Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Research Paper

Research Paper
Today we will have a presentation from Mr. Brandes on how to acquire and properly cite sources for your research paper.

Before he begins I will pass back your first check in for your paper.  I am very concerned about the quality and effort put into many of your papers so far.  Many of you are either unsure or didn't bother to properly cite or simply put your paper in MLA format.  If you have questions or concerns please see me.  If you got a low score you need to work hard in the next few weeks to make changes.  This project is a LARGE part of your final English grade.

Some common mistakes:
  • Formatting
  • Using "I" or personal info
  • Citations
  • "Facts" without backing
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Hanging Indent for Works Cited
  • No clear thesis
Prom Committee
The Prom committee is meeting today at lunch in our room.

Independent Reading Book Presentations
Please e-mail me your slides by the end of the day today.

Grades will be sent home to your parents on Monday to be signed and returned to me by Friday.  Please stay up to date with your grades on PowerSchool.

A detention list will be sent to Mr. Brandes today for all students who owe time.  Students will go to room 206 at 3:00 to begin serving detention.

Upcoming Assignments All Due Friday
Environmental Issues for Government
Islamic Art Handout
Catcher in the Rye Essay Outline

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