Friday, November 13, 2015

Old Man and the Sea Art

Quiz Today
Quiz today on reading of pgs. 25-52.  Your next quiz will be Wednesday (11/18) on pgs. 53-82.

Old Man and the Sea Art Project
Choose a scene from your reading and paint a picture (using water color, colored pencil, markers, or other supplies from home) of that scene.  Your art must include a quote from the novel that represents the scene you have chosen.  Your art must cover the entire page, with ADA heading on the back.  Art will be due Next Friday (11/20).

Fall Break Potluck
Sign ups for the potluck are on the board.  Please sign up for something you would like to contribute to the festivities.  You may sign up in pairs if necessary.

Zoo Bus Pass
If you need  bus pass for the zoo please bring $1.50 to pay for your day ticket.  If you would like to you may give $2 and donate the extra 50 cents to another student or the school.

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