Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Please take a look at the rubrics for both upcoming assignments.  Take a look to make sure how you will be assessed.  If you have any questions please let me know.

Turn of Century Exam Rubric

Narrative Writing Rubric 

Today you will put the finishing touches on your writing and polish your paper.  Use this final day to add or embellish any details or conversations.  If you find yourself using "said" to often in dialogue take a look at this article 219 Words to Use Instead of Said. Little tricks like these can really enhance your writing and make it more interesting.

Before we begin today please take a look at collegeboard quickstart

Here you can see projected SAT scores, learn where you can improve, and look at what types of schools these scores make you competitive for

Finally, take a look at the exhibition schedule and please let me know what dates work best for you, your family, and your mentor.  Be aware that the schedule has changed due to the addition of two students.  Please get those to me by the end of the day on Thursday if you would like a specific date.  Otherwise they will be assigned randomly

Monday, December 16, 2013

Peer Reviews and Exam Prompt

Today you will work with a partner in class and review each others narratives.  Chose a partner and switch papers. 

Once you switch papers, begin reading identifying any confusion, mistakes in grammar, etc. Once you both finish reading and marking the paper chose who will begin their critique first.  While the editor is giving feedback the partner is SILENT and listening to the feedback.  Please do not interrupt and allow them to give you CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.  Once they are finished, and only then, you can give your response or explanation.  Then switch roles.

Turn of the Century Essay Prompt

Today we will begin our exam essay for this history unit.  I suggest that you give me an outline before the end of the day so I can help you plan your essay.  I will only be able to offer minimal help after that as this is your exam.  Your essay will be due on Friday (12/20)

Finally, today we will pass back PSAT scores.  Please take a look at your subject scores and assess any skills that you need to work on improving.  Also, take a look at your percentile among other college bound juniors.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday! Drafts Due!!

First Draft typed and ready to be edited is due today!!!  I will take a look over your drafts and make any possible suggestions before we begin peer editing on Monday.

For History I will be giving handouts for 2 sections today "Politics and Corruption at the Turn of the Century" and "Segregation and Discrimination."  Please handle the topic with care and maturity.  Both assignments will be due on Wednesday (12/18)

Politics and Corruption at the Turn of the Century

Segregation and Discrimination

On Monday you will be given your project (that will be due Friday Dec. 20th) for this history unit that will serve as your test grade.

Make sure you have your books and have been reading to prepare for book reviews.  We have a lot of work coming up at the semester including book reviews, exhibitions, ROP projects and more.  Be careful not to procrastinate. 

Finally if you have not gotten your parent introduction signed make sure you do that ASAP, and have also turned in your exhibition sheet with your preferred time to present.

Monday, December 9, 2013

New Immigrants & Dialogue Rules

Today we will look at Immigration to the United States during the turn of the century.  Please complete the hand out on new immigrants and learn about who was coming to the US, the reasons, and many of the hardships they faced.  Then you will reflect on your own experience and how you were able to arrive here in San Diego.  When did your family first come to the United States and why?  What hardships do they face when they arrived?  Speak to parents, grandparents, and any other family members or guardians to help you with this assignment.  You may write about one side of the family or both.  Do your best to get as much information as you can.

This will be due on Friday (12/13) when you arrive in class

New Immigrants

Your first draft for your narrative will be due on Friday (12/13) as well.  Use this time to work on your draft.  Please look at the 12 rules of dialogue to learn more about how to use dialogue in your story.  Check to make sure any dialogue you currently have is in the correct form.  Remember dialogue is very important to make your story more interesting and engaging.  Also, dialogue MUST be included in your story and will be part of your grade.

12 Rules of Dialogue

Friday, December 6, 2013

Show Vs. Tell & Challenges of Urbanization

Happy Friday!  Here are today's assignments

English: We will work on showing vs. telling in your writing.  This creative writing article gives an excellent overview of what that means.  It will make your writing much more dynamic and fun to read.

You will practice show vs. tell with this worksheet Show Vs. Tell

History:  Today we will look at the challenges of urbanization.  Please complete this handout and make sure you are writing in complete sentences and giving your own thoughts when asked for

Challenges of Urbanization

These will be due Wednesday (12/11) when you arrive at school.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Character Development & Big Business and Labor

We have a substitute today.  Please use your time wisely and make sure you are working on your narrative.  You should have your story planned out and begin writing.  We will start to do some peer editing next week, so make sure you are starting to write your narrative.  If you have any free time please use it to read or find a book you would like to read for your 6 week book review.  Make sure your book is either on the list or approved by me.

Today's assignments-

English:  Today we will work on character development.  Your story needs to have strong and entertaining characters to make your story exciting.  Today's lesson will help you think deeply about what motivates your characters actions.

First we will look at common character archetypes that occur in literature, and if there are any that may fit into your story. 

Then we will look more deeply at our main character and any supporting characters.  Remember that supporting characters can be used to create contrast from your main character. Or, that having two supporting characters with opposing views can show dueling conscience of your main character.  For example, in Sponge Bob the uptightness of Squidward vs. the free spirit of Patrick

Character Development

Social Studies:  We continue our look at the turn of the century.  Today we discuss the rise of big business and the conflict with labor.  Please fill out the following hand out IN COMPLETE SENTENCES

Big Business and Labor

Both assignments will be due on FRIDAY (12/6) when you come to class

Monday, December 2, 2013

Narrative Writing Assignment

Welcome back!  I hope you enjoyed your time away with friends and family.

Today we will begin a new unit in both English and Social Studies


We will start our unit on Narrative writing.  You will write a short story about a fearful situation due before winter break (12/20)

You can find the entire prompt here Narrative Writing Prompt

We will begin by creating a story planning chart that will be due on Wednesday (12/4)
A more detailed description of the elements of plot can be found here

Social Studies:

We are beginning a unit on the New Industrial Age and the Turn of the Century (Chapters 6-8)

Today we will look at the age of innovation and new technologies.  Using this chart we will learn about new innovations that came during this era, their inventors, and their importance.  The first line has been modeled for you; please complete the rest and have ready to turn in on Wednesday (12/4)

Make sure to look through all three chapters (pgs. 229-299)
The timeline at the top of page 232 may give you some ideas as well