Tuesday, June 3, 2014

History Exam Essay Topics

Above is the link for your history exam essay topics.  On Wednesday (6/11) I will give you a handout with 4 of these short essay topics, you will choose 3 of them to write about.  You should study all the essay topics but this will allow you to eliminate one that you feel you know the least about or you feel will be most difficult.  I suggest that you write an outline for each topic in preparation.  

I expect about a 2 paragraph response to each.  Please research specific information to complete your essays, you are even encouraged to go beyond the textbook if necessary.  I will be looking for relevant and specific information to help answer each question.  Make sure that you answer the prompt completely.  Many of the topics do require you to take a stand or write your opinion, so do not be afraid to use "I" or make a statement of your beliefs.  However, you must be able to back up your opinion with concrete details and facts.  You will not be allowed to use the textbook, notes, or any other aids, only your brain!

Great Gatsby

Your rough draft of your Great Gatsby essay is due this Friday (6/6).  I want to be able to edit and give suggestions to you and make sure that you are working on your paper ahead of time rather than rushing the night before.  This is an important part of your grade an your last assignment for your junior year.  Your essay does not have to be completely finished, but must have a thesis statement that is easy for me to identify and assess.  You should also be working on your body paragraphs and plan out the 2 characters you have chosen to discuss and the moral issues those characters face.

ITP forms and Evaluations

You should all be turning in signed ITP forms from your mentor today.  If not they must be in by Friday.  If I do not receive your signed ITP form by Friday it will be taken out of my portion of your final ROP grade.  Please speak to your mentors and remind them to send me you evaluation if they have not done so already.  If you are not sure if they have completed an evaluation please see me.

Mesa College Classes

Today I will be passing out a form for those of you taking Mesa courses next year.  This form requires your signature and your parents. It must be turned in by Friday or you risk losing your ability to take those classes.


I need ADA from the following individuals.  You need to find work from the class or speak to the instructor today.

James - Math
Grecia - ROP
Chad - ROP & Computer Science
Alejandro - ROP


Please take this quick anonymous survey about your ROP class.  Please complete by the end of first period today

Transformational Thinkers Essay

Mrs. Whigham is working on her Masters and would like an example of a student work for you Transformational Thinker Essay.  If any of you still have your graded essay in your binder or stored somewhere please give it to me so I can pass it on to her and help her complete her class.  Thanks!

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