Monday, September 29, 2014

JD Salinger

JD Salinger
Today we will begin our reading of Catcher in the Rye.  We will start by looking at the author of the novel JD Salinger and get some insight into his life.  Many issues and themes that we find in Catcher in the Rye are seen throughout Salinger's life.  Like the novels main character, Holden Caulfield, Salinger was kicked out of school and sent to a military academy.  He also experienced extreme trauma in his life as a soldier during WWII; engaging in battle and witnessing the horror of the holocaust.  Please read the following two articles about his life, a NY Times Obituary following his death in 2010 and a Vanity Fair article on how fighting in WWII changed Salinger and his popular main character.  Once finished please write a one page response to the articles.  Include details of his early life, post war experience, and conclude with your opinions of his journey. Paper will be due Friday (10/3) at the end of the day
JD Salinger, Enigmatic Author of 'The Catcher in the Rye,' Dies at 91
He's No Phony: How Fighting in WWII Changed JD Salinger and Holden Caulfield

Catcher in the Rye
Please collect your copy of the book.  We will have a quiz on Monday (10/6) on the first 4 chapters.  The quiz will be multiple choice and include a short section on vocabulary.  I will pick 2-3 words from the novel and present them to you in context from the novel.  This means you should look up any words you come across that you do not know.  Questions will be specific and I will make sure that they are not available on SparkNotes.

Ancient Art of South & Southeast Asia
Please complete the following handout and turn it in at the beginning of the day on Friday (10/3)
Ancient Art of South & Southeast Asia

New Presentation Standards
All presentation rubrics will now include points for being an attentive audience member.  Any students drawing, doing other homework, or talking, will lose points for themselves and their group.  It is rude to simply ignore your fellow classmates when they are presenting.  Also, powerpoints or other visuals will be due the night before the presentation.  As you can tell we have a limited amount of time and cannot waste time trying to get started.

Subsidiary Agreement
I still need subsidiary agreements from the following:
Sam Barbour
Chad Benner (Syllabus also)
Alejandro Espinoza
Austin Lopez

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