Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Scholarship Opportunity

Chipotle is having a student essay contest, offering $20,000 to 10 students.  Enter here

Friday, May 22, 2015

LTI Project

LTI Project
Today in the afternoon we will be discussing the progress of your LTI project.  Please have your ideas prepared to share and an idea of what you need to complete the presentation.  Here is a template if you plan on using a powerpoint to accompany your project.

Please take a careful look at the LTI rubric

Upcoming Finals
Please use your time today to work on all of your upcoming finals.  Updated grades with your final essay are available on powerschool.

Prom King & Queen
This morning we will pass out ballots to vote for this years Prom King & Queen.  Remember to buy your tickets soon!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Araby Response

After our quiz today we will have a discussion about Araby.  Your assignment due Wednesday (5/27) is to write about the following:

Write about a time you were let down by expectations; either by a love interest, an event, a friendship, a class, sporting activity, or anything else in your life.  Describe the build up to the event, what happened, your reaction, and what you learned from the experience.  You may write it as a narrative story or expository writing, above all make it interesting for the reader!  Must be at least 1 full page

Monday, May 18, 2015

Araby by James Joyce

Please read the following short story Araby by James Joyce.  We will have a quiz and discussion Wednesday on the reading.

Economics Final Presentations
We are going to change the format for our finals.  In the interests of time and making a worthwhile and rigorous final we are going to create groups of 2 (one group of 3) for the final project.  Today we will choose partners and reselect countries.  I want to make sure students are going in-depth and thinking critically about the country.  Since I want to give you plenty of time to present I need to combine groups of students.  Updated instructions here

Friday, May 15, 2015

Economics Assignment & Project Details

Senior Finals
Our finals schedule has changed.  We now have 2 days to present your projects to your classmates.  Since we will have some very well done projects I want to make sure we have plenty of time to present.  To make sure nobody's time is cut shirt I want to have all finals projects completed by June 5th.  Please plan accordingly.

Today we will be discussing Economic Development and transition.  please following along with lecture and participate in discussion.  Accompanying handout is here

Economics Project
Your economics final will be a project discussing the macroeconomics of a nation.  You will give a 10 minute presentation on the economic health and development of a country of your choice.  Detailed description of what must be included can be found here

Monday, May 11, 2015

Upcoming Senior Schedule & Economics

Upcoming Senior Schedule
June 1st - Art History Final Project
June 3rd - Economics Final Project
June 5th - LTI Project Presentation
June 8th - Final Book Review
June 10th - Disneyland Grad Nite
June 12th - Graduation Rehearsal
                   Senior Brunch
June 15th - Graduation!

Measuring Economic Performance & International Trade

Both assignments will be due this Friday (5/15) when you arrive in class

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Postmodernsim & Art History Final Presentation

Please complete the following handout and turn in by (5/13)

Art History Final
You will select an artist we have covered this semester from the list below and give a 5-10 minute presentation on their life, style, and major works.  Find a detailed description and rubric below.

List of Artists
Assignment Description and Rubric

Monday, May 4, 2015

Poetry Reading & Response

Thanks for all of your hard work on exhibitions.  The presentations on Friday went very well and I think that everyone who came was very impressed.

Please rad the Poem There Was a Child Went Forth by Walt Whitman on pg. 169 of your Legacies book.  Pleas read and respond to the following questions in a one page response. Please answer the questions in complete sentences.

  1. Do you think that we are influenced by the things that we experience as we grow up or are we born with certain traits?
  2. Think about the people or experiences that have influenced us the most as we grow up.  What has influenced you the most in your life as you move forward to graduation?