or a shipping receipt) by Monday morning (3/16).

Research Paper Check In
Continue to work on you research paper.  Please work on some of the suggestions or corrections I gave you last week.  Your next research paper check in will be on the Friday before Spring Break (3/27).  Your next check in will need to be 8 pages.

Please read an excerpt from The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien (which is on your reading list) on pg. 850.  Please do a close read and then answer questions 1-3 from explorations of the text:

1.  List the "things" carried by each man.  What determines "the things they carried"?
2.  What are the heavy intangible weights carried by these men?
3.  Discuss Ted Lavender's death.  Why does Lieutenant Cross believe that he is responsible?

Turn in on Monday (3/16) and we will discuss the reading and your responses.

Art of Later China & Korea
Please complete the following worksheet on Art of Later China & Korea.  Due next Wednesday (3/18)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Book Presentations Today

Today are you book presentations.  We will go in the same order that we did research paper check ins.  Please be ready to present when you arrive. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Art History Quiz

Art History
Your quiz will take place at the beginning of class.  Please put all materials away besides a pencil or pen and a piece of paper

After the quiz we will do a short lesson on Later Art of South and Southeast Asia.  Please complete the handout and turn in on Wednesday (3/11)

LTI Projects
If you were absent last Friday please pick up a packet which details all the information about the LTI project which must be completed to pass your ROP class

Monday, March 2, 2015

English - Research Paper Check In

Research Paper Check In
Today I am passing back your edited research paper with attached rubric.  I want you to spend first period working on edits and adding to your paper.  Put away all other assignments for other classes.  I want to be able to speak with each of you individually so I put together a schedule for this morning.  I will have to meet with many of you during IWT 2nd period.  I know 5 minutes is very short but I want to speak with everyone briefly today so if you have additional questions please see me later in the day.

Some common mistakes I have seen include:
  1. Use of "I" or "Me" should not be included in a research paper
  2. We know the ideas are yours, but you must back up your statements with facts from authoritative sources
  3. Reliance on the research or thoughts of others.  The majority of your paper should not be historical or dispelling other research
  5. If you do not cite in text it is considered plagiarism.  You must cite any information you use both in the text and in your works cited.  Numerous people did not cite correctly or at all and lost a lot of points
  6. Organization of paragraphs.  Each paragraph should have a clear purpose or point you are trying to get across
  7. Clear transitions between paragraphs/ideas
Upcoming Quizzes and Projects
You have 2 quizzes this week:
Art History on Wednesday and Economics on Friday

Independent Reading Book reviews are due next Monday.  You do not want to spend your weekend reading half of your book.  Also, please do not give a presentation where you, I, and the rest of class knows you have not read the book!!! English grades are slipping and this is your opportunity to bring them up.  Please get me a copy of your powerpoint ASAP.  You must be ready to present on Monday.  This means that no presentations will be accepted on Monday morning.  Presentations must be e-mailed to me in the correct format before midnight on Sunday!

I have noticed that many of you have already come down with a severe case of senioritis.  Especially with the new policy of no late work accepted many of you are falling behind.  Do not dig yourself a hole that you cannot get out of.  Your ability to graduate and/or walk in graduation is at stake.