Friday, January 30, 2015

New Classroom Procedures

MET Super Bowl 
The MET Super Bowl is today! We will briefly go over the rules and talk strategy and who will play.  Rules

Class discussion regarding Valentines fundraiser

New Classroom Procedures
As we move into a new semester I have decided to make a few changes to how class is run.  I have discussed with Mrs. Leonard new strategies to make sure more students are on time and engaged in the classroom.  I want to create effective policies that help me teach, and you learn.  After issues with students being late or not showing up to finals we have decided to strengthen our stance of no late work.  Due to poor performance by many students at the semester I have decided to make changes to improve teaching strategies to help you all achieve.

Tardy and Truancy:
We will adhere to the current Tardy policy
1st time - 10 minutes
2nd - 20 minutes
3rd - 30 minutes
4th - Referral

Anytime you are tardy (this includes after lunch) or absent without a parent call your parents will be called and e-mailed using student messenger to let them know you are either tardy and will be serving detention or truant.

Those who skip detention will be picked up by Mrs. Leonard for lunch detention and parents will be called by messenger daily until your detention is served.

If students are excused by parents an unreasonable amount of times, the administration will ask to see a doctors note.

Late Work:
No late work will be accepted under any circumstances!  This includes unexcused absences.  All class assignments will be collected in the morning when you arrive in class.  No work will be accepted after 8:40.  Meaning you must turn in any work, by hand or electronically, within the first 10 minutes of class.  No Excuses

New Procedures:
We will change from the current situation where I give you all your work at the beginning of the week and have assignments due on Friday.  Starting Monday, I will teach one of my 3 classes each day in class.  Meaning, on Monday we will discuss English and all English assignments will be due on Monday mornings. On Wednesday we will discuss Art History and assignments will be due the following week, etc.

This will allow me to lecture and do work together as a class in the mornings, and hopefully make for more dynamic instruction.  Also, this will keep you more busy throughout the week instead of rushing on Friday to finish your assignments or feeling like you don't have any work to get done early in the week.  Due to increase lecture and assignments 1st period, students will not be released from class for any reason class during 1st period.  Any trips to the office or elsewhere (restroom) will need to be done after 1st period on your own time.

Continue applying for scholarships.  Here is a list of potential possibilities that was created last year by Mrs. Hosking.  Some may be old but there is a long list of sites to try and find scholarship opportunities.

Reading Books
Make sure I have your book checked your today.  I should see you all reading during your independent time and I should see books out at school so I can track progress.

The following people still need to show me:
Grecia     Chad     Fabiola     Frida     Alejandro     Vincent     TreVon     Sean     Jacob

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Please get your master agreement signed and filled out by your parents.  You will fill out the top box of both sides of the paper that includes your information.  Then you and your parent will sign at the bottom of the first page.  I will fill out the rest of the information so no need to worry about the rest.  Please turn in on Friday.

Scholarships for the San Diego Foundation are due by Tuesday February 4th.  Make sure you have all scholarships in!!!!  They offer a lot of money for students going to 2 and 4 year schools.  Do not miss out on this opportunity for $$$ for school.

You should also be looking at or FastWeb for more available scholarships.  Now is the best time of the year so go out there and get paid!  Take time at the beginning of the semester when you are not very busy to apply to as many scholarships as you can.

For your English assignment this week make sure you do the following:
  • The article is within the last 2 years
  • The first paragraph is a summary (meaning not your opinion, no "I" statements)
  •  The second paragraph you can discuss your opinion, what you learned, where this might fit in your research paper, etc.
There are workshops available for students and parents about filling out your FAFSA or Dream Act paperwork.  Counselors will sit with you and help you properly fill them out.  Schedule Here

Monday, January 26, 2015

New Semester!

This is the beginning of a new semester, and that means a fresh start for all grades!!  Lets try to finish our senior year strong!

Please look up one recent (within the last 2 years) periodical regarding your social issue topic.  Look at sources such as the NY Times, Washington Post, AP News, San Francisco Chronicle, or other credible newspapers.  Then write a 2 paragraph summary about what you learned from the article regarding your topic.  Turn in by the end of the day Friday (1/30)

Catcher in the Rye
Please return all Catcher in the Rye novels to my bookshelf

Independent Reading Book
Another 6 weeks means another book!  Please select a book from the list and physically show it to me by Friday (1/30).  Also provide a page breakdown.  I need you to bring your book to school everyday.  I want to see you in class reading your book so I can track progress and I know who has been reading.  Many of you have not been reading your books and it is fairly obvious during your presentations!

The new semester means a new class, Economics!  The first assignment is just a short introduction so there is a lot of vocabulary.  Please use the blue books in the back of class.  Return any government books you have at home.  Please complete the following Economics Assignment and turn it in by the end of the day on Friday (1/30)

Art History
We begin this semester by looking at Romanesque Art. Please complete and turn in by the end of the day on Friday (1/30)
Met Super Bowl
Should we plan on having a practice on Wednesday???

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Welcome Back

MET Super Bowl!
Practice Wednesday after school.

Souplantation Fundraiser
On Wednesday February 11th we will be having another dinner night out at souplantation.  Please spread the word to raise more money for senior activities.

How are other fundraisers coming?  More ideas?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Finals Begin!

More Scholarships!
Salute to Education

Government Final
Today is your government final.  Please make sure you have all of your notes out and ready.  We will be using the same rubric as our previous Socratic Seminar.

The Catcher in the Rye Essay
Your rough drafts for you Catcher in the Rye essay have been returned to you.  Please review and make necessary corrections.  I have seen some recurring issues in some of your papers:
Lack of a clear thesis (should be at the end of your intro)
Needs at least 3 quotes from the novel
Must introduce and explain quotes
Do not describe each scene! Explain why they matter

See me regarding any questions.  Please take a look at the rubric before you submit.

Also take a look at these 2 websites if you are having trouble with your thesis:
Tips on Writing a Thesis
The Writing Center

MET Super Bowl!
Who all is ready to play in the MET Super Bowl!?!  Remember we need 3 ladies to play on the field at all times.

Do you guys want to have a 'practice' where we throw the ball around and discuss rules sometime next week?  I'm willing to stay after school for about an hour to go over things.  Since we have half days it will be nice and sunny out and you wont have to stay to late.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Finals Schedule

Finals Schedule
Finals Schedule is here!
Friday Jan. 16th:
We will have our government final this Friday during our 90 minute first period.  Remember to come prepared with any articles or factual information to help you present.

2nd period will be yours to study if you are in my class during that time.

On Wednesday Jan 21st:
3rd period you will all have your Art History final.

4th period will be yours to finish any last minute edits to your Catcher in the Rye paper or work on your book presentations.

On Friday Jan. 23rd:
We will have our independent reading presentations.  Please see the schedule for your presentation time.

All students are required to take the following survey before the end of the semester.  This sill help us to assess how we as teachers and administrators are doing here at school.  It will help us to make improvements to make the MET an even better school.  Please take the survey ASAP it won't take more than a few minutes.

Ronald McDonald House
Be yconic Scholarship
Digital Responsibility
10 Words or Less Facebook
DuPont Challenge


Financial Aid Night
Tomorrow night is financial aid night from Cal SOAP.  They will be here to give you lots of information on how to pay for college.  The meeting will take place in room G101 at 6pm. I hope to see you all there.

Please review the following topics as they will be discussed for your final:
Social Welfare
Minimum Wage
Gun Control
Legalization of Marijuana
State Run Healthcare (Obamacare)
Global Warming

You will need to back up your opinions with facts from authoritative sources.  The rubric will be the same as our previous Socratic Seminar which can be found here.  I strongly suggest you print articles (including the one you previously used for assignment) and highlight information which you want to discuss.  This will make sure you have facts and statistics for you to bring up to support your argument.  You MUST participate to get credit for the final.

Art History
There has been some confusion about a few of the pieces with similar names.  Make sure you are referencing the photos from the book.  Some pieces of art (especially religious) have common themes and therefor common names.  I have added the image number from the book to avoid confusion.  Updated semester study guide

Friday, January 9, 2015

Getting Ready for Exhibitions and Finals

CA Retired Teachers Association is offering a $1,500 scholarship
Info and Application

Deadline for San Diego Foundation Scholarships is February 4th.  Make sure you are ready to submit and have contacted teachers, mentors, etc. about any references or letters of recommendation.  Also, make sure to look at the tab for separate and external scholarships.  Don't miss out on any money!!

Bank of American Student Leaders
This program is available for students looking to help impact their community.  It involves a paid summer internship and trip to Washington DC.  It helps students learn about civics, government, and student leadership.

FAFSA & Financial Aid
The FAFSA is open and currently available to all students.Your FAFSA MUST be filed for colleges to accept any sort of financial aid.  This must be completed before March 2nd for priority.  Make sure to discuss this with your parents.  We will have a financial aid night available for students and parents on Tuesday night January 13th.

Upcoming Assignments
Government: Healthcare Issues - Due Today
Catcher in the Rye Rough Draft - Due Monday morning
Government Final
Art History Final
Independent Reading Presentations
Catcher in the Rye Essay - Due 1/23

Prom and Grad Night
We need to have a discussion about how many students are interested in attending prom and grad night and what they are willing to do to make these events happen

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Exhibition and Finals Prep

Today is our fundraiser at CPK!!!  Please take some flyers with you.  You must present a flyer for the money to go to our senior events.  Get a group of friends together or go with your family for dinner and a movie.  Here is the flyer

Baby Pictures
The yearbook needs your baby pictures!  They are doing a page in the yearbook for seniors with their baby pictures.  Today you can choose which one of mine to use!

Please bring in a copy or e-mail a digital version to Kassy at

Letters of Recommendation
I have received numerous requests (as I'm sure have many of our other content teachers) for letters of recommendation.  Here are some tips for requesting letters of recommendation:
  • Ask early
    • We are all very busy especially this time of year
    • Give us ample time to write a GOOD recommendation (usually at least a month)
  • Ask Personally
    • Ask in person before sending information
    • Ask if the will write you a "good recommendation"
      • How well do you know the person or do they know you?
  • Provide necessary materials
    • Inform them what the recommendation is for
    • Provide your information (Resume, List of accomplishments, etc.)
    • Provide a stamped and addressed envelope if it must be mailed
  • Waive your right to read the letter
    • This allows writers to be more "candid"
    • These letters hold more weight to readers
  • Follow up
    • Make sure they have sent the letter about a week before (politely!)
  • Write a thank you note
    • Thank them
    • Inform them if you get the acceptance, scholarship, reward, etc.
Here is a paper on etiquette when requesting from UC Irvine.  Take a look not only for this year but for future jobs or other instances when you may need a recommendation.  Take a look or save for your records

Here is all the information you need regarding exhibitions.  You should be moving forward with your paper, but do not be concerned if you are not finished.  You should currently have about 4-5 of the 8-12 pages completed.  This exhibition serves as a check in to see where you are at, how well you understand your topic, and how much research you have completed.  We will work more on your paper 2nd semester and get you ready for your final presentation.

Make sure you are prepared and ready to go at your scheduled time.  Please have your laptop ready to connect to the projector or talk to me about e-mailing me and using my laptop.  If you are not ready to present (barring a medical or family EMERGENCY) you will receive a score of 0.

During exhibitions students in class will sit at the tables and listen and provide feedback at the conclusion of the presentation.  You may study for finals or read in between exhibitions and during breaks but NOT while another student is presenting.  If you have other materials out or are distracting others points will be removed from your exhibition score.  Those leaving/returning from other classes will do so quietly.

Exhibition Schedule
Sample Exhibition Outline
Exhibition Rubric

Art History
Here are 2 examples of responses that would receive A credit on the final exam.  These are the type of responses I am looking for:

LaoCoon and His Sons:
The sculpture is titled Laocoon and his Sons.  It is an ancient Greek sculpture that depicts a story from the Greek myth of the Trojan War.  It is a marble sculpture from the Hellenistic period.  The detail of the sculpture including his hair and beard, and the dramatic look on his face show the Hellenistic style.  It was created in the first century AD and eventually uncovered in the presence of famous artist Michelangelo.

Justinian, Bishop Maximus, and his Attendants:
This is the mosaic of Justinian, Bishop Maximus, and his attendants.  The art is in the mosaic style, featured in a church which was common early Byzantine art.  The mosaic depicts Justinian, the Roman emperor, who defined eastern Roman Orthodox culture.  Justinian is depicted with a halo which exemplifies the link between political and religious rule.  How they are standing and even how their feet align show the ranks of all groups in the photo.  The Byzantine mosaics show portrait like facial features, and feature stiff robes, that cast no shadow below them as they look to almost float in place.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!  I hope you enjoyed your vacation and got to spend time with friends and family.  I expect that your time off brings you back to school re-energized and ready to work!  We have a busy time in front of us to complete our assignments and study before the semester.  Remember semester grades are very important for graduation and reporting to colleges to maintain your acceptance.

For this week please think about your stance on the following healthcare issues:

  • Do you support the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) or any form of state run medical care?
  • Should terminally ill patients be allowed to end their life via assisted suicide (euthanasia)?
  • Should the government require health insurance companies to provide birth control?
In your response please try to include your own solution.

I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end on Friday (1/9) before you leave for the weekend.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable or authoritative sources.

Please submit a rough draft for your Catcher in the Rye essay on Monday morning (1/12)

I know all of you were reading over the break :) Make sure that you well into your independent reading book for your presentation before the semester.

Art History
Here is your study guide for your Art History final
Art History Study Guide

Exhibitions for your senior project begin on Monday the 12th and continue the 14th.  I will give you the schedule Wednesday.  Below is the rubric:
Exhibition Rubric

Fund Raising
This Wednesday is our fund raiser at California Pizza Kitchen.  Please come out and support our senior class!  this money goes to support your senior activities including prom.  Please help to get the word out and hand out flyers to friends or family members.