Friday, January 15, 2016

Exhibition Introduction Paragraph

Mentor Appreciation Day
We will have a mentor appreciation lunch to thank all of your mentors for their work with you and support of our internship program.  The Lunch will take place on March 11th from 11:30 to 1:00 here @ mesa college.

Please write a short note to your mentor inviting them to the lunch that you will hand to them at your internship on Tuesday.

Exhibition Paper and Presentation Requirements and Rubric
Please see the exhibition schedule to see what day you will need to come to school and when you will be presenting.

Your exhibition paper draft will be due next Friday (1/22).  Please take a close look at the requirements and rubric.  Make sure you follow MLA FORMAT.

Your presentation will be during finals week (see above schedule).  Here are the requirements and rubric for your presentation.  Here is a presentation template to help you format your powerpoint.

Exhibition Intro Paragraph
Today we will write the first draft of our introduction paragraph for our research paper.  Please use this intro paragraph template to write your paragraph and turn it in when we return to school on Wednesday.

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