Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Essay Templates

Use the following templates to assist you in writing your Of Mice and Men essay.  Paper versions are also available in class.

Intro Template
Body Paragraph Template
Conclusion Template

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sample Of Mice and Men Essay

Here is a sample essay for Of Mice and Men that I wrote.  Please take a look and we will critique and discuss in class.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Circular Plot Structure & Final Project

Circular Plot Structure
Today we will discuss Steinbeck's use of circular plot structure and foreshadowing in Of Mice and Men.  Complete the following handout and answer the questions on the back.  The assignment is due by next Wednesday (5/25).

Final Project
Click here for you options for your final project for our Of Mice and Men unit.  You can use the following handout to begin preparing and outlining your essay.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Characters and Allegory

I want you to look in depth at one of the main characters from our novel Of Mice and Men.  To help understand your character better you will create a facebook page for one of the following characters: Lennie, George, Curley, Curley's Wife, Crooks, or Candy.  You can use the following template or create your own more creative version.  Each page MUST include the following:
About Me (age, where they're from, where they work, etc.)
Interests (at least 3)
Posts on their wall (at least 5) (can be posts from friends, status updates, posted links, etc.)

Next, we will look more at the concept of allegory, which we discussed on Monday.  You will create an outline for an allegorical story about the themes from the novel.  You are going to create your own allegory about the American dream set in modern times.  See my example here.  Your story must contain a setting, at least 5 characters, and an explanation of the theme or message.  Please think carefully and complete the following handout.  Your story can take place in places such as  a big business like Wal Mart, a college campus, an apartment building, a suburb, a mall, a high school, etc.  Remember, the message must deal with themes from the novel of The American dream and loneliness.

Both assignments are due by next Wednesday (5/25) when you arrive in class.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Allegory and Surveys

Please complete the following survey on Exhibitions during your IWT.  The survey will help teachers to improve the exhibition process and make exhibitions as beneficial and interesting to you as we can.

At the beginning of 4th period please complete the following survey about your internships.  This will help to understand what benefits the internship program has and look for any improvements we may want to make.

Today we will learn about symbolism and allegory and what we can learn about Of Mice and Men.  We will go over this allegory and symbolism powerpoint.  Once we have gone through the powerpoint together you will complete the following handout on allegory in Of Mice and Men.  Please turn in by Friday along with your vocabulary.

Resource Fair for Students with IEP's or 504 Plans
On May 31st the school district will host a resource fair about options for students with IEP's or 504 plans for after high school.  If you are interested in information about transitioning after high school please see this flyer for more info

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Graphic Design Contest
The Community Service Association (CSA) is hosting a logo creation contest.  Top 3 entries will win a cash prize of up to $300.  Click here for details 

USD Cyber Security Summer Program
USD is hosting a free (paid for by the NSA) week long summer program on cyber security.  For more information and application click here 

USD also has other paid summer programs available

Computational Biology Summer Camp
Week long summer camp for students interested in biology, medicine, and computers.  Click here for details.

College Expert at the Met!
Monday May 23rd at 6:30 we will have college expert Lynn O'Shaughnessy to discuss the college application process and how to select the right college.  More details to come.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The American Dream

On Monday we learned about the lives of migrant farm workers to give us context to our story.  Today we will discuss the American Dream.  In our story, George and Lennie are after their version of the American Dream.  What is the American Dream?  What does the American Dream mean to you?

We will do a brief pre writing activity and discuss our responses.  Than we will look at the following article that describes opinions of Americans on the American Dream.  Then we will read another article which people describe what the American Dream means to them.

After reading and discussing I want you to do some writing on what the American Dream means to you and whether or not that dream is achievable.  Please complete the following American Dream handout and follow ALL INSTRUCTIONS.  Your assignment is due Friday (5/6).

Monday, May 2, 2016

Of Mice and Men

Today we will do a brief reflection on our exhibition we just completed.  Please think carefully about what went well for you, what areas you struggled in, and what you plan to do in the future.

Of Mice and Men
We will begin our reading of Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck with a discussion of some major themes.  You will be asked to answer some questions and then discuss your answers.

Before we begin we will learn about the life of John Steinbeck and his famous novel.  Then we will learn about the history of migrant farm workers in America to give the main characters and their struggle context.

Then we will watch a video about migrant workers in America today.  We are watching a episode of Morgan Spurlock: Inside Man the 3rd episode titled immigration.  It is available on Netflix if you are absent and cannot watch in class.

You must read the first 2 chapters of the novel (Pgs. 1-37) by Friday. Your first quiz on the reading is this Friday.  You must also complete your first vocab handout and turn it in on Friday (5/6) as well.

Summer Opportunities
Please check out these summer opportunities from the Elementary Institute of Science:
High School Programs
Future Innovators in Robotics and Engineering (FIRE) program for women

Monday, April 25, 2016

Works Cited & MLA Formatting

Exhibitions are this Friday!!!!

You paper must be in MLA format and include a Works Cited.  Please follow this MLA formatting guide for your final research paper.

There are also sites available such as EasyBib to help create citations for your Works Cited page.

You can also find all answers to MLA citation questions on the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

Please ask me if you have any questions about your works cited or need final edits/suggestions before turning in your paper on Friday.

Friday, April 22, 2016


Exhibitions are one week away!  Here are some important details about your project as we head into the showcase.  Here is your schedule for next Friday.

Here are your RUBRICS for your research paper and the showcase presentation.

Please make sure to look at the sample poster layout.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Exhibition Checklist

Please use the following exhibition checklist to check your progress.  Remember you will turn in your rough draft next Friday (4/15).

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


You will present your exhibition to fellow students, parents, teachers, educators, community members, and possibly media on April 29th.  Your exhibition will be a visual presentation and discussion of your 5 page (minimum) research paper.

For this week please turn in at least 1 (2 recommended) article reviews.  Please follow these basic instructions. Have your review ready to turn in when you arrive in class Friday.

Exhibition Research Paper Instructions
Today I passed out a packet for your reference to help guide your research paper.  please use these templates and resources to help with your formatting and writing.  Here are copies of the following:

Introduction Paragraph Template
Body Paragraph Template
Conclusion Template
MLA Citation Guide
MLA Formatting Guide

If you are having trouble with any aspect of your research paper please let me know (e-mail or in person) ASAP.  The exhibition will be a large part of your semester grade and you want to be prepared to answer questions during your presentation.

Visual Presentations
Finally, you may want to begin thinking about your visual presentation and begin to gather supplies.  All students must have a trifold or presentation board.  They can be purchased at any Staples or similar office supply store.  You may also want to add things like a table skirt or table cover to make your display area look nice and professional.  Remember to try and make your presentation look clean, professional, and CREATIVE.  You can store display boards in the class if you would like.  If you need financial assistance for a presentation board please talk to myself, Mr. Brandes, or Mrs. Leonard.

Mesa College Parent Meeting
This Friday at 3:10 is a MANDATORY parent meeting for students who will be taking Mesa College courses.  In the meeting Mr. Moravec will go over the requirements, what to expect, and lots of other important information about taking Mesa classes.  If your parent or guardian cannot attend please contact Mr. Moravec ASAP.

You will need to attend if you plan on taking PG 110 & PG 120 next year.  This will also allow you to begin taking the college classes of your choice Junior year.  Remember, this will save you time and money in the future!  Also remember that your ability to take college courses depends on a recommendation from Mr. Moravec and myself.

Even if you are not planning on taking college courses next year it is important for your parents to attend.  This meeting will cover you for taking college courses anytime in the future here at the Met.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Peer Edits

PE for April
This month we will take a different approach to our PE assignment.  You will chose one of the documentaries to watch about health and write a reflection.  Instructions here

Peer Edit Instructions
Today we will work to peer edit the rough drafts of our essay.  Peer edit instructions can be found here.  You can also see the rubric for your essay here.

Please refer to the following links to help with your edits:
How to integrate quotes
MLA Formatting Instructions

Monday, March 21, 2016

Mockingbird Essay Conclusion

Please use the following template for you essay conclusion.

You will need 3 copies of your rough draft ready for peer edits on Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Intro

Splash Courses at UCSD
The UCSD school of medicine is offering a day of courses for high schoolers only for only $10.  Splash @ UCSD is a series of courses offered at UCSD that cover a wide array of topics that may interest you.  You can take up to 7 courses from numerous topics including video game design, magic, politics, science, engineering, and more.  See the full course listing here.

To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Intro
Today in class we will begin writing our essay intro and first body paragraph.  Please use the following introduction paragraph template to organize you ideas.  Once finished you can move on and begin writing your first body paragraph using this template.  Please have both completed by Friday (3/18).

Monday, March 14, 2016

To Kill a Mockongbird Essay Prompt

Independent Reading Books
Today is your presentation of your independent reading book review.  This means that it is time to chose a new book to read for the next 6 weeks.  Your next book review presentation will be on May 9th.  There have also been some additions to the reading list as well as new themes listed for each book.  I hope this will help you to better sort through the books and find something that you will enjoy reading.  Please bring your new book to class for a book check next Monday (3/21).

Studio Art
For studio art please create your own cover for our novel To Kill a Mockingbird.  Please be creative and artistic.  The cover must contain the title of the book and name of the author.  Turn in to the box by Friday (3/18).

Essay Prompt
Please carefully read your prompt for your essay.  After we discuss the prompt please complete this outline to start organizing your essay.  Then you will search in the book for relevant quotes that you will include in your essay.  Please complete the outline and turn it in on Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

We Need to Talk About Injustice

Mentor Appreciation Lunch
Friday is the mentor appreciation luncheon.  We ask that ALL students dress for success for the luncheon.  After 4th period all students will go to the area in front of G101.  There will be buffet style lunch provided.  Please sit with your current or former mentor if they are present.

Panera Fundraiser Tonight!
Please support our school by eating at Panera TONIGHT between 4 and 8 pm.  Present this flyer to make sure money goes to our school.

Summer Science Program on Catalina Island
A program through USC is hosting a week long summer science camp on Catalina Island at no cost to students.  Students will learn about the ocean and marine life at the USC Dornslife campus on Catalina island.  The site is a marine protected area that includes snorkling, research, and other amazing activities.  Please click here for more details.

We Need to Talk About Injustice
Today we will finish our close read of the closing argument in the case of Tom Robinson.  then we will look at injustice that still goes on today and talk about our current criminal justice system.  To begin our discussion we will look at this Ted Talk from Bryan Stevenson who is the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, fighting poverty and challenging racial discrimination in the criminal justice system.

Then we will talk about the case now known as the Central Park Five, a famous case from the late 1980's in which 5 young males were improperly charged with a crime.  We will first view an interview with one of the members of the Central Park Five, Yusef Salaam.

A full documentary on the Central Park Five is available streaming on Netflix now.  I encourage you to watch it when you have time.

Once we have completed our videos and discussion I would like you to answer the following reflection questions.  Please turn in your response along with your annotations for the closing arguments on Friday (3/11).

Monday, March 7, 2016

Atticus Closing Statement Close Read

School Survey
Today we will be taking a survey about our school site.  Please carefully consider your answers and respond honestly.  Please sign in to your google classroom and then click here to take the survey.

Atticus Closing Statement Close Read
Please follow directions on the handout and read the closing statements of Atticus from your novel.  Once you have completed the close read please complete the reflection.  Follow all directions and turn in your assignment on Wednesday (3/9).

Vocab Ch. 24 - End
Vocab handout for Ch. 24 - End.  Due Friday (3/11) 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Moral Development

Fitness Gram
Please wear athletic clothes to school THIS FRIDAY!  We will be taking the fitness gram so come ready to work out!

Moral Development
Today we will learn about Kohlberg's theory of moral development.  We will look at some interesting moral dilemmas and discuss our opinions of the situation.  Please look at the following presentation to learn about Kohlberg and his theory of moral development.  Once you are done learning about the different stages of moral development please complete the following response questions.  Follow the directions carefully.  Your response will be due on Friday (3/4).

Monday, February 29, 2016

Business Essentials & Make Up Day

Fitness Gram
This Friday all freshman will be taking the fitness gram during periods 1 & 2.  Students will be required to do physical fitness tests including the mile run, sit ups, and push ups.  Please wear clothes that you will be comfortable working out in on Friday.  You may bring a change of clothes if necessary.

PE Contract
Please have your parents sign the new semester PE contract and return to me on Wednesday.

Make Up Work
Please check powerschool or the posted grades in class.  You have the opportunity to make up any missing work or low scores that are indicated by a highlight on the posted grades.  You may also use the time to work on your assignments due on Wednesday or Friday.  Your final option is to do reading for either To Kill a Mockingbird or your independent reading book.

Contracts will be passed out to students with failing grades to be signed by a parent and returned on Wednesday.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Vocab Chapter 17-23

Today we will have a quiz on chapters 12-16.  Your next quiz will be on Friday (3/4) on chapters 17-23.  Please complete your new vocab handout for chapters 17-23 which will also be due on Friday.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Code Switching

Jackie Robinson Essay Contest
The Jackie Robinson is awarding $100 to a 9th grade student for an essay contest.  Please see the contest details here if you are interested in participating.

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Contest
You can win $500 dollars for yourself and $250 for our class through this To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Contest.  All you need is 500 words or less on the following prompt:

How has the community you've grown up in influenced the person you are today? Has there been a moment when your sense of self has come into conflict with the norms in your community?

Click here for more details

Code Switching
Today we will learn about code switching.  Code switching is when we act differently around different groups of people.  We will look at this phenomenon in the novel and in our everyday life.

We will begin by reading this passage from chapter 12 of To Kill a Mockingbird.  Then we will read and annotate this passage from W.E.B. Dubois The Souls of Black Folk.  These will inform us on reasons why Calpurnia mist code switch and the issues facing African Americans in the early 20th century and their belonging to multiple worlds.

Then we will discuss more modern examples of code switching.  Please read the following article Learning to Code Switch by Eric Deggans.  Once you have completed please answer these response questions.  Your completed response questions will be due by next Wednesday (3/2).

Monday, February 22, 2016

Chapters 9 & 11 Close Read

Please read the following 3 important passages from your novel To Kill A Mockingbird.  Once you are finished reading please go back and put a box around any words, phrases, or sections that are confusing or you do not understand.  Next underline or highlight any moral lesson that a character learns in the sections.  Once completed please answer the following response questions completely.  A copy of your marked passages and your response questions will be due on Friday (2/26).

Friday, February 19, 2016

Identity Map Studio Art

Today is your quiz on chapters 5-11.  Here is your new vocab handout for chapters 12-16, which will be due next Friday (2/26).

This months studio art will be work on your identity map.  Please complete an identity map (similar to the one we created in class) to be turned in by next Wednesday (2/24).  Your identity map should include images next to some of the words you used to describe your identity.  You can add images to the one you already created or create a new and original identity map!  Feel free to be creative and put your own spin on it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Today we will talk about how we form our own identity.  Specifically, we will discuss how identity is formed to make us stand out, and how it helps us to fit in.  We will look at the creation of in groups and out groups and how it is shown in our novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

Please read the following 3 stories about identity.  Then you will make a map of your own identity.  Following your identity map please read the story The Walking Boy and think about in groups and out groups.  Once you have finished your reading please respond to the following questions about identity this handout will be due Friday when you arrive in class.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 1-4

iStartStrong Review
The group which gave you the test on your career interest would like feedback from a few students.  Someone will be here to discuss the test and results and whether or not you found them useful.  They are trying to find ways to improve the program.  Next Wednesday at lunch you will be given free pizza if you chose to participate.

To Kill a Mockingbird
Today is our first quiz on the novel.  Your first set of vocabulary terms are also due today.

Your next quiz will be on Friday (2/19) on chapters 5-11 (end of part 1).  You will also need to complete your next vocabulary handout which will be due that same Friday.

After our quiz and discussion we will learn about the 'Scottsboro' Boys, which was a trial which was part of the inspiration for the novel, through a historical document and reading as a class.  Please fill out the following SCUBA handout about this news article from 1931.  Then we will read an article about the real trail or the shorter version here and what happened to a group of young black men accused of a crime in the South.  Your SCUBA handout will be due by the end of the day.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

LTI Presentation

LTI Presentation
Today we will continue working on our LTI presentations, which we will present on Friday when you arrive at school.  Please go directly to your internship teacher and make sure you are ON TIME!  If you have not completed the written portion of your LTI project please look at this template.  Today you should work on completing your powerpoint (or prezi) presentation.  Please take a look at this presentation template for guidance.  Remember you must have something to show the class for your presentation (photos, video, physical item you created, etc.).  Please check the rubric so you know how you will be graded.

To Kill a Mockingbird Vocab
Today we will do a very brief intro to the novel; we will go much more in depth on Monday.  However, I want to present you with the material now since we have a short week next week.  For this unit we will have a vocabulary list each week (which should make quizzes easier!).  Please complete the following vocab chart which you will complete and turn in next Wednesday.

Monday, February 1, 2016

LTI Project

New Semester
We are all starting fresh at the new semester.  All grades have been reset and we all start new.  Now that we have a semester of experience we should all look back at what we learned last semester and understand what we want for the rest of the year.  Everyone has an opportunity to be successful and achieve the grades we want.  Now we are all familiar with the amount of effort it takes to earn the grades we desire.  We should enter this semester better adjusted and ready to work for the grades and knowledge we desire.  I am available after school as well as by appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays if you need extra help.  Do not let anything stop you from achieving your goals.

UCSD Class
You will begin your class with UCSD next Tuesday (2/9).  It will be a 2 week 1 unit course about career preparation and other important skills for your future.  This means that you will not be required to attend school or an internship.  However, this does not mean netflix & chill for those 2 days.  Make sure you are working on your LTI project and have began your independent reading book.  You should also have e-mailed or spoken to your mentor about an internship for this semester.

Book Reviews
You should have selected a new independent reading book by now, if you have not you should do so TODAY.  Your next book review will be due on March 14th.  I will also be having a book check on Monday.  With no class or internship Tuesday or Thursday this gives you plenty of time to go to the public library for your book if necessary.  Reading is a very important part of your education!

LTI Project
This Friday is your presentation of your LTI project.  Today we will work on your written reflection.  Please use the following template to help you with your writing.  On Wednesday I will give you a template for your Powerpoint presentation.  Please have your written reflection completed by Wednesday so you can focus your time on the presentation.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

College Prep Info

College Prep Info for Students & Parents
College week live is a website which gives from college information including college searches, scholarship info and more.  This organization along with Teen Life Live is holding a free online college fair this Sunday.  There are a lot of interesting topics and presenters to check out.  Sign up here for more info.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Exhibition Powerpoint

Today we will be working on our exhibition presentation which you will give to the class next week.  Please use the presentation template as a guide.  Also make sure you carefully review the presentation rubric so you know how you will earn your grade.

Make sure you follow directions closely.  All sources must be completed in full MLA format!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Edit Research Paper

Met Super Bowl
Next Monday after your finals our grade level will be playing in the Met Super Bowl.  Please read the Met Super Bowl Rules to understand how the game will be played.  We need everyone to participate.  Please bring or simply wear athletic clothing and shoes to school on Monday.

Mentor Appreciation Lunch
You should have given your mentor an invitation to the mentor appreciation lunch yesterday.  If for whatever reason you did not deliver your invitation you MUST do so tomorrow.  If you have not received a card or need a new one please see Mrs. Leonard in the office.

EWE Grades
Your EWE grades have been updated with your portfolio grades from Mr. Fung from Business Essentials.  Please check powerschool to take a look at your grade.  If for some reason you did not get what you feel you earned you need to speak with Mr. Fung ASAP.

It is time to begin thinking about what you want to do for your second semester internship.  Now that you have a better idea of what an internship looks like and have had some experience think carefully about what you want to do next semester.  Think about what you liked and did not like about your current internship.  You can begin searching the database or look for an internship that you would like us to pursue.  Please see your internship teacher or Mr. Fung if you have questions or suggestions.

Research Paper Rough Draft
Today you will be given time to complete the rough draft of your research paper which is due on Friday when you return from lunch.  Please work on one of the following:
  1. Type paper into computer from handwritten templates
  2. Correctly format paper with MLA heading
  3. In text citations are included and in proper MLA format
  4. Work to elevate basic sentences
  5. Edit/Polish paper (May peer edit with a friend, MUST switch papers)
  6. Continue writing and researching
  7. Begin working on Works Cited

Friday, January 15, 2016

Exhibition Introduction Paragraph

Mentor Appreciation Day
We will have a mentor appreciation lunch to thank all of your mentors for their work with you and support of our internship program.  The Lunch will take place on March 11th from 11:30 to 1:00 here @ mesa college.

Please write a short note to your mentor inviting them to the lunch that you will hand to them at your internship on Tuesday.

Exhibition Paper and Presentation Requirements and Rubric
Please see the exhibition schedule to see what day you will need to come to school and when you will be presenting.

Your exhibition paper draft will be due next Friday (1/22).  Please take a close look at the requirements and rubric.  Make sure you follow MLA FORMAT.

Your presentation will be during finals week (see above schedule).  Here are the requirements and rubric for your presentation.  Here is a presentation template to help you format your powerpoint.

Exhibition Intro Paragraph
Today we will write the first draft of our introduction paragraph for our research paper.  Please use this intro paragraph template to write your paragraph and turn it in when we return to school on Wednesday.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Research Paper

We will begin today by talking about our research paper.  We will discuss thesis creation and the goal of our paper.

You should already have an outline for some of the main points you will be making in your paper.  Today we will start writing your body paragraphs.  Please use the following body paragraph template to write you paragraph.  A completed version of this template will be due on Wednesday when you arrive in class.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Met T Shirts & Sweatshirts
If you are interested in purchasing a Met High School T-shirt or sweatshirt you must see Mr. Brandes ASAP.  Final orders are due by Friday!

Financial Aid Night
Financial Aid Night is this Thursday from 5:30-7:30.  The meeting is intended for Seniors and Juniors but all students/parents are welcome.  If your parents are unsure about how to pay for college, or receive grants and scholarship info and would like a head start they are welcome to attend.  For more info please see the flyer.

Book Reviews
Your book reviews will be due on January 29th (a small extension).  This will be your last day of finals week so you will be very busy!!  Make sure you are about half way completed with your novel.
Internship Info
Your last day for internships will be on January 21st.  Please make sure that your mentors are aware of your final day and you give them plenty of notice. 

I would suggest that you ask for a letter of recommendation from your mentor if you feel you have done a good job and they will write you a positive one.  Letters of recommendation can be used at future interviews for internships or summer jobs.

Please bring your Business Essentials binder on Friday to give to Mr. Fung.  He would like to check them so we can enter your grades for EWE.

Make sure your time card is completely filled out as they will be collected on the 22nd and be a major part of your EWE grade.

Exhibition presentations will take place on January 26th and 28th.  Since these are a Tuesday and Thursday you will show up for a half day to present.  If you need (or prefer) one date over the other please let me know ASAP.

We will spend the next few weeks working on your exhibition project.  Your first exhibition was about doing research and presenting your research strategy.  Now we will begin writing our research paper and presenting on the information we have found.  It sounds challenging, but I will be working closely with all of you to get it done well.  The rough draft of your paper will be due on Friday January 22nd.  Specific instructions and requirements will be handed out soon.

Today we will begin by working on our plan and outline for our paper.

Monday, January 4, 2016

LTI Project

Please look at the following LTI Project Guidelines to understand what you will be presenting and graded on.  The form contains information and due dates for your project.  Make sure you are working with your mentor and myself to create a meaningful project.

To begin thinking about your internship and potential progress please complete these LTI questions about your internship.  Then as you begin to think about what you will do for your project please complete this LTI Brainstorm handout to help you get all the information you will need for your project.

Make sure you are working with your mentor on your project.  You will be presenting your project to the class on February 5th.  Remember to take pictures at your internship if you need visuals for your presentation.