Monday, November 17, 2014

Thanksgiving Break Upcoming!

Lots to do this week before we have a one week break!

Please think about your stance on the following issues.
  • What is your feeling about abortion?  Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
  • Do you believe same sex marriage should be legal?
  • Should America allow the death penalty?
I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end (to practice for research project) on Friday (11/21) before you leave for break.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable.

Art History
Art of Byzantium

Please complete Art of Byzantium by Friday (11/21) before you leave for break

If you are interested in what has happened to the Hagia Sophia since the Byzantine Empire please check out the following short documentary

Catcher in the Rye Final Quiz - Wednesday (11/19)
Research Project Check #1 - Friday (11/21)
Independent Reading Presentation - Friday (12/5)

Federal Survey Cards
I still need Federal Survey Cards from the following students:
Grecia             Alejandro         Ashley             Gavin            Austin          Vincent   

Friday, November 14, 2014

Finish Assignments & New Government

We are going to start looking at your opinions on major issues.  The goal of government is not only to teach you the structure of government and how it works, but to make you think critically about important issues.  I want you to have strong informed opinions, whatever they may be, about the world around you.  I want you to have at least one issue you feel strongly about or care about, and something that makes you politically active in the future.

We are going to start by trying to figure out where you fall on the political spectrum and your political leanings.  While you should never base an opinion solely on the thoughts of a political party it is important to understand which party you most closely identify with.  Please take the following quiz to help find out your political leanings.

Take the Quiz Here

Please click the button at the bottom of each category that says show more.  Clicking chose another stance will provide you with alternative responses on issues where you are unsure.  Clicking learn more will also give you more information to help explain the issue if you are unfamiliar.  You may also rate how important each issue is to you if you would like.  When finished click show my results and please print the page and turn in for credit.

For the rest of the semester and our government class we will be discussing and researching major issues that currently face our country.  Each week I will provide you with a group of issues you will research and form an opinion.  At the end of the semester we will have a classroom debate, similar to our socratic seminar, on the major issues.  Research you do now will help you on the final.

Assignments Due Today
Art of late Antiquity
Catcher in the Rye - Transition to Adulthood

Research Project Check #1 - due next friday
Independent Reading Presentation - Due December 5th

Federal Survey Cards
I still need Federal Survey Cards from the following students:
Grecia             Alejandro         Ashley             Gavin            Austin          Vincent   

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Catcher in the Rye
Please finish your reading of Catcher in the Rye.  Read chapters 21-completion.  We will have our final quiz on Wednesday (11/19) and we will begin working on our final project for the book after Thanksgiving break.

Your writing on fears of transitioning to adulthood are due by Friday (11/14) at 3:00pm

Art History
Art of Late Antiquity is due on Friday (11/14) by 3:00pm.

Senior Exhibtion
Your first check in for your senior exhibition research paper is due on Friday (11/21).  That means you have a week and a half left to complete:
At least 2 sources correctly cited on a MLA citation page
One-Two pages introducing your social issue and identifying the problem
Your introduction must include a CLEAR thesis
Your essay must be formatted to meet MLA guidelines
At least one quote correctly cited

Remember what is needed to meet the one source requirement:
Books (2) - may be fiction or nonfiction
Websites (3) - Must be reliable and appropriate research sources
Webinar, Podcast
Professional (peer reviewed) journal (3)
Periodicals (4)
Interview with an expert
News Program (3)
Conduct your own research - create a poll, etc.
(#)* - number required to fulfill one source

Please see me if you have any questions or need help with your research

Independent Reading
Book review presentations will be due the Friday you get back from Thanksgiving break.  You should be at least halfway done with your novel at this point.  YOU MUST BRING YOUR BOOK TO CLASS EVERYDAY.

Please fill out a form for Senior Standouts & your Senior Quotations.  Please turn them in to me when completed.  These should take NO MORE than 5 minutes.

Please fill out a form for cap and gowns.  All you need to put down is height and weight so we can get an idea of your size.

Mascot Artwork
Welcome MET Panthers! Congrats to the group and all Met students.  Students will now be able to submit artwork and design images that will represent our school.  If interested please send the following in digital form to Mr. Brandes at
A Panther Logo with the words "San Diego"
A Letter "M" Logo with word Panthers or San Diego Met
A Letterhead Logo with words San Diego Met

Federal Survey Cards
I still need Federal Survey Cards from the following students:
Grecia             Alejandro         Ashley             Gavin            Austin          Vincent    

Monday, November 10, 2014

Upcoming Assignments

Catcher in the Rye
Please read chapters 21-23. Quiz will be on Monday (11/17)

Art History
Art of Late Antiquity is due Friday (11/14)

Veteran's Day
There is no school tomorrow due to Veteran's day.  That means you DO NOT go to your internship tomorrow.  Make sure you have let your mentor know that you will not be coming in.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Upcoming Assignments

Catcher in the Rye

Catcher in the Rye Quiz on chapters 16-20 on Monday (11/10) when you get to class in the morning.  Do not be left out in the cold!  these chapters are slightly longer than previous sections and there are some difficult questions so be ready for Monday

Your English assignment is to discuss your transition to adulthood and think about your own life as you make connections to our main character.  Please turn in your paper, at least one page, on Friday (11/14)

Independent Reading
Continue working on your independent reading books.  I have not seen many of you reading in class.  You must bring your book to school with you EVERY DAY.  You have under one month left to finish your book and create your presentation.

Art History
Your Art of Ancient Rome handout is due today by 3:00

College Apps
Continue working on College Apps.  please see me if you need any help.

Cal-SOAP is holding another college application and scholarship workshop that will be held over Thanksgiving break on Tuesday, November 24th.  Please click here for more info.

Mesa College Classes
The following students need to turn in the yellow forms I passed out regarding Mesa Courses:
Shaelee      Frida      Mayan      Leonor      Ashley      Vincent      Daysie      Maddi      Jacob

The following students need to meet with the Mesa College Counselor regarding course selections next Friday:
Vincent      Leonor      Gavin

Federal Survey Cards
I need to collect federal survey cards.  If I still do not have yours I need you to bring them on Monday or I will begin sending you down to the office.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Research Project Formatting and Citations
MLA Formatting - an overview of how to format your paper, cite sources in the text, and create a works cited page.
Purdue Online Writing Lab - gives specific guidelines for a\formatting and citations for all types of sources.

How to Find Sources for Your Research Project
You have access to a college library here on the Mesa college campus.  You must go to the library tell them you are from the Met, fill out a form, and gt a barcode for your Met ID.  The Mesa library has numerous books, and academic journals for you to find.
To search for peer reviewed journals and other quality sources check out Mesa's article and reference database.  You do need a Mesa ID to log in.

Google Scholar
Google scholar allows you to search for academic literature. Many are available for free as a PDF, while others may require you to visit a library.

If goolge scholar does not have a PDF available try using Worldcat.  This is a search which allows you to find where any source is available.

Catcher in the Rye
As we move forward towards the end of the novel I want you to think about the major themes we have discussed in class; such as loneliness and the difficulty of growing up and transitioning to adulthood.  I want you to reflect on your own life as you transition into adulthood personally.

What do you fear most about becoming an adult or transitioning into the "real world"?
What is your greatest concern as you move forward into the next stage of your life?
How do you feel about your life and where you are headed as you transition out of high school?

Please write at least one page on the topic and turn in on Friday (11/14).  Make sure you have your reading done, chapters 16-20, for the quiz on Monday (11/10).

Prom Committee
We will be selecting 5 students from this class to help form the prom committee.  We are going to begin working with the junior class to start planning, organizing, and fundraising for prom.  The committee will make decisions on theme, location, etc.

Continue working on fundraisers.  We will need help with Thanksgiving grams, please see Sam to help.  I haven't seen any work on recycling or change collection so far.   I also want to choose a date and location for a senior dinner night that we can start planning.

College Applications
College application deadlines are coming up fast.  If you have not completed your applications you need to get working on them quickly.  If you need any help applying or even selecting a college please see me or Mr. Moravec.

Mascot Elections
Please clean up any of your mascot election advertising around the classroom.  Please throw away any papers and completely clean any whiteboards.

If you are listed on the board to serve detention you MUST serve by Friday.  You were made aware that you must serve last week.  If you do not serve your time by Friday I will be forced to write a referral.

Federal Survey Cards
I still need Federal Survey Cards from the following students:
Grecia              Shaelee               Chad              Kassy          Alejandro      
Ashley             Diana            Austin               Fatima
Vincent            Daysie                Jacob
If you are on this list you need to do something to remind yourself to get that turned in on Friday

Monday, November 3, 2014

Senior Exhibitions

Catcher in the Rye
Please read chapters 16-20.  We will have a quiz on the chapters on Monday (11/10) when you arrive in class.  Remember not to be late so you are stuck outside during the reading discussion!  Think about some of the themes we discussed on Friday as you read.

Art of Ancient Rome
Complete the handout on the Art of Ancient Rome.  Please turn in by the end of the day on Friday (11/7).  The chapters are beginning to get much longer and more detailed as we move forward, so be prepared and don't leave it until the last minute. 

Once again here is the outline for your senior exhibition.  We are going to begin working on our research project and start gathering sources.  You must have at least 3-5 different authoritative sources for your final paper.  Here are the following sources you may chose from:

Books (2) - may be fiction or nonfiction
Websites (3) - Must be reliable and appropriate research sources
Webinar, Podcast
Professional (peer reviewed) journal (3)
Periodicals (4)
Interview with an expert
News Program (3)
Conduct your own research - create a poll, etc.
(#)* - number required to fulfill one source

We will begin check ins for the project.  By November 21st (last day before Thanksgiving break) you will be required to submit a check in.  For your first check in you must have:

At least 2 sources completed
Correct APA citation page
One-Two pages introducing your social issue and identifying the problem
Your introduction must include a CLEAR thesis
 Your essay must be formatted to meet MLA guidelines
At least one quote correctly cited

I will discuss effective ways to acquire some of these sources and proper citation on Wednesday

Fund Raisers
2 Students would like to discuss with you fund raising ideas they have come up with so far and get your suggestions or approval to move forward.