Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Peer Edits & Rubric

Peer Edits
Today we will be doing group peer edits for your essay.  Your final draft is due on Friday when you arrive in class.

Please take a close look at the Essay Rubric to understand how your grade will be determined

Monday, December 14, 2015

Conclusion Writing

Holiday Toy Drive
Wednesday is your last day to donate to the Polinsky Center.  Please bring toys for young kids ages 5-7 and help give some kids in need a happy holiday.

Studio Art
For this months studio art you have 3 options.  Choose one of the following and turn in on Friday:
  1. Create a book cover for Old Man and the Sea
  2. Draw/Paint/Color anything you'd like (must fill on page)
  3. Review one piece of art of your choosing (must write one paragraph reflection on piece)
 Common Mistakes I Found on Rough Drafts
  1. Focus on your thesis! Thesis is your main point and the rest of paper should prove what you said in your thesis.  Your thesis should be easy to find.
  2. Work on transitions between paragraphs and ideas.  Make sure you paragraph flows as one work rather than multiple paragraphs placed together.
  3. Paper must be in MLA format!  Quotations must follow proper formatting.  Follow In Text Citations Author-Page Style found here.  You will NOT need a works cited page.
How to Write a Conclusion
Please follow your handout on how to write and effective conclusion. 

Peer Edits Wednesday
Make sure to bring a typed draft Wednesday for peer edits.  You must have paper printed and ready to go at the beginning of 4th period. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Old Man and the Sea Essay

Toy Drive 
There is one week left to get your donations in for the Polinsky Center Toy Drive.  Lets try to give a good holiday to children in need.

Zoo Filed Trip
Please bring your bus pass money (only $1.50) to school ASAP if you do not currently have a bus pass

Essay Templates
You should all be completed with your opening paragraph.  Today we will move on to discuss how to write a body paragraph and integrate quotations into your writing.  Please use the following documents to help with your paper:
Essay Template
Body Paragraph Template
How to Integrate Quotations

Monday, December 7, 2015

Old Man and the Sea Essay

Today we will begin working on our essay for The Old Man and the Sea.  Please carefully look over and closely follow the essay prompt.  On the prompt you will also find useful tips for writing your essay. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Old Man & Sea Quotes and Announcements

Polinsky Center Toy Drive
Remember to bring in toys for donation to the Polinsky center.  Lets make an effort to give children in need a nice holiday that they would otherwise not be able to have.  As a class we should make an effort to have a nice donation.  Remember, our class has been assigned boys and girls ages 5-7.

Bus Passes
If you have not yet paid please give me your $1.50 for the bus to the zoo!

ADA and Signed Grade Print Outs
Please look at the lists on the board to see who owes me either ADA or a grade print out signed by your parents.  I need those ASAP!!!!

T-Shirt & Sweatshirt Sale
Buy your Met High School gear today!

PE Example
Many students have not been receiving full credit on their PE packets.  I have a PE Packet example I have created to show you what a full credit PE packet looks like.  Please make sure to closely follow all directions. You must have 2 years of PE to graduate, if you receive a D or an F you will have to take the semester of PE over junior year.  Meaning MORE PE PACKETS!!!

Old Man & the Sea Quotes
Today you will look through the novel to find appropriate quotes about Santiago's character in Old Man and the Sea.  Please use the following quote handout to list at least 3quotes for each of the 3 character traits listed.  This paper will make writing your final essay much easier if you do a good job.  Please put the effort in today to help you in the long run.  Think about the traits honor, courage, and perseverance within Santiago, which we have discussed throughout our reading.  Think of ways he shows these characteristics then find quotes from the book that reveal these qualities about him.  This handout will be due this Friday (12/4).

Your final quiz on the reading will be this Friday as well.  Remember to read through thoroughly and make sure you understand what is happening, reread if necessary.  Also, be sure to look up any words you are unfamiliar with or are not sure you could accurately define.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe break with their friends and family.  You should come back feeling recharged and ready to work hard the next few weeks before we have our next 2 week break.

Polinsky Center Holiday Drive
The A.B. and Jessie Polinsky Children's Center is a 24-hour facility for the temporary emergency shelter of children who must be separated from their families for their own safety, or when parents cannot provide care. Each month more than 300 children ages birth to 18 years old are admitted to the Polinsky Children's Center.  

The freshman class will be participating in a toy drive for children ages 5-7 at the Polinsky Center.  Please bring items such as fashion dolls, superhero toys, legos, trucks, board games, etc.  You do not need to spend more than 5-10 dollars, or you can get something with a group of friends.  Lets give some children a happy holiday!

Items will be picked up for delivery on December 16th

Writing Assignment
For today's writing assignment please choose one of the following questions to answer:
  1. Describe Hemingway's portrayal of Santiago's relationship with the sea.  How does this relate to the conflict/theme of man versus nature?  Does Santiago seem to be fighting against nature, a part of nature, or somewhere in between?
  2. How does Santiago embody Hemingway's ideals of manhood?  How does he show traits such as heroism, honor, and dignity?  Think back to his discussion of the sea being male or female.
  3. In your opinion is Santiago a successful fisherman?  Why or why not?  Is there a difference between material and spiritual success?  Which does Santiago have?
Your response must be one full paragraph typed.  Take care and make sure to proofread.  You will be graded on the structure of your paragraph as well as spelling and grammar.

Some tips to consider when writing:
  1. Must be 5-8 complete sentences
  2. Begin with topic sentence which introduces reader to what you will explain
  3. Then write 3 things which prove or discuss your main point
  4. Make sure the 3 flow and follow a logical order
  5. Finish with concluding sentence to wrap up your response
  6. Include quotes if necessary
  7. Proofread by reading aloud or to a partner in class
Your response will be due Friday (12/4) at the beginning of class

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Friday Meetings

We will have one on one meetings today to discuss performance in all classes, future plans, strengths and weaknesses, and any other concerns you may have.  Please do not interrupt individually meetings and respect each others privacy.  Here is the schedule:


Monday, November 16, 2015

Book Review Presentations Today

Today we will have book review presentations.  Remember, your presentation must be e-mailed to me before lunch or it will be considered late.  The presentations will be given in the following order:


Friday, November 13, 2015

Old Man and the Sea Art

Quiz Today
Quiz today on reading of pgs. 25-52.  Your next quiz will be Wednesday (11/18) on pgs. 53-82.

Old Man and the Sea Art Project
Choose a scene from your reading and paint a picture (using water color, colored pencil, markers, or other supplies from home) of that scene.  Your art must include a quote from the novel that represents the scene you have chosen.  Your art must cover the entire page, with ADA heading on the back.  Art will be due Next Friday (11/20).

Fall Break Potluck
Sign ups for the potluck are on the board.  Please sign up for something you would like to contribute to the festivities.  You may sign up in pairs if necessary.

Zoo Bus Pass
If you need  bus pass for the zoo please bring $1.50 to pay for your day ticket.  If you would like to you may give $2 and donate the extra 50 cents to another student or the school.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Old Man and the Sea Characterization
Characterization is the process by which the author reveals personality or character.  Characterization is revealed through direct and indirect characterization.  Direct characterization tells the audience what the personality of the character is, while indirect characterization shows things that reveal personality. 

Today we will look at the characteristics of our protagonist Santiago, and how author Ernest Hemingway reveals these characteristics.  We will begin by discussing his most important traits and what describes the main character.

We will discuss indirect characterization of the main character and how his personality is revealed through: speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions, and look.  Please fill out the following indirect characterization chart with specific examples from the book and an explanation of what this reveals about the character.

Once you have completed the chart I want you to write a paragraph about what you think is Santiago's most important trait.  Your paragraph must include a quote from the novel.  Here is an example and a template to help you work on your paragraph.

Please staple your paragraph to the back of your chart and turn them both in on Friday (11/13).

CPK Fundraiser
Please go out to eat at CPK in Fashion Valley this Wednesday and support our school!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Writing Practice & Announcements

Fall Break Potluck
On Friday, November 20th before we leave for fall break will will have an early out day.  This will include fun activities and an all school potluck in the afternoon.  The school wide potluck will be an opportunity for students to bring different types of food and supplies for all students to share.  Each grade level has a theme and our grade level will be providing Mexican dishes.  We will do an official sign up as the date gets closer but think about dishes you may want to bring.  Those who are cannot bring cooked meals can provide other items like chips and salsa, drinks, or plates/cups/napkins.

Zoo Trip
On Friday December 18th, the day before winter break, we will take an all school field trip to the zoo.  I need a head count off how many students want to attend (students who do not wish to attend will be forced to stay at school and do homework).  I also need a count of how many students already have bus passes, as we will all take the city bus.

Internship Time Cards
Remember to get your time cards filled out by your mentor and track your hours every day.

School Fundraiser at CPK
On Veterans day our school is having a fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen in Fashion Valley.  Please get a flyer to give to your waiter/waitress for the school to receive money.  Please support our school!!!

Book Reviews
Please look over the instructions and the rubric for the presentations of your independent reading book.  It's also time to start thinking about which book you want to read for the next 6 weeks.  Take a look at the reading list and start making plans to get your next book.  There will be a book check on Monday November 30th.
Book Review Instructions
Book Review Rubric

Today's Assignment
Today we will start to talk about some character traits, specifically honor, courage, and perseverance.  Think about what these words mean to you.  For your assignment please write a one page story describing a time that you demonstrated honor, courage, or perseverance.  It can be any single trait, and any event big or small, but must be true and about you personally.  Your 1 page typed paper will be due on Friday (11/6)


Monday, November 2, 2015

Hemingway Intro & Summary Writing

Our reading of Old Man and the Sea begins today with an introduction to Ernest Hemingway.  We will also use today's lesson to go over summary writing.

First we will detail how to write an effective summary and some of the rules that go along with summary writing.  Review this Summary Writing Powerpoint.  Then we will practice in groups.

You will get in groups of 3 to research and summarize major parts of Hemingway's life.  Groups will be divided into 5 different places Hemingway lived and explain the importance of the place to his life and writing.  Groups are as follows:

Angel, Isaias, Daisy
Sandy, Kyle, Carson
Mariana, Aaron, Gray
Magali, Nathanael, Lisette
Kimberly, Delphinia, Elliott

Use the following websites and/or do your own research to create your summary:
Ernest Hemingway Collection
Poetry Foundation
Ernest Hemingway Biography 
Hemingway Adventure

Work with your group to research then summarize your assigned portion which your group will read for the class.  Please use this summary template, which contains an example, for help on creating your summary.

Once all groups have presented you will work on your own summary individually.  Please choose one of the following articles to read and summarize:
Classic Works of Literature Still Have a Place in Today's Classrooms
Reading Literature Makes Us Smarter and Nicer
Turn in your typed summary by Wednesday (11/4)