Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Peer Editing

Open House Tonight!
Please remind your parents that open house is tonight at 5:30.  Looking forward to meeting all of your parents.

There are still a few tests available to be purchased if you are interested in taking the PSAT.  The test will be on Wednesday, October 14th during school. Taking this test will give you an opportunity to see the type of questions asked on the SAT and get you accustomed to the test.  You will also get a score which will show you how you compare to other students your age, and show you your strengths and weaknesses.  This can be valuable experience for the future.  If interested please see Mr. Moravec for more details.  The test cost is $15.

Peer Editing
Today you will be paired with a partner to review each others short stories.  I want you to take careful consideration and work hard to help out your partner.  Remember our discussion about constructive criticism.  Please refer to the the presentation regarding peer editing for more information.

For specific instructions about today's activity please refer to the peer edit checklist you and your partner will complete.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Calendering and Backwards Planning

Planners and Organization
Today we will distribute planners and discuss planning.  Being organized is an extremely important skill that leads to success.  You must make the best use of your time and be prepared for upcoming assignments.  Stay organized and managing your go a long way in helping you be a successful student.  These are skills that will be useful to you well beyond high school.

Backwards Planning
Today we learned about looking at future due dates and making checkpoints for ourselves.  Please look at the following assignments and place them in your planner and create checkpoints for each of the assignments on this list.

Weekly Calendars
Please use the following weekly calendar to plan out your time and upcoming assignments.  Weekly calendars will be due at the end of the day on Fridays, and will be picked up every Monday.  You will receive a grade each month for completion of your calendar.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Rough Draft

Today you will have both class periods to work on the rough draft of your short stories.  Please use this time to get as much of your paper done as possible.  We will be doing peer edits on Wednesday and you need a good portion of your paper complete to be edited and have suggestions made.

Your physical education is also due on Wednesday.  Make sure you have your entire packet complete.  Check out this sample reflection, if you are having trouble.

Friday, September 25, 2015


Today we will do some work for studio art and give you an opportunity to be creative.  I want you to create a storyboard for your short story.  Use the following storyboard to map out your story and add illustrations to create a visual of what your story looks like in your head.  Try to create as much detail as possible.  I will have colored pencils available for you.  Please turn in on Monday (9/28).

Once you are finished with your drawings and descriptions please continue working on the typed rough draft of your story.

Upcoming Assignments:
Storyboard 9/28
Character Development 9/28
Rough Draft (2-3 pages minimum) 9/30
PE Log 9/30

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sandra Cisneros & Figurative Language

Today we are going to look at some work by an amazing author, Sandra Cisneros.  We will be reading two short stories: Salvador Late or Early and Eleven.

After reading and discussing the stories we will talk about the use of figurative language.  We will learn about what figurative language is, and the types of figurative language.  You can look at presentation here.  Please follow along and write in your own definitions and examples on the figurative language handout.  Handout is due Friday (9/25) along with your copy of Eleven marked where you find figurative language.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Career Interest Assessment

Career Interest Assessment 
Click the following  link to take your career interest assessment

Use your time in advisory today to work on your short story.  Remember, your story planning chart is due Wednesday and your character development is due on Friday.  Please use your time today to work on those 2 assignments and begin writing the rough draft of your story.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Hero's Journey & Character Development

Wednesday is the last day to register for the PSAT.  Please see Mr. Moravec ASAP for details

Latino Student/Parent Survey
Karla Cruz, Class of 2012, is working on her senior thesis at UC Berkeley and she’s reached out for help from her Alma Mater. Karla is one of the Gates-Millennium scholars to graduate from the Met. She is majoring in Gender and Women's Studies with a minor in Education. Her thesis is on “the presence of sexual education in Mexican-American households” and she is requesting participation from our Hispanic, Mexican, and Latino parents and students to take a survey. Please consider participating and if you know others who will help out, feel free to share the link so her research will have great representation. Thanks for supporting our alumni!

Survey for Students

Survey for Parents

Hero's Journey & Character Development

Today we will continue our discussion of story structure and introduce character archetypes with an introduction to the hero's journey.  We will learn about this reoccurring story structure and how we often encounter it in movies, tv, and literature.

Then we will discuss character archetypes which are common character types that appear across a broad range of stories.  We will begin by looking over this list of character archetypes.  How many do you recognize??

Finally, you will work on developing your own character you created for your short story.  A good way to create a dynamic character is to try to understand how that character would act in all situations rather than just the ones they face in your story.  Understanding your characters basic motivations is key to creating a well rounded character.  To assist in the development of your character please complete the following character development hand out and write a short narrative about the character.  This will be due Friday (9/25) when you arrive in class.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Creative Writing

Remember to sign up for the PSAT.  Deadline to register is on Wednesday.  If you are looking for free test prep help please check out khan academy. They are also a great resource for homework help.

Free or Reduced Lunch
If you believe you may qualify for free or reduced lunch please pick up a form in the office or your parents can find the form online.

Creative Writing
 Today we will do some creative writing.  I want you to have a fun Friday where you are able to think creatively and write freely.  We will do an activity where you will get to do some writing about situations and compare the differences with other students.  I want you to get in the habit of getting ideas down on paper and worry about editing later.  You have lots of great ideas up in your head you just need to write them down!!

If you are still having trouble with coming up with an idea for a short story there are lots of resources available here.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Short Story Writing Prompt & PE Instructions

Short Story Prompt
Today we will begin planning out our short stories.  The prompt or instructions should be reviewed carefully.  Once you have reviewed the prompt start brainstorming about what you would like your story to be about.  To help organize your ideas please complete the following story planning chart.  Please turn in your story planning chart by Wednesday (9/23).  We will be working on lessons to help develop your story but you will need to use time during IWT or after school to start working on your writing.  Your first draft of the story will be due on September 30th.

PE Log
Please complete the following PE handout. These must be completed each month.  Due dates are available on the course syllabus.  It is your responsibility to keep track of dates, turn them in, and pick up a new handout each month.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Story Structure

Today we will look at story and plot structure.  This will help us understand how stories we read are structured and inform us in how we begin to write our own stories.

Before we begin, I uploaded this video of President Obama discussing how we learn and the importance of different points of view on college campuses.  While he does speak specifically about colleges he makes a point that should apply to your learning here at the Met.  We have talked in class about the importance of discussion in class and being open to other ideas, and in this video the president lays out why.  It is extremely important, this year and throughout your educational career, that you not learn only from the teacher but other students as well.  You have all had drastically different lives and upbringings and have many different, and sometimes opposing, views on issues.  It is important to share those experiences and viewpoints with other students in class.  You have a lot to learn from one another and it is key to your education to try and put yourself in another persons shoes from time to time.  That is why I encourage you to listen to your classmates and carefully consider each others opinions and choose books that about topics or characters outside of your normal comfort zone.  Be bold and curious in your learning.

Please sign up for the PSAT which will be held on October 14th.  The cost is $15, if you would like to test and your family has trouble coming up with the money please speak with or e-mail Mrs. Leonard.  I encourage you all to take the test.  Deadline to register is next Wednesday so sign up soon in the office with Mr. Moravec

Independent Reading Books
I have pushed back the date for you to get your independent reading book to Monday (9/21) I know it may be difficult for some of you to get to the library so I have given you the weekend.

Make up Pictures
The following students need to have their picture taken and receive their student ID card:
Please report to room K206 on Friday September 25th at 9:00am

Story Structure
Today we will learn about story and plot structure and how to create a good story.  Here is the PowerPoint we will go over and discuss.  Once finish please complete the following story structure chart for one of the two short stories we read on Monday Indian Camp or Tell-Tale Heart.  Please turn in the story structure chart by Friday (9/18).  Remember to write in complete sentences.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Library Day

Today students will be going to the Mesa library to get their ID cards which will allow them to check out materials from the LRC.

To look to see if a book you want is available please search the Mesa Library catalog

Please see below for your scheduled time:
Last Name
First Name
Hernandez Lopez
Last Name
First Name
Delphinia (Isabel)
Last Name
First Name
Lacy, Jr.
Joey (Ronald)
Henry (Kyoshi)

Another way to get your independent reading book is through the public library.  Through this site you can search for books (top right search bar) and put books on hold to pick up at your convenience.  You must have a library card (free) to check out books.  Be aware of late fees!!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Short Stories

Today is our first academic day in our advisories.  Before we begin we will go over a few items including laptops, passes, and sign some paperwork.

You must return a signed syllabus, ADA master agreement, and PE agreement by Friday (9/18).  You must also show me a copy of your independent reading book (or shipping receipt) by Friday

Today we will begin by reading short stories.  We will read Indian Camp by Ernest Hemingway and Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe.  Through these stories we will begin our discussions about literature by discussing writing style and story structure.

Once you have completed reading the stories please fill out the following SDQR chart, one for each story.  Your SDQR charts will be due on Friday (9/18) at the beginning of 4th period

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Welcome new Met students.  I am very excited to begin a new year with a new group of students.  We will be spending a lot of time together the next 4 years and I am looking forward to meeting all of you.

You have all been giving an amazing opportunity to come to this school.  I want to make sure we all take advantage of this opportunity and start off on the right foot.  I look forward to many successful years together.

Today, we will be getting to know each other and the expectations for the class.  We will be going over the syllabus, which can be found on the right hand side of the blog, as well as some of the class assignments.  One of the important assignments we will discuss is the independent reading books.  Please take a look at some of your options on the reading list and the presentation instructions that can be found on the right hand side of the blog.

If interested please take another look at this video we will watch today about why we read: