Monday, February 29, 2016

Business Essentials & Make Up Day

Fitness Gram
This Friday all freshman will be taking the fitness gram during periods 1 & 2.  Students will be required to do physical fitness tests including the mile run, sit ups, and push ups.  Please wear clothes that you will be comfortable working out in on Friday.  You may bring a change of clothes if necessary.

PE Contract
Please have your parents sign the new semester PE contract and return to me on Wednesday.

Make Up Work
Please check powerschool or the posted grades in class.  You have the opportunity to make up any missing work or low scores that are indicated by a highlight on the posted grades.  You may also use the time to work on your assignments due on Wednesday or Friday.  Your final option is to do reading for either To Kill a Mockingbird or your independent reading book.

Contracts will be passed out to students with failing grades to be signed by a parent and returned on Wednesday.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Vocab Chapter 17-23

Today we will have a quiz on chapters 12-16.  Your next quiz will be on Friday (3/4) on chapters 17-23.  Please complete your new vocab handout for chapters 17-23 which will also be due on Friday.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Code Switching

Jackie Robinson Essay Contest
The Jackie Robinson is awarding $100 to a 9th grade student for an essay contest.  Please see the contest details here if you are interested in participating.

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Contest
You can win $500 dollars for yourself and $250 for our class through this To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Contest.  All you need is 500 words or less on the following prompt:

How has the community you've grown up in influenced the person you are today? Has there been a moment when your sense of self has come into conflict with the norms in your community?

Click here for more details

Code Switching
Today we will learn about code switching.  Code switching is when we act differently around different groups of people.  We will look at this phenomenon in the novel and in our everyday life.

We will begin by reading this passage from chapter 12 of To Kill a Mockingbird.  Then we will read and annotate this passage from W.E.B. Dubois The Souls of Black Folk.  These will inform us on reasons why Calpurnia mist code switch and the issues facing African Americans in the early 20th century and their belonging to multiple worlds.

Then we will discuss more modern examples of code switching.  Please read the following article Learning to Code Switch by Eric Deggans.  Once you have completed please answer these response questions.  Your completed response questions will be due by next Wednesday (3/2).

Monday, February 22, 2016

Chapters 9 & 11 Close Read

Please read the following 3 important passages from your novel To Kill A Mockingbird.  Once you are finished reading please go back and put a box around any words, phrases, or sections that are confusing or you do not understand.  Next underline or highlight any moral lesson that a character learns in the sections.  Once completed please answer the following response questions completely.  A copy of your marked passages and your response questions will be due on Friday (2/26).

Friday, February 19, 2016

Identity Map Studio Art

Today is your quiz on chapters 5-11.  Here is your new vocab handout for chapters 12-16, which will be due next Friday (2/26).

This months studio art will be work on your identity map.  Please complete an identity map (similar to the one we created in class) to be turned in by next Wednesday (2/24).  Your identity map should include images next to some of the words you used to describe your identity.  You can add images to the one you already created or create a new and original identity map!  Feel free to be creative and put your own spin on it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Today we will talk about how we form our own identity.  Specifically, we will discuss how identity is formed to make us stand out, and how it helps us to fit in.  We will look at the creation of in groups and out groups and how it is shown in our novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

Please read the following 3 stories about identity.  Then you will make a map of your own identity.  Following your identity map please read the story The Walking Boy and think about in groups and out groups.  Once you have finished your reading please respond to the following questions about identity this handout will be due Friday when you arrive in class.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 1-4

iStartStrong Review
The group which gave you the test on your career interest would like feedback from a few students.  Someone will be here to discuss the test and results and whether or not you found them useful.  They are trying to find ways to improve the program.  Next Wednesday at lunch you will be given free pizza if you chose to participate.

To Kill a Mockingbird
Today is our first quiz on the novel.  Your first set of vocabulary terms are also due today.

Your next quiz will be on Friday (2/19) on chapters 5-11 (end of part 1).  You will also need to complete your next vocabulary handout which will be due that same Friday.

After our quiz and discussion we will learn about the 'Scottsboro' Boys, which was a trial which was part of the inspiration for the novel, through a historical document and reading as a class.  Please fill out the following SCUBA handout about this news article from 1931.  Then we will read an article about the real trail or the shorter version here and what happened to a group of young black men accused of a crime in the South.  Your SCUBA handout will be due by the end of the day.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

LTI Presentation

LTI Presentation
Today we will continue working on our LTI presentations, which we will present on Friday when you arrive at school.  Please go directly to your internship teacher and make sure you are ON TIME!  If you have not completed the written portion of your LTI project please look at this template.  Today you should work on completing your powerpoint (or prezi) presentation.  Please take a look at this presentation template for guidance.  Remember you must have something to show the class for your presentation (photos, video, physical item you created, etc.).  Please check the rubric so you know how you will be graded.

To Kill a Mockingbird Vocab
Today we will do a very brief intro to the novel; we will go much more in depth on Monday.  However, I want to present you with the material now since we have a short week next week.  For this unit we will have a vocabulary list each week (which should make quizzes easier!).  Please complete the following vocab chart which you will complete and turn in next Wednesday.

Monday, February 1, 2016

LTI Project

New Semester
We are all starting fresh at the new semester.  All grades have been reset and we all start new.  Now that we have a semester of experience we should all look back at what we learned last semester and understand what we want for the rest of the year.  Everyone has an opportunity to be successful and achieve the grades we want.  Now we are all familiar with the amount of effort it takes to earn the grades we desire.  We should enter this semester better adjusted and ready to work for the grades and knowledge we desire.  I am available after school as well as by appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays if you need extra help.  Do not let anything stop you from achieving your goals.

UCSD Class
You will begin your class with UCSD next Tuesday (2/9).  It will be a 2 week 1 unit course about career preparation and other important skills for your future.  This means that you will not be required to attend school or an internship.  However, this does not mean netflix & chill for those 2 days.  Make sure you are working on your LTI project and have began your independent reading book.  You should also have e-mailed or spoken to your mentor about an internship for this semester.

Book Reviews
You should have selected a new independent reading book by now, if you have not you should do so TODAY.  Your next book review will be due on March 14th.  I will also be having a book check on Monday.  With no class or internship Tuesday or Thursday this gives you plenty of time to go to the public library for your book if necessary.  Reading is a very important part of your education!

LTI Project
This Friday is your presentation of your LTI project.  Today we will work on your written reflection.  Please use the following template to help you with your writing.  On Wednesday I will give you a template for your Powerpoint presentation.  Please have your written reflection completed by Wednesday so you can focus your time on the presentation.