Monday, January 27, 2014

2nd Semester!!!

Today begins our 2nd semester!  Welcome back and lets get ready to start fresh.  All of our grades are starting with a blank slate so you have the opportunity to do better (or worse) than last semester.  Take advantage of this opportunity to start strong and get the grade you deserve in your final semester.  Remember, colleges want to see your grades improving rather than going down.  Lots of things to get to today so lets start the semester strong.

First thing I want to discuss today is your SAT's.  You should all register to take the SAT on March 8th.  Registration deadline is February 7th.  You can register on Collegboard.  If you are eligible for free or reduced lunch you need to see Mrs. Hosking, ASAP, to get a fee waiver.  If you are unsure if you qualify please check with her to make sure.

Here are some resources that are available to you for SAT tutoring.  Please look at Kaplan test prep as an option.
Free Flash Cards for your Cell!  There are also numerous free sources for twitter vocab and other SAT resources on social media
Free Turbo Test
Discounts for group or individual classes
These tests are very important so take the tests seriously and work hard to study

Speaking of our SAT's for English we will be working on a practice essay.  You will be given a prompt today and we will go over organization strategies.  you will turn in the paper on Wednesday (1/29) for editing and a final draft on Friday (1/31)

For history we are beginning our section on World War I.  Today's section will discuss the causes of the war and its beginning.  We are going to take a more "traditional" route at studying this chapter.  I realize that some of us may need practice with our note taking!  So for Wednesday (1/29) you will be submitting to me detailed notes for Chapter 11 Section 1 (pg. 372)

I want to start the semester discussing book reviews!  I know how much you guys love your books!  Please start to choose your book ASAP.  For quick and easy points I will give you an assignment to bring in your book on Friday and show it to me.  This is to make sure we are getting started and avoid the rush at the end of the six weeks that many of you experienced at the semester.  Here is the list of books.  Please speak to me about books or recommendations today!  Book reviews will be due on March 7th.

Finally, I need you all to take home an ADA form for second semester to have signed by your parents.  Please return to me ASAP.

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