Friday, January 30, 2015

New Classroom Procedures

MET Super Bowl 
The MET Super Bowl is today! We will briefly go over the rules and talk strategy and who will play.  Rules

Class discussion regarding Valentines fundraiser

New Classroom Procedures
As we move into a new semester I have decided to make a few changes to how class is run.  I have discussed with Mrs. Leonard new strategies to make sure more students are on time and engaged in the classroom.  I want to create effective policies that help me teach, and you learn.  After issues with students being late or not showing up to finals we have decided to strengthen our stance of no late work.  Due to poor performance by many students at the semester I have decided to make changes to improve teaching strategies to help you all achieve.

Tardy and Truancy:
We will adhere to the current Tardy policy
1st time - 10 minutes
2nd - 20 minutes
3rd - 30 minutes
4th - Referral

Anytime you are tardy (this includes after lunch) or absent without a parent call your parents will be called and e-mailed using student messenger to let them know you are either tardy and will be serving detention or truant.

Those who skip detention will be picked up by Mrs. Leonard for lunch detention and parents will be called by messenger daily until your detention is served.

If students are excused by parents an unreasonable amount of times, the administration will ask to see a doctors note.

Late Work:
No late work will be accepted under any circumstances!  This includes unexcused absences.  All class assignments will be collected in the morning when you arrive in class.  No work will be accepted after 8:40.  Meaning you must turn in any work, by hand or electronically, within the first 10 minutes of class.  No Excuses

New Procedures:
We will change from the current situation where I give you all your work at the beginning of the week and have assignments due on Friday.  Starting Monday, I will teach one of my 3 classes each day in class.  Meaning, on Monday we will discuss English and all English assignments will be due on Monday mornings. On Wednesday we will discuss Art History and assignments will be due the following week, etc.

This will allow me to lecture and do work together as a class in the mornings, and hopefully make for more dynamic instruction.  Also, this will keep you more busy throughout the week instead of rushing on Friday to finish your assignments or feeling like you don't have any work to get done early in the week.  Due to increase lecture and assignments 1st period, students will not be released from class for any reason class during 1st period.  Any trips to the office or elsewhere (restroom) will need to be done after 1st period on your own time.

Continue applying for scholarships.  Here is a list of potential possibilities that was created last year by Mrs. Hosking.  Some may be old but there is a long list of sites to try and find scholarship opportunities.

Reading Books
Make sure I have your book checked your today.  I should see you all reading during your independent time and I should see books out at school so I can track progress.

The following people still need to show me:
Grecia     Chad     Fabiola     Frida     Alejandro     Vincent     TreVon     Sean     Jacob

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