Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!  I hope you enjoyed your vacation and got to spend time with friends and family.  I expect that your time off brings you back to school re-energized and ready to work!  We have a busy time in front of us to complete our assignments and study before the semester.  Remember semester grades are very important for graduation and reporting to colleges to maintain your acceptance.

For this week please think about your stance on the following healthcare issues:

  • Do you support the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) or any form of state run medical care?
  • Should terminally ill patients be allowed to end their life via assisted suicide (euthanasia)?
  • Should the government require health insurance companies to provide birth control?
In your response please try to include your own solution.

I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end on Friday (1/9) before you leave for the weekend.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable or authoritative sources.

Please submit a rough draft for your Catcher in the Rye essay on Monday morning (1/12)

I know all of you were reading over the break :) Make sure that you well into your independent reading book for your presentation before the semester.

Art History
Here is your study guide for your Art History final
Art History Study Guide

Exhibitions for your senior project begin on Monday the 12th and continue the 14th.  I will give you the schedule Wednesday.  Below is the rubric:
Exhibition Rubric

Fund Raising
This Wednesday is our fund raiser at California Pizza Kitchen.  Please come out and support our senior class!  this money goes to support your senior activities including prom.  Please help to get the word out and hand out flyers to friends or family members.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I would like to add new information that will help mobility impaired individuals. I found this product very helpful
