Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Writing Practice & Announcements

Fall Break Potluck
On Friday, November 20th before we leave for fall break will will have an early out day.  This will include fun activities and an all school potluck in the afternoon.  The school wide potluck will be an opportunity for students to bring different types of food and supplies for all students to share.  Each grade level has a theme and our grade level will be providing Mexican dishes.  We will do an official sign up as the date gets closer but think about dishes you may want to bring.  Those who are cannot bring cooked meals can provide other items like chips and salsa, drinks, or plates/cups/napkins.

Zoo Trip
On Friday December 18th, the day before winter break, we will take an all school field trip to the zoo.  I need a head count off how many students want to attend (students who do not wish to attend will be forced to stay at school and do homework).  I also need a count of how many students already have bus passes, as we will all take the city bus.

Internship Time Cards
Remember to get your time cards filled out by your mentor and track your hours every day.

School Fundraiser at CPK
On Veterans day our school is having a fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen in Fashion Valley.  Please get a flyer to give to your waiter/waitress for the school to receive money.  Please support our school!!!

Book Reviews
Please look over the instructions and the rubric for the presentations of your independent reading book.  It's also time to start thinking about which book you want to read for the next 6 weeks.  Take a look at the reading list and start making plans to get your next book.  There will be a book check on Monday November 30th.
Book Review Instructions
Book Review Rubric

Today's Assignment
Today we will start to talk about some character traits, specifically honor, courage, and perseverance.  Think about what these words mean to you.  For your assignment please write a one page story describing a time that you demonstrated honor, courage, or perseverance.  It can be any single trait, and any event big or small, but must be true and about you personally.  Your 1 page typed paper will be due on Friday (11/6)


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