Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Welcome Parents!

Welcome all parents.  Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and visit.  Please sign in, take a look around class, and have a seat.  I want to introduce myself and tell you about a few things before I open it up to any questions.
  •  Introduction
  •  Class Blog
  •  Internships
  •  Classes
  •  Independent Reading Books
  •  Laptops
  •  Absences
  •  Tardiness
  •  Senior Activities/Fund Raising

Know Your Representatives!

Today we will continue looking at the Legislative Branch of government.  We previously found out how a bill becomes a law.  Now we will learn about what Congress is and who represents you.  First you will look at the basic make up of congress; including key facts and terms.  Then you will find out who is your local representative.  You recently wrote about the importance of free speech in a democracy, and many of you voiced the importance of voting and being politically active.  You will be asked to find out who is your current representative and who they will be running against in the upcoming election.  You will do some research on the candidates and decide who you would (or if you are 18 will!) vote for.  Please complete the following handout and turn it in Wednesday (10/8) when you arrive to class.  You can use the following links to aid in your search:
Find your Representative
Open Congress
Candidate List for SD County Election November 4th

College Applications
Applications for Cal State Schools begins today! Log into CSU Mentor to begin your application process if you plan to apply.  It is important to get started early to make sure you have everything ready well in advance and ready to submit.  Remember, the schools servers begin to overload and crash the day before so don't delay!

UC applications are not able to submit until Nov. 1st.  However, you can still begin filling out your application online.  Again, you want to get started early to make sure everything is in line and you can correct any errors or get all the information you may need from the counseling office.

Good Luck!

Holiday Club
Some of your fellow students are putting together 'Holiday Club.'  I have small flyers for you, sign ups are in Rm 213 if you are interested or would like to learn more.

Senior Portraits
If you have not done so already you NEED to schedule your senior portrait.

Election Workers
If you are one of the students interested in working at a polling station please return the signed hand out.

If you are absent make sure that you have a parent call and excuse your absence.  Remember you will not be allowed to make up work for an unexcused absence.  It will be considered late and not accepted if your absence is not excused.

Subsidiary Agreements
Still need agreements from the following:
Sam Barbour
Chad Benner (Syllabus)
Alejandro Espinoza
Austin Lopez
Please see me if you need another copy.  Your name will not come down until it is turned in.

Upcoming Assignments
Ancient Art of South & Southeast Asia (Due Friday When You Arrive)
JD Salinger Bio (Due Friday by the End of the School Day)
Catcher in the Rye Quiz Chapters 1-4 (Monday)
Independent Reading Book Presentations

Monday, September 29, 2014

JD Salinger

JD Salinger
Today we will begin our reading of Catcher in the Rye.  We will start by looking at the author of the novel JD Salinger and get some insight into his life.  Many issues and themes that we find in Catcher in the Rye are seen throughout Salinger's life.  Like the novels main character, Holden Caulfield, Salinger was kicked out of school and sent to a military academy.  He also experienced extreme trauma in his life as a soldier during WWII; engaging in battle and witnessing the horror of the holocaust.  Please read the following two articles about his life, a NY Times Obituary following his death in 2010 and a Vanity Fair article on how fighting in WWII changed Salinger and his popular main character.  Once finished please write a one page response to the articles.  Include details of his early life, post war experience, and conclude with your opinions of his journey. Paper will be due Friday (10/3) at the end of the day
JD Salinger, Enigmatic Author of 'The Catcher in the Rye,' Dies at 91
He's No Phony: How Fighting in WWII Changed JD Salinger and Holden Caulfield

Catcher in the Rye
Please collect your copy of the book.  We will have a quiz on Monday (10/6) on the first 4 chapters.  The quiz will be multiple choice and include a short section on vocabulary.  I will pick 2-3 words from the novel and present them to you in context from the novel.  This means you should look up any words you come across that you do not know.  Questions will be specific and I will make sure that they are not available on SparkNotes.

Ancient Art of South & Southeast Asia
Please complete the following handout and turn it in at the beginning of the day on Friday (10/3)
Ancient Art of South & Southeast Asia

New Presentation Standards
All presentation rubrics will now include points for being an attentive audience member.  Any students drawing, doing other homework, or talking, will lose points for themselves and their group.  It is rude to simply ignore your fellow classmates when they are presenting.  Also, powerpoints or other visuals will be due the night before the presentation.  As you can tell we have a limited amount of time and cannot waste time trying to get started.

Subsidiary Agreement
I still need subsidiary agreements from the following:
Sam Barbour
Chad Benner (Syllabus also)
Alejandro Espinoza
Austin Lopez

Friday, September 26, 2014

Ancient Greek Art Presentation Today

Ancient Greek Art Presentation
Be ready to present when you come in today on your style of Ancient Greek art.  Make sure you turn in the handout to my box as well to gain full credit.

Scholarships on FastWeb
You should be working on applying for scholarships anytime you are free in class!  Please sign up here at FastWeb and take a look at scholarship opportunities.  This is a great resource to find scholarships, and they will match you with scholarships that meet your interests or strengths.  There is lots of $ out there available to you if you put in the effort to get it.

Due Monday
Your paper on why you think freedom of speech is essential to a democracy and your paper on congress and the process of how to create a law are both due on Monday when you arrive at school.

Book Reviews
Our first book review presentation is fast approaching!  The due date is October 17th, meaning you only have 3 weeks to complete your book and prepare your presentation.  You should be at least half way through your book at this point.  Remember this is a large part of your English grade.

Catcher in the Rye
We will begin Catcher in the Rye on Monday.  If you would like to get ahead you may take your book today.  We will begin reading Chapters 1-4 on Monday and have a quiz on those sections Friday.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Legislative Process

Mesa College Classes
If you are currently in a Mesa college class you will be meeting in room 206 at 8:45 to talk about classes for next semester.  Think about courses that will meet general ed requirements that will save you TIME & MONEY$$$ in the future.

LRC Booksale
Today from 9am-2pm there will be a cash only booksale.  They will be selling paperback books for only $0.50.  Take a second to see if any books from the list may be available or any books you may be interested in reading on your own time.  Here is the flyer.

ADA Subsidiary
I still need signed subsidiary agreements from the following students:
Sam Barbour                      Chad Benner          Frida Durazo
Alejandro Espinoza            Austin Lopez         TreVon Skinner

Legislative Process
We have finished looking at the Constitution and Bill of Rights and will move on to discuss the three branches of government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.  We will start by looking at the legislative branch and the process of how a bill becomes a law!
 Please take a look at this Legislative Process Chart about the legislative process and creating law.  Then you will use the following Descriptions to complete the handout.  You will enter the descriptions into the blanks provided by the chart.  This can be a complex process, while the schoolhouse rock video is clever and informative, you will need to do your own research.  Please use your government textbook, or online resources to complete the assignment.  This will be due on Monday (9/29) when you arrive in class.

Upcoming Assignments
  • Personal Statement Final Draft - Today
  • Ancient Greek Art Handout and Presentation - Friday (9/26)
    • Make sure you are ON TIME and ready to present 
  • Freedom of Speech Paper - Monday (9/29)
  • Legislative Process Handout - Monday (9/29)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Freedom of Speech

Tardy policy has changed.  Students who are 5 minutes late or less to class will owe me 5 minutes after school.  Any student that arrives more than 5 minutes later will owe me 15 minutes after school.

Personal Statements
Personal statements are due on Wednesday.  If you need help with editing please let me know.

Ancient Greek Art
The handout as well as your group presentation for the chapter on ancient Greek art is due this Friday.  Make sure your presentations are polished and well prepared.  Make sure to clearly explain your style and why the pieces you chose demonstrate that style.

Freedom of Speech
Today we will do a lesson on free speech.  It will discuss issues that have come up in government as well as introduce the novel we will begin reading next week The Catcher in the Rye

Your assignment is to write a 3 paragraphs about why freedom of speech is essential to a democracy.  I expect your paper to have an introduction that contains a thesis statement, concrete details, and a conclusion with your opinion.  The paper will be due on Monday (9/29).

Friday, September 19, 2014

Bill of Rights Presentations Today

Presentations Today!
Today we will be hearing from all groups about their topics on Bill of Rights issues that affect teens

ADA Subsidiary Agreements
Please turn in all signed subsidiary agreements to me today. If you do not have them you MUST return them to me on Monday signed.

Late Work
As a reminder, NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.  Please work something out with me if you are falling behind on any assignments.  Issues with computers, books, printers, etc. need to be worked out before the assignment is due.  All assignments and due dates are posted on the board in class and here on the blog.  Ignorance is no excuse.

Senior Portraits
Many of you still need to schedule an appointment to have your senior portrait taken.  That needs to be taken care of today!  Please see the links below for information.  If you have an issue with payment please see Mr. Brandes or Mrs. Leonard

Please continue your work on personal statements, as well as your Ancient Greek art handout and presentation.  For those of you applying to a 4 year university directly this year please continue to work on you college checklist.  If you plan on attending a 2 year college (community college) don't worry about completing it, applications don't begin until Spring.  If you have questions about reach, safety, and middle of the road schools for you please come see me.  Applications are coming up and you need to be educated about your possibilities.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Upcoming Assignments

Personal Statements
Today you will all be getting your personal statements with some edits and suggestions.  Please review suggestions and make the appropriate changes.  Some of you have very few while others need to think about changing the focus of your papers.  To give you a few extra days to work on corrections I will make the final drafts due on Wednesday (9/24).  Please come and see me if you need help or explanations on some of my comments.

ADA everyone's favorite is back!  Please fill out the appropriate boxes, have your parents sign, and then return to me Friday.

College Classes
Those of you with Mesa college classes need to quickly write down your Mesa class schedule and give it to me ASAP

College Checklist
For those of you planning to attend a 4 year university need to complete the following assignment.  you need to select the colleges you plan on applying to.  Your list should contain between 3 and 10 schools, and include some safety schools and some reach schools.  Once you have decided please fill out the following spreadsheet using these instructions.  This will help you stay organized with your applications.  Please complete by Wednesday (9/24)

Book Check
I need to see that everyone has an independent reading book.  If you do not have one yet I fear you are behind!  You need to check with me about choosing a book ASAP.  Book presentations will be a large part of your total English grade.  not participating may result in failure of the class.

Upcoming Due Dates
Ancient Egypt Art History - Due Today
Bill of Rights Court Case Presentation - Due Friday (9/19)
Personal Statement Final Draft - Due Wednesday (9/24)
Ancient Greek Art Handout and Presentation - Due Friday (9/26)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Picture Day!

Picture Day
Today is picture day and our class will go down to take pictures in room 206 at 9am.  Today's photos are for your school ID card, which is free for you this year.  If you would like to order prints of these photos please fill out the info before you head down to room 206.  If you have questions about senior portraits please follow the link for more information.  Here is a flyer with contact info and pricing.  We have a lot of info to get to before we head down for photos.

Constitution Day
Mesa College is celebrating Constitution Day throughout the week.  Since we are working on learning about the Constitution this week please check out any of the following displays that may interest you.  If your schedule permits and you go see the presentation by Richard Ochoa on Wednesday and do I short write up about what you found most interesting I will give you 5 extra points.  Follow the link for details.

I have edited or given suggestions to all of your personal statements.  I want you to spend time this week perfecting them.  Please submit your final draft for both essay prompts to me typed, double spaced by Friday (9/19)

Bill of Rights Assignment
After our presentation on the Bill of Rights we had on Friday you will get to research and analyze your own court cases that affect the rights of teens.  Please take a look at the following Bill of Rights Presentation Assignment.  Please get in groups of 4 and select which case most interests you, first come first serve.  Please be smart and take care when selecting your groups.  Work with students who have similar schedules or availability.  I am trusting you all to self-select your groups and be responsible.  If it becomes clear that you cannot choose your own groups I will begin choosing them for you.  The presentation will be Friday morning (9/19) at the beginning of class.

Art History
Today we will begin our look at Ancient Greek art.  Please complete the following guided reading from the Art Through the Ages book.  Again please get into groups of 4 for a presentation.  Please read the following instruction for the presentation.  Each group will select a topic from the list to present on and teach the class; again topics are first come first serve.  This presentation will be prepared to present at the beginning of school on Friday (9/26).

Do Something!
DoSomething.org offers scholarships for students like you!  Take a look at some of the interesting campaigns you can become involved in and potentially earn money for college

Short Day
Today is a short day due to heat.  Please use this extra time wisely!  I suggest applying for at least one scholarship and/or doing some reading.  If you haven't started your book you are behind!  I would calculate how many pages you should be reading daily on average to give you a good idea of where you need to be.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Announcements & Bill of Rights!

This afternoon you will be meeting with your internship advisor to discuss your plans for this year.  Remember, you want to be involved in internships that will boost your resume or lead to potential future employment.    If you have not filled out the student internship questionnaire you need to do so BEFORE your meeting.  If you are not sure who your advisor is please see me before the end of the day.  You should be spending your time on Tuesday's and Thursday's looking up potential internships.  Think about discussing potential projects at your meeting today.

Picture Day
Picture day is on Monday, so come prepared and looking your best!  I'll pass out information on how to order your pictures if you would like.  If you have questions about your senior portrait please speak with them on Monday.

Last day to get credit for bringing in your signed syllabus.  I need a signed copy with your parents preferred method of contact ASAP.

Today's Lesson
Today we will begin with a Government lesson on the Bill of Rights.  Then you will be given an assignment to present as a group next Friday.  Presentation & Assignment

Due Today
Your 2 personal statement rough drafts are due by the end of the day today.  Your Constitution assignment is also due today.  In the future please pay attention to assignments due at the beginning or the end of the day.  Be aware many assignments are due in the morning when you arrive in class.

What You Should Be Working On
Create Scholarships.com log-in
Personal Statement (Due Today)
Constitution Work Sheet (Due Today)
Art History Ancient Egypt (Due Wednesday 9/17)
Bill of Rights Presentation (Due Friday 9/19)
Content Classes (Math, Science, Spanish)
Mesa College Course
Read Independent Reading Book

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Info! Procedures, Scholarships, and More

Lots to discuss today:

Make sure you get your parents to sign the syllabus and have it turned in by Friday (9/12).  Those of you who turn in on time will receive points.  Put a reminder in your phone or whatever you need to do to remember as I need signatures and contact info from each of your parents.

Where Are You??
Please sign out on the board in the back of the class EVERY TIME you leave to go to the office, restroom, etc.  You do not need to sign out only if heading to a scheduled content area class, or mesa college class.
Also, please DO NOT use the back door

You now have assigned laptops.  You can see the list posted on the blog.  Please use ONLY your laptop.  You will be responsible for taking care of and charging your laptop, as well as putting them away NEATLY in the laptop cart.  You are now able to take laptops home, but remember you are responsible for any damage.  Your parents have already signed a waiver regarding your liability for any damaged, lost, or stolen laptops.  You make consider purchasing a charger if you plan to frequently take laptops home, as chargers will not leave the cart.

Independent Reading Books
We will be having a book check next Wednesday, where you will get credit for bringing in your independent reading book.  Please have a hard copy or electronic copy to show me by next Wednesday (9/17).  I'm going to be writing down and taking record of everyone's book they will be presenting.  Only books on the list will be accepted, please do not ask.  If you would like to try and check out books from the supply here in the conference room please check with me first as other teachers may need class sets.

Today we will also discuss the instructions for your presentations of your book.  Written instructions can be found under book reviews - presentation instructions

SAT/ACT Test Dates
SAT Test dates are available here. Remember SDSU and may other state schools, and universities around the country will not accept scores for tests taken after Nov. 8th.  Registration deadline for the next test is Friday (9/12).
ACT Test Dates available here.  Understand the differences between the ACT and SAT.  Most schools take the top score from either.  Next test is October 25th, which may be your last chance. Registration ends on Sept 19th.

College Scholarships
Today, everyone needs to create a log-in for scholarships.com.  Please take the time to not only an account but search the site and get used to the features.  Take a look at different search options, and types of scholarships.  Also, look at scholarships trending now for a list of popular scholarships with upcoming deadlines.  Make sure to save any essay you complete (including your personal statement) that you may be able to reuse or cut and paste for multiple scholarship apps.  I'm more than happy to look at or edit any application essay you may want to send.

Local Scholarships That May Interest You:
San Diego BBB Torch Awards
Holiday Bowl Scholarship
CAC Educational Scholarship Fund
National Scholarships:
Elks National Foundation
Gen & Kelly Tanabe Scholarship
Coca-Cola Scholarship

Art History
We will begin Art History with a look at ancient Egyptian art.  We will predominantly use the ART Through the Ages textbook.  The other book will be used occasionally as an additional reference.
for this week please complete the following worksheet and select a piece of art from the list to analyze.  Your assignment will be due next Wednesday (9/17) by the end of the day.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back Students!  Welcome to our new classroom and welcome to new students with us this year.  I look forward to a fun and productive senior year.

Today we will start by going over our course syllabus for the year.  Please have your parents take a look at the syllabus and have them sign the last page and return to me by the end of the week.

We will start English class this year by writing Personal Statements.

You will have 2 prompts to write about.  Please write an essay of 750 words for each.

1.   Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

2.  Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

These are very common questions for any college essay and they are from the UC app.  Those of you who do not plan to apply to a 4 year university this is a good opportunity to practice your writing.  It is good to think about yourself and your accomplishments so far. I will be here to help you with your writing if you need any assistance.

Tips for your essay are available here

Please have your rough draft of both completed and turned in by the end of the day on Friday.

We will start the year in Government the first semester and Economics next semester.

For this week we will begin Government with a study of the constitution.  Your assignment due Friday is below
6 Big Ideas Part 1
6 Big Ideas Part 2

Lets start the year off strong!!!!