Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Story Structure

Today we will look at story and plot structure.  This will help us understand how stories we read are structured and inform us in how we begin to write our own stories.

Before we begin, I uploaded this video of President Obama discussing how we learn and the importance of different points of view on college campuses.  While he does speak specifically about colleges he makes a point that should apply to your learning here at the Met.  We have talked in class about the importance of discussion in class and being open to other ideas, and in this video the president lays out why.  It is extremely important, this year and throughout your educational career, that you not learn only from the teacher but other students as well.  You have all had drastically different lives and upbringings and have many different, and sometimes opposing, views on issues.  It is important to share those experiences and viewpoints with other students in class.  You have a lot to learn from one another and it is key to your education to try and put yourself in another persons shoes from time to time.  That is why I encourage you to listen to your classmates and carefully consider each others opinions and choose books that about topics or characters outside of your normal comfort zone.  Be bold and curious in your learning.

Please sign up for the PSAT which will be held on October 14th.  The cost is $15, if you would like to test and your family has trouble coming up with the money please speak with or e-mail Mrs. Leonard.  I encourage you all to take the test.  Deadline to register is next Wednesday so sign up soon in the office with Mr. Moravec

Independent Reading Books
I have pushed back the date for you to get your independent reading book to Monday (9/21) I know it may be difficult for some of you to get to the library so I have given you the weekend.

Make up Pictures
The following students need to have their picture taken and receive their student ID card:
Please report to room K206 on Friday September 25th at 9:00am

Story Structure
Today we will learn about story and plot structure and how to create a good story.  Here is the PowerPoint we will go over and discuss.  Once finish please complete the following story structure chart for one of the two short stories we read on Monday Indian Camp or Tell-Tale Heart.  Please turn in the story structure chart by Friday (9/18).  Remember to write in complete sentences.

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