Monday, November 30, 2015

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe break with their friends and family.  You should come back feeling recharged and ready to work hard the next few weeks before we have our next 2 week break.

Polinsky Center Holiday Drive
The A.B. and Jessie Polinsky Children's Center is a 24-hour facility for the temporary emergency shelter of children who must be separated from their families for their own safety, or when parents cannot provide care. Each month more than 300 children ages birth to 18 years old are admitted to the Polinsky Children's Center.  

The freshman class will be participating in a toy drive for children ages 5-7 at the Polinsky Center.  Please bring items such as fashion dolls, superhero toys, legos, trucks, board games, etc.  You do not need to spend more than 5-10 dollars, or you can get something with a group of friends.  Lets give some children a happy holiday!

Items will be picked up for delivery on December 16th

Writing Assignment
For today's writing assignment please choose one of the following questions to answer:
  1. Describe Hemingway's portrayal of Santiago's relationship with the sea.  How does this relate to the conflict/theme of man versus nature?  Does Santiago seem to be fighting against nature, a part of nature, or somewhere in between?
  2. How does Santiago embody Hemingway's ideals of manhood?  How does he show traits such as heroism, honor, and dignity?  Think back to his discussion of the sea being male or female.
  3. In your opinion is Santiago a successful fisherman?  Why or why not?  Is there a difference between material and spiritual success?  Which does Santiago have?
Your response must be one full paragraph typed.  Take care and make sure to proofread.  You will be graded on the structure of your paragraph as well as spelling and grammar.

Some tips to consider when writing:
  1. Must be 5-8 complete sentences
  2. Begin with topic sentence which introduces reader to what you will explain
  3. Then write 3 things which prove or discuss your main point
  4. Make sure the 3 flow and follow a logical order
  5. Finish with concluding sentence to wrap up your response
  6. Include quotes if necessary
  7. Proofread by reading aloud or to a partner in class
Your response will be due Friday (12/4) at the beginning of class

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