Friday, November 7, 2014

Upcoming Assignments

Catcher in the Rye

Catcher in the Rye Quiz on chapters 16-20 on Monday (11/10) when you get to class in the morning.  Do not be left out in the cold!  these chapters are slightly longer than previous sections and there are some difficult questions so be ready for Monday

Your English assignment is to discuss your transition to adulthood and think about your own life as you make connections to our main character.  Please turn in your paper, at least one page, on Friday (11/14)

Independent Reading
Continue working on your independent reading books.  I have not seen many of you reading in class.  You must bring your book to school with you EVERY DAY.  You have under one month left to finish your book and create your presentation.

Art History
Your Art of Ancient Rome handout is due today by 3:00

College Apps
Continue working on College Apps.  please see me if you need any help.

Cal-SOAP is holding another college application and scholarship workshop that will be held over Thanksgiving break on Tuesday, November 24th.  Please click here for more info.

Mesa College Classes
The following students need to turn in the yellow forms I passed out regarding Mesa Courses:
Shaelee      Frida      Mayan      Leonor      Ashley      Vincent      Daysie      Maddi      Jacob

The following students need to meet with the Mesa College Counselor regarding course selections next Friday:
Vincent      Leonor      Gavin

Federal Survey Cards
I need to collect federal survey cards.  If I still do not have yours I need you to bring them on Monday or I will begin sending you down to the office.

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