Friday, September 19, 2014

Bill of Rights Presentations Today

Presentations Today!
Today we will be hearing from all groups about their topics on Bill of Rights issues that affect teens

ADA Subsidiary Agreements
Please turn in all signed subsidiary agreements to me today. If you do not have them you MUST return them to me on Monday signed.

Late Work
As a reminder, NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.  Please work something out with me if you are falling behind on any assignments.  Issues with computers, books, printers, etc. need to be worked out before the assignment is due.  All assignments and due dates are posted on the board in class and here on the blog.  Ignorance is no excuse.

Senior Portraits
Many of you still need to schedule an appointment to have your senior portrait taken.  That needs to be taken care of today!  Please see the links below for information.  If you have an issue with payment please see Mr. Brandes or Mrs. Leonard

Please continue your work on personal statements, as well as your Ancient Greek art handout and presentation.  For those of you applying to a 4 year university directly this year please continue to work on you college checklist.  If you plan on attending a 2 year college (community college) don't worry about completing it, applications don't begin until Spring.  If you have questions about reach, safety, and middle of the road schools for you please come see me.  Applications are coming up and you need to be educated about your possibilities.

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