Monday, December 2, 2013

Narrative Writing Assignment

Welcome back!  I hope you enjoyed your time away with friends and family.

Today we will begin a new unit in both English and Social Studies


We will start our unit on Narrative writing.  You will write a short story about a fearful situation due before winter break (12/20)

You can find the entire prompt here Narrative Writing Prompt

We will begin by creating a story planning chart that will be due on Wednesday (12/4)
A more detailed description of the elements of plot can be found here

Social Studies:

We are beginning a unit on the New Industrial Age and the Turn of the Century (Chapters 6-8)

Today we will look at the age of innovation and new technologies.  Using this chart we will learn about new innovations that came during this era, their inventors, and their importance.  The first line has been modeled for you; please complete the rest and have ready to turn in on Wednesday (12/4)

Make sure to look through all three chapters (pgs. 229-299)
The timeline at the top of page 232 may give you some ideas as well

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