Friday, December 19, 2014

Have Fun at the Zoo!

Enjoy your time at the zoo today!  Here are a few announcements to remind you about upcoming events or things you should be thinking about over winter break.

Your government assignment is due today.  Grades for the economic issues are in the gradebook.  I want you to think about some of the topics we have discussed and keep those in mind for the semester final of "philosophical chairs."  I will give you a list of topics again to study/research for the final.  You are encouraged to do additional research to make sure you have appropriate information and a solid stance for the debate.

There was also some confusion about what exactly welfare is and what people receive.  Also, the misconception that all individuals who receive welfare are unemployed or not working.  There are still many reasons to be for or against the distribution of social welfare and many good ides to improve the system.  I want to direct you to these 2 links for more information (which can be used on the final).

List of Social Welfare Programs
Relationship Between SNAP (food stamps) and Low Income Households
WalMart and McDonald's Workers Receiving Welfare
WalMart Affect on the Economy and Welfare

Independent Reading Books
Take some time during break to read your independent reading book.  There will be lots of time available to you and it will really pay off for you when we get closer to finals.  Get ahead now and stress less during finals.  You also might actually enjoy your reading!!!

Use this time over break to apply for scholarships.  There is money available to all types of students for all types of circumstances.  Go out there and get yourself some money for school!  Please check to following websites:
San Diego Foundation Scholarships

Enjoy your break!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Final Week Before Winter Break

For this week please think about your stance on the following issues:

  • Do you support increased gun control?  Do you believe we should have mandatory criminal and personal safety background checks?
  • Should the US legalize marijuana?  Are you in favor of decriminalizing drug use?
  • Should the US outlaw gerrymandering? Are you in favor of an independent commission redrawing congressional districts?
In your response please try to include your own solution.

I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end on Friday (12/19) before you leave for the weekend.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable or authoritative sources.

Progress Reports
Please turn in your progress reports.  Students who do not turn them in will receive calls home.

Donate Goods
Wednesday is your last day to donate goods to children in need for the holidays.  Your simple gift can go a long way.  Our classroom is donating for Teens.  Or if you have extra gifts you are welcome to donate to another classroom.

Upcoming Assignments
There is no art history this week.  I want you to use your time this week wisely.  You have a lot of assignments coming up and I want you to use this time to get a head start.  that means working on your English essay, exhibitions, research paper, and reading.  I also have your art history study guide available if you would like to get a head start.

Zoo Field Trip
Please turn in your permission slip for the zoo field trip on Friday.  If you do not have a permission slip you will be stuck at school working on assignments.  We will discuss the bus route on Wednesday.  Remember to bring bus passes on Friday.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Scholarships & Upcoming Schedule

Now that most of your college applications are finished it is time to focus on scholarships.  There are countless scholarships available to you; if you search for them.  I want you to make a goal of how many scholarships you would like to apply to each week.  This is your opportunity to make a lot of money for yourself.  The first scholarship I want you to apply for is the San Diego Foundation Common App.

Please go to San Diego Scholarship Foundation.  Please fill out the common application which will make you eligible for a large amount of scholarships.  Take a look at other individual scholarships if you are interested.

Continue to search Fastweb and for more scholarships.  Now is the time that most scholarships will be made available.

Essay Contest
Essay and video contest with up to $2,000 in cash prizes.  Topic is what the American Dream means to you.  See details here

Your first semester exhibitions will be a presentation on your research topic.  In a 10 minute presentation you will introduce your topic, present your thesis, discuss major points of your paper, and discuss your research.  Please see the following rubric to understand what will be expected of you.

Exhibitions will take place on January 12th and 14th.  A schedule for presentations will be distributed in the next few days.  If you have a valid reason (absence, etc.) one of those days will not workfor you please see me.

Finals Schedule
Finals will take place on January 16th, 21st, and 23rd.  As you can see they take place directly after exhibitions.  Plan your time wisely because you will be very busy during the month of January.  The schedule is not finalized yet but on those dates you will take your 3 finals.

English - You will be turning in your Catcher in the Rye essay on the final day of finals week which will serve as your final exam.  During the finals time you will be giving your independent reading book presentations.

Government - We will be doing an activity called 'philosophical chairs' where we will have an academic discussion on some of the issues we have written about in class.  There will be 3 groups of tables; pro, con, and undecided.  Students will sit at the appropriate table based on the topic and move around after hearing student arguments.  You will be scored based on participation and your responses.  Similar to how the Socratic seminar was scored.

Art History - There will be a timed short essay write.  I will give you a study guide containing many of the most important pieces you have learned about over the semester.  On the day of the final I will put some of those images up on the projector and you will write a short essay on the work of art.  Tell me everything you know about the piece including time period, artist, region, cultural significance, etc.  The more specific the answer the better the score.

As you can see you have a lot of work to do over the next few weeks.  Please plan ahead and do not procrastinate.  There will not be any sympathy at the end of the semester.  Remember, any D's or F's at the end of the semester will put you in serious danger of not graduating.

Independent Reading Books
Have your independent reading books ready by Friday.  You may have to do a lot of reading during winter break.  To avoid that problem stay on top of your reading and make sure you have your book with you everyday in class.

Catcher in the Rye
Remember to keep working on your Catcher in the Rye essay.  I know you have submitted an outline but stay focused and continue to work on them.  I expect a high quality essay with the amount of time you have.  I am keeping the outlines for ADA, if you submitted a written copy and need to see it please let me know.

MET Super Bowl
We will have our first ever MET Super Bowl of the Seniors vs. Juniors on January 30th.  Here are the rules.  Please let me know if you will be participating.  A team consists of 6 players and we will need 3 males and 3 females on the field at all times.

Prom Committee
Prom Committee meets today in our room at lunch to discuss the theme of Prom

Monday, December 8, 2014

Finish Presentions Today

Today we will complete our independent reading presentations

As we have just finished our book please find your independent reading book for the final 6 weeks bu this Friday.  Just like last time please submit a chapter breakdown and turn it into the box by the end of the day on Friday.

Mesa College Quiz
All students must complete the following quiz for Mesa College.  It is a quick survey about the Mesa College website.  Please take a look at the mesa website, and then complete the following short survey.

For this week please think about your stance on the following economic issues:
  • Should the government raise the minimum wage?
  • Should the government provide forms of welfare to able bodied individuals?  Should these individuals be forced to work?  What requirements should individuals have to meet to receive welfare benefits?
  • Should the US reduce or increase corporate income tax rates?
I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end on Friday (12/12) before you leave for the weekend.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable or authoritative sources.

Art of Ancient America
This weeks chapter of art history is Art of Ancient America.  Please turn in the handout by Friday before you leave class.

Student Movie Night
The Holiday Club is putting on a holiday movie night this Friday.  Please see the flyer for more details

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Research Paper

Research Paper
Today we will have a presentation from Mr. Brandes on how to acquire and properly cite sources for your research paper.

Before he begins I will pass back your first check in for your paper.  I am very concerned about the quality and effort put into many of your papers so far.  Many of you are either unsure or didn't bother to properly cite or simply put your paper in MLA format.  If you have questions or concerns please see me.  If you got a low score you need to work hard in the next few weeks to make changes.  This project is a LARGE part of your final English grade.

Some common mistakes:
  • Formatting
  • Using "I" or personal info
  • Citations
  • "Facts" without backing
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Hanging Indent for Works Cited
  • No clear thesis
Prom Committee
The Prom committee is meeting today at lunch in our room.

Independent Reading Book Presentations
Please e-mail me your slides by the end of the day today.

Grades will be sent home to your parents on Monday to be signed and returned to me by Friday.  Please stay up to date with your grades on PowerSchool.

A detention list will be sent to Mr. Brandes today for all students who owe time.  Students will go to room 206 at 3:00 to begin serving detention.

Upcoming Assignments All Due Friday
Environmental Issues for Government
Islamic Art Handout
Catcher in the Rye Essay Outline

Monday, December 1, 2014

Welcome Back!

We only have 3 weeks until Winter Break and a lot to get done in that time span.  Here are your assignments for this week:

Your final assignment for our unit on The Catcher in the Rye is an expository essay.  Please carefully read the instructions and choose one of the essay topics.

This will serve as your final for English class.  It will be due on the final day of the semester (1/23).  That seems like a long ways away but you will be very busy so do not procrastinate.

Please submit which essay prompt you will be writing about and a brief outline by Friday (12/5).  Your outline will contain: the prompt you have chosen, a thesis, and what you will discuss in each of your 3 body paragraphs.  You may also have began selecting quotes you want to use to back up or support your thesis.

Please think about your stance on the following issues.
  • Is global warming a threat to the environment?  Should measures be taken to lower the United States (and the worlds) impact on the environment?
  • Should the federal government give tax breaks and subsidies to companies who create and/or research alternative energy (wind and solar)?
  • Should national parks continue to be protected by the national government?
I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end (to practice for research project) on Friday (12/5) before you leave for the weekend.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable.

Art History 
Islamic Art

Please complete the Islamic Art Handout and turn it in before you leave on Friday (12/5)

Book Reviews
Your presentation for your 2nd independent reading book is this Friday.  Have your slides turned into me before you leave on Wednesday or you will lose points.  We will be following the same presentation style and rubric we used previously.  I hope you all did your reading over break!

Be Aware, this also means you will be paying careful attention to your classmates presentations and therefore will have less time to work on assignments in class.  It also means you need to have a new book to show me by Friday (12/12) that you will read for the final 6 weeks of the semester.