Monday, December 1, 2014

Welcome Back!

We only have 3 weeks until Winter Break and a lot to get done in that time span.  Here are your assignments for this week:

Your final assignment for our unit on The Catcher in the Rye is an expository essay.  Please carefully read the instructions and choose one of the essay topics.

This will serve as your final for English class.  It will be due on the final day of the semester (1/23).  That seems like a long ways away but you will be very busy so do not procrastinate.

Please submit which essay prompt you will be writing about and a brief outline by Friday (12/5).  Your outline will contain: the prompt you have chosen, a thesis, and what you will discuss in each of your 3 body paragraphs.  You may also have began selecting quotes you want to use to back up or support your thesis.

Please think about your stance on the following issues.
  • Is global warming a threat to the environment?  Should measures be taken to lower the United States (and the worlds) impact on the environment?
  • Should the federal government give tax breaks and subsidies to companies who create and/or research alternative energy (wind and solar)?
  • Should national parks continue to be protected by the national government?
I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end (to practice for research project) on Friday (12/5) before you leave for the weekend.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable.

Art History 
Islamic Art

Please complete the Islamic Art Handout and turn it in before you leave on Friday (12/5)

Book Reviews
Your presentation for your 2nd independent reading book is this Friday.  Have your slides turned into me before you leave on Wednesday or you will lose points.  We will be following the same presentation style and rubric we used previously.  I hope you all did your reading over break!

Be Aware, this also means you will be paying careful attention to your classmates presentations and therefore will have less time to work on assignments in class.  It also means you need to have a new book to show me by Friday (12/12) that you will read for the final 6 weeks of the semester.

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