Monday, January 26, 2015

New Semester!

This is the beginning of a new semester, and that means a fresh start for all grades!!  Lets try to finish our senior year strong!

Please look up one recent (within the last 2 years) periodical regarding your social issue topic.  Look at sources such as the NY Times, Washington Post, AP News, San Francisco Chronicle, or other credible newspapers.  Then write a 2 paragraph summary about what you learned from the article regarding your topic.  Turn in by the end of the day Friday (1/30)

Catcher in the Rye
Please return all Catcher in the Rye novels to my bookshelf

Independent Reading Book
Another 6 weeks means another book!  Please select a book from the list and physically show it to me by Friday (1/30).  Also provide a page breakdown.  I need you to bring your book to school everyday.  I want to see you in class reading your book so I can track progress and I know who has been reading.  Many of you have not been reading your books and it is fairly obvious during your presentations!

The new semester means a new class, Economics!  The first assignment is just a short introduction so there is a lot of vocabulary.  Please use the blue books in the back of class.  Return any government books you have at home.  Please complete the following Economics Assignment and turn it in by the end of the day on Friday (1/30)

Art History
We begin this semester by looking at Romanesque Art. Please complete and turn in by the end of the day on Friday (1/30)
Met Super Bowl
Should we plan on having a practice on Wednesday???

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