Monday, March 2, 2015

English - Research Paper Check In

Research Paper Check In
Today I am passing back your edited research paper with attached rubric.  I want you to spend first period working on edits and adding to your paper.  Put away all other assignments for other classes.  I want to be able to speak with each of you individually so I put together a schedule for this morning.  I will have to meet with many of you during IWT 2nd period.  I know 5 minutes is very short but I want to speak with everyone briefly today so if you have additional questions please see me later in the day.

Some common mistakes I have seen include:
  1. Use of "I" or "Me" should not be included in a research paper
  2. We know the ideas are yours, but you must back up your statements with facts from authoritative sources
  3. Reliance on the research or thoughts of others.  The majority of your paper should not be historical or dispelling other research
  5. If you do not cite in text it is considered plagiarism.  You must cite any information you use both in the text and in your works cited.  Numerous people did not cite correctly or at all and lost a lot of points
  6. Organization of paragraphs.  Each paragraph should have a clear purpose or point you are trying to get across
  7. Clear transitions between paragraphs/ideas
Upcoming Quizzes and Projects
You have 2 quizzes this week:
Art History on Wednesday and Economics on Friday

Independent Reading Book reviews are due next Monday.  You do not want to spend your weekend reading half of your book.  Also, please do not give a presentation where you, I, and the rest of class knows you have not read the book!!! English grades are slipping and this is your opportunity to bring them up.  Please get me a copy of your powerpoint ASAP.  You must be ready to present on Monday.  This means that no presentations will be accepted on Monday morning.  Presentations must be e-mailed to me in the correct format before midnight on Sunday!

I have noticed that many of you have already come down with a severe case of senioritis.  Especially with the new policy of no late work accepted many of you are falling behind.  Do not dig yourself a hole that you cannot get out of.  Your ability to graduate and/or walk in graduation is at stake.

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