Friday, February 27, 2015


Please complete the following handout on Demand and turn in morning of Friday (3/6)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Baroque and Rococo Art

Please complete the Baroque and Rococo Art Handout and turn in morning of Wednesday March 4th

Our economics quiz has been pushed back to Friday (3/6).  It will still be on section 1 (chapters 1-3) and follow the same study guide.  Art history will take place on Wednesday (3/4)

Monday, February 23, 2015


Upcoming Quizzes
In the coming weeks we will have an Economics (Friday 2/27) and Art History Quiz (Wednesday 3/4) quiz.  Please see the linked study guides for info about the quizzes.

We continue to work on social issues I want to do a reading response dealing with injustice.  We will begin using our Legacies English book which you will find in the back of class.

Since we are working to expose social issues I want you all to read the essay American Ignorance of War by Czeslaw Milosz which begins on pg. 827.

I want you to carefully read the essay and try to make connections to the text.  When you finish reading please answer the following questions with a one-two paragraph response for each:
  1. Why does Milosz begin with the question "Are Americans really stupid?" What is his perspective in the essay?  How does the opening paragraph suggest his point of view, tone, and themes of the essay?
  2. Consider Milosz's use of the term "nature."  What is "natural" to man?  Is he being ironic?  Contrast these two views of human nature, modes of living, states of civilization presented in the essay.
  3. What does the author conclude about the world?  Now sixty years after the publication of this essay, do you concur with his views expressed in paragraphs 11 and 12?  Have Americans lost their innocence?  Their senses of insularity from world events?
What connections do you make to the text?  Can you think of other issues or current events the author would feel the same way about today?  Choose one issue (preferably your research topic) and write an essay (one page) in a similar style or tone about what it would be like to live in that situation.  What are people missing?  What might they not understand?

Friday, February 20, 2015

American Free Enterprise

San Diego MTS Laptop Scholarship Contest is awarding 40 laptop computers to San Diego High School Seniors.  Required 1,000 word essay about benefits of public transportation in San Diego.  Details Here.

Please return you Catcher in the Rye novels.  We are still missing a few books.

Continue with your independent reading!

Master Agreements
I need Master Agreements from the following students:
Chad     Austin     Vincent     TreVon     Jacob
Daily calls will continue to go home until they are turned in.  ALL I NEED IS A SIGNATURE!!!

Today we will be learning more about our economic system and American Free Enterprise.  Please complete the following handout and turn in by Friday Morning (2/27)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

High Renaissance Art

Welcome Back!

Please turn in Economics and Art History.  Your check-in or rough draft for your research project is due when you arrive on Friday.

Make sure you are working on your independent reading books.  I have not seen many of you reading in class.  Presentations will be on Monday (3/9)

Let's work on keeping the room cleaner!!! People are leaving way to much trash around the room.  Please put loose papers, books, etc. away when you leave.  Return math and science books to class.

Art History
High Renaissance Art

Today we will learn about High Renaissance Art.  Please fill out the High Renaissance handout and follow the lecture with the powerpoint presentation if you'd like.  Please turn in the handout Wednesday morning of (2/25)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

15th Century Italian Art

San Diego Air & Space Museum is offering 4 scholarships, from $1,500 to $4,000.  Please see qualifications on their website

Chelsea's Light Foundation is offering multiple scholarships from $2,000 to $10,000 through the Sunflower Scholarship fun.  Click here for more information

Master Agreements
I need master agreements from the following students:
Chad     Austin     Vincent     TreVon     Jacob

Tonight! Is the Souplantation fundraiser.  Please go and support for senior class activities

We need to sell Valentines Grams today.  Get the word out to friends.

15th Century Italian Art
This week we will learn about 15th Century Italian Art.  Please complete and submit the assignment by Wednesday morning (2/18)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Research Project

Please turn in your summary of your peer reviewed journal.

This week you will continue working on your research project.  Your rough draft will be due on February 18th, when you return from the long weekend.  Please take a look at the rubric for your check in so you understand how you will be scored.

Today I want you to spend first period working on your research paper; put other assignments away.  Please take time editing your paper, or adding to what you already have.  Also, take time to plan what else you will need to complete your paper.  Check the rubric and MLA formatting guides to make sure you have everything you need.

We need to have a large sale of Valentines Grams today!

Wednesday is the MET fundraiser at Souplantation in Kearny Mesa.  Please come and support to raise money for your senior activities.

Master Agreements
I still need master agreements from the following students:
Chad     Kassy     Austin     Vincent     TreVon     Jacob

Truancy & Arriving Late
Please take a look at Friday's blog post if you were late or absent.  Mrs. Leonard is sending a letter home to parents regarding senior activities and graduation.  Excessive tardy, truancy, poor citizenship or academic standing can prevent you from participating in senior activities or walking in graduation.

As a courtesy Mrs. Leonard has asked that students get a fresh slate today so everyone will start as if it is a new semester.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Economic Systems

TRENZA scholarships is offering $500 scholarships to Latina students.  Please see the website for details

San Diego County Citizens Scholarship Foundation is offering multiple $1,000 scholarships for students with financial need.  Last year they handed out 80 scholarships.  Please see requirements and application here

Resource Conservation District of San Diego is offering 5 $1,000 scholarships to students interested in conservation, agriculture, environmental science, natural resources, biology, or natural sciences.  Details and application here

We need to spread the word about our Valentines fundraiser today!

Next Wednesday is our night at Souplantation.  Please remember to remind your friends and family for a night out with MET students to raise $ for senior activities.

Master Agreements
I still need master agreements for 2nd semester from the following students:
Chad     Kassy     Mayan     Leonor     Austin     Vincent     TreVon     Sean     Jacob

Calls will be going home tonight as a reminder.  Please bring signed copies on Monday

Late Work & Arriving Late
As you have probably noticed we are trying to improve our class and increase accountability.  Make sure you are arriving in class on time before school and after lunch.  Calls for arriving late and for being absent have been going home to parents.  As a reminder, not late work will be accepted and your assignment for English is due on Monday morning.  The assignment will not be accepted after the first few minutes of class.

The assignment is a summary and review of a scholarly or peer reviewed journal article.  Please include a works cited (and print 1st page if you'd like) and submit to the English box or online.

A letter will be sent home regarding a document you and your parent signed about senior privileges.  It states that you will not be allowed to participate in senior activities (including prom, grad night, or walking in graduation) if you do not have a 2.0 in citizenship, good attendance, good academic standing, etc. 

Economic Systems
Today we will discuss economic systems.  Please participate in lecture and turn in the following assignment on Wednesday (2/18) due to the long weekend

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Gothic Art

SD Community College Black History Month
San Diego community colleges is celebrating black history month with events and exhibits.  Please see their website for a full list of events.  Here are 2 that some of you may be interested in attending:

Saturday February 7th AMC Mission Valley will be screening the movie "Selma" at 8:30am and 10am.  Event will include free breakfast and a discussion.  I would be interested in going if a group would like to attend.  Registration Here

Wednesday February 18th 12:50-2:10 there will be a lecture by ACLU policy advisor Margaret Dooley-Sammuli titled "Rehabilitation not Incarceration" at City College.  You would have to miss some school but if you talked to Mrs. Leonard this may be available if it interests you or relates to your research project.

$500 Scholarship available for students planning to attend Mesa next year.  Due by the end of the month.  Sign up here

"Selma" speech competition.  Scholarships available for up to $5,000 to write and then give a speech of a 500-700 word essay after seeing the film.  Info here

Valentine's Fundraiser
What is the plan?

Art History
Gothic Art
Gothic Art handout will be due next Wednesday morning (2/11)

Monday, February 2, 2015


Master Agreements
Please turn in your signed master agreements

Valentines Fundraiser
Lets discuss where we are at with our Valentines fundraiser.

Also, next Wednesday February 11th is our Souplantation fundraiser

For this weeks English assignment please find and review one peer reviewed or scholarly article for your research project.  To ensure they are scholarly please use the following resources.  Once again please write a one paragraph summary and then one paragraph about your thoughts on the information and how you may use it in your paper.

Turn in next Monday morning (2/9) when you arrive in class.  Remember, late assignments will not be accepted after the first 10 minutes.

You have access to a college library here on the Mesa college campus.  You must go to the library tell them you are from the Met, fill out a form, and gt a barcode for your Met ID.  The Mesa library has numerous books, and academic journals for you to find.
To search for peer reviewed journals and other quality sources check out Mesa's article and reference database.  You do need a Mesa ID to log in.

Google Scholar
Google scholar allows you to search for academic literature. Many are available for free as a PDF, while others may require you to visit a library.

If google scholar does not have a PDF available try using Worldcat.  This is a search which allows you to find where any source is available.

 Next week I will ask you to turn in a rough draft of your paper.  You should have at least 5 pages completed for your rough draft.  If you are not close to that yet, I suggest you begin working on it this week.  I want to see where you are at with your paper and start making corrections early.