Tuesday, January 26, 2016

College Prep Info

College Prep Info for Students & Parents
College week live is a website which gives from college information including college searches, scholarship info and more.  This organization along with Teen Life Live is holding a free online college fair this Sunday.  There are a lot of interesting topics and presenters to check out.  Sign up here for more info.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Exhibition Powerpoint

Today we will be working on our exhibition presentation which you will give to the class next week.  Please use the presentation template as a guide.  Also make sure you carefully review the presentation rubric so you know how you will earn your grade.

Make sure you follow directions closely.  All sources must be completed in full MLA format!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Edit Research Paper

Met Super Bowl
Next Monday after your finals our grade level will be playing in the Met Super Bowl.  Please read the Met Super Bowl Rules to understand how the game will be played.  We need everyone to participate.  Please bring or simply wear athletic clothing and shoes to school on Monday.

Mentor Appreciation Lunch
You should have given your mentor an invitation to the mentor appreciation lunch yesterday.  If for whatever reason you did not deliver your invitation you MUST do so tomorrow.  If you have not received a card or need a new one please see Mrs. Leonard in the office.

EWE Grades
Your EWE grades have been updated with your portfolio grades from Mr. Fung from Business Essentials.  Please check powerschool to take a look at your grade.  If for some reason you did not get what you feel you earned you need to speak with Mr. Fung ASAP.

It is time to begin thinking about what you want to do for your second semester internship.  Now that you have a better idea of what an internship looks like and have had some experience think carefully about what you want to do next semester.  Think about what you liked and did not like about your current internship.  You can begin searching the database or look for an internship that you would like us to pursue.  Please see your internship teacher or Mr. Fung if you have questions or suggestions.

Research Paper Rough Draft
Today you will be given time to complete the rough draft of your research paper which is due on Friday when you return from lunch.  Please work on one of the following:
  1. Type paper into computer from handwritten templates
  2. Correctly format paper with MLA heading
  3. In text citations are included and in proper MLA format
  4. Work to elevate basic sentences
  5. Edit/Polish paper (May peer edit with a friend, MUST switch papers)
  6. Continue writing and researching
  7. Begin working on Works Cited

Friday, January 15, 2016

Exhibition Introduction Paragraph

Mentor Appreciation Day
We will have a mentor appreciation lunch to thank all of your mentors for their work with you and support of our internship program.  The Lunch will take place on March 11th from 11:30 to 1:00 here @ mesa college.

Please write a short note to your mentor inviting them to the lunch that you will hand to them at your internship on Tuesday.

Exhibition Paper and Presentation Requirements and Rubric
Please see the exhibition schedule to see what day you will need to come to school and when you will be presenting.

Your exhibition paper draft will be due next Friday (1/22).  Please take a close look at the requirements and rubric.  Make sure you follow MLA FORMAT.

Your presentation will be during finals week (see above schedule).  Here are the requirements and rubric for your presentation.  Here is a presentation template to help you format your powerpoint.

Exhibition Intro Paragraph
Today we will write the first draft of our introduction paragraph for our research paper.  Please use this intro paragraph template to write your paragraph and turn it in when we return to school on Wednesday.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Research Paper

We will begin today by talking about our research paper.  We will discuss thesis creation and the goal of our paper.

You should already have an outline for some of the main points you will be making in your paper.  Today we will start writing your body paragraphs.  Please use the following body paragraph template to write you paragraph.  A completed version of this template will be due on Wednesday when you arrive in class.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Met T Shirts & Sweatshirts
If you are interested in purchasing a Met High School T-shirt or sweatshirt you must see Mr. Brandes ASAP.  Final orders are due by Friday!

Financial Aid Night
Financial Aid Night is this Thursday from 5:30-7:30.  The meeting is intended for Seniors and Juniors but all students/parents are welcome.  If your parents are unsure about how to pay for college, or receive grants and scholarship info and would like a head start they are welcome to attend.  For more info please see the flyer.

Book Reviews
Your book reviews will be due on January 29th (a small extension).  This will be your last day of finals week so you will be very busy!!  Make sure you are about half way completed with your novel.
Internship Info
Your last day for internships will be on January 21st.  Please make sure that your mentors are aware of your final day and you give them plenty of notice. 

I would suggest that you ask for a letter of recommendation from your mentor if you feel you have done a good job and they will write you a positive one.  Letters of recommendation can be used at future interviews for internships or summer jobs.

Please bring your Business Essentials binder on Friday to give to Mr. Fung.  He would like to check them so we can enter your grades for EWE.

Make sure your time card is completely filled out as they will be collected on the 22nd and be a major part of your EWE grade.

Exhibition presentations will take place on January 26th and 28th.  Since these are a Tuesday and Thursday you will show up for a half day to present.  If you need (or prefer) one date over the other please let me know ASAP.

We will spend the next few weeks working on your exhibition project.  Your first exhibition was about doing research and presenting your research strategy.  Now we will begin writing our research paper and presenting on the information we have found.  It sounds challenging, but I will be working closely with all of you to get it done well.  The rough draft of your paper will be due on Friday January 22nd.  Specific instructions and requirements will be handed out soon.

Today we will begin by working on our plan and outline for our paper.

Monday, January 4, 2016

LTI Project

Please look at the following LTI Project Guidelines to understand what you will be presenting and graded on.  The form contains information and due dates for your project.  Make sure you are working with your mentor and myself to create a meaningful project.

To begin thinking about your internship and potential progress please complete these LTI questions about your internship.  Then as you begin to think about what you will do for your project please complete this LTI Brainstorm handout to help you get all the information you will need for your project.

Make sure you are working with your mentor on your project.  You will be presenting your project to the class on February 5th.  Remember to take pictures at your internship if you need visuals for your presentation.