Monday, November 3, 2014

Senior Exhibitions

Catcher in the Rye
Please read chapters 16-20.  We will have a quiz on the chapters on Monday (11/10) when you arrive in class.  Remember not to be late so you are stuck outside during the reading discussion!  Think about some of the themes we discussed on Friday as you read.

Art of Ancient Rome
Complete the handout on the Art of Ancient Rome.  Please turn in by the end of the day on Friday (11/7).  The chapters are beginning to get much longer and more detailed as we move forward, so be prepared and don't leave it until the last minute. 

Once again here is the outline for your senior exhibition.  We are going to begin working on our research project and start gathering sources.  You must have at least 3-5 different authoritative sources for your final paper.  Here are the following sources you may chose from:

Books (2) - may be fiction or nonfiction
Websites (3) - Must be reliable and appropriate research sources
Webinar, Podcast
Professional (peer reviewed) journal (3)
Periodicals (4)
Interview with an expert
News Program (3)
Conduct your own research - create a poll, etc.
(#)* - number required to fulfill one source

We will begin check ins for the project.  By November 21st (last day before Thanksgiving break) you will be required to submit a check in.  For your first check in you must have:

At least 2 sources completed
Correct APA citation page
One-Two pages introducing your social issue and identifying the problem
Your introduction must include a CLEAR thesis
 Your essay must be formatted to meet MLA guidelines
At least one quote correctly cited

I will discuss effective ways to acquire some of these sources and proper citation on Wednesday

Fund Raisers
2 Students would like to discuss with you fund raising ideas they have come up with so far and get your suggestions or approval to move forward.

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