Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I want to meet with all of you today about your research project for exhibitions.  Come by and discuss with me at the following times:
8:50 - Chad          8:55 - Alejandro
9:00 - Vincent      9:05 - Daysie
9:10 - Maddi        9:15 - Sean
9:20 - Grecia        9:30 - Sam
9:35 - Shaelee      9:40 - Fabiola
9:45 - Kassy         9:50 - Frida
9:55 - Mayan       10:00 - Leonor
10:05 - Ashley     10:10 - Gavin
10:15 - Austin      10:20 - Fatima
10:30 - Trevon     10:35 - Jacob

Tardy Policy
Administration has recognized the major issue we have with students coming to school late.  My detention after school have clearly not solved the problem so we have been forced to raise consequences.  This will begin on Friday.  The tardy policy will be as follows:
1st tardy - 10 minutes
2nd tardy - 20 minutes
3rd tardy - 30 minutes
4th tardy - referral
Mrs. Leonard will decide what happens after the 4th tardy including parent conference etc. 

I received a few ideas to begin fundraising.  Keep the ideas coming.  Remember this is YOUR prom and grad night.  It's up to you to reduce cost for you and to make these events fun.  These are the ideas that have been proposed so far; lets appoint someone to head up each idea.  I expect a report from each by the end of next week.
  • Change donations (all classes and office, maybe c-store??) - Distribute & Collect
  • Recycling bottles and cans - Containers & Collection
  • Breakfast Friday (coffee and doughnuts? Krispy Kreme?) - Organize & Sell
  • Dinner at Restuarant (CPK, souplantation, etc.) - Organize & Advertise
  • Holiday Gift Wrapping (Barnes & Noble) - Organize
  • Candy Sales??? (See's or regular candy) - Organize
  • Candy Grams??? (Winter Holidays & Valentines) - Organize & Advertise
Dare to Dream College
"Dare to Dream College" is a free event at UCSD on November 1st from 7:30am to 1:00pm.  The event is geared towards African American families but everyone is welcome.  There will be free breakfast at the event.  Please follow the link to register Dare to Dream College

Federal Survey Cards
Please tun in any federal survey cards.  If you do not have them please write yourself a note to remind yourself to get them signed and returned ASAP

Monday, October 27, 2014

Exhibtions & Fundraising

Lets review the requirements for this years senior exhibition.  I want you to think more about what topic you will choose for your exhibition.  Your first exhibition where you will discuss your research, and strategies will begin on January 6th.  I want you to submit 3 topics (in order of preference) you would like to present on by Wednesday (10/29).

We have talked about some good ideas for fundraising, now lets start acting on them.  Please submit your ideas by the end of the day today.  On Wednesday we will start appointing leaders for every project and start working on making some money!

Catcher in the Rye
Please read chapters 13-16 by Friday.  You will have a quiz on Friday.  For this week I want you to write another story.  We previously talked about a time that you felt disconnected or lonely like Holden.  In the novel we have started to have a glimpse into things that used to make Holden happy.  I want you to describe when you are perfectly happy or content.  It can be in the form of either an expository or narrative story.  Talk about a person, place, or activity that makes you happy.  It can be your favorite vacation, a day at the beach, a place you go to be alone, with another person, or with friends and family.  Describe what this looks like to you.  Please submit on Monday (11/3) when you arrive at school.

Art History
Please complete the following Italy Before the Romans by Friday (10/31).   It covers the art of the Etruscans and their art before their conquest by the Romans.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Asian Art Presentations Today

Upcoming Assignments
We will have presentations in the morning then you will be able to work on the following upcoming assignments:

Catcher in the Rye Chapters 9-12 Quiz on Monday (10/27)
Book Check & Chapter Breakdown on Monday (10/27)
Continue brainstorming social issues for your senior exhibition
Continue thinking about fundraising ideas - We will discuss both on Monday
Judicial Branch Assignment Due Monday (11/3)

CSU Presentation
We have the CSU presentation in this room at 1:00pm.  Be here ready with any questions you have.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Socratic Seminar Today!

Socratic Seminar
We will begin our Socratic seminar after a few brief announcements.  Make sure you have questions in front of you as well as your annotated articles and any other information you may need.  Please look at the rubric for today if you have not done so already.

Today you will start looking at the judicial branch of government, focusing on the Supreme Court.  Please complete the following Judicial Branch Worksheet.  Answers can be found online through your own research and in your government book.  Once you have completed that please choose ONE of the following landmark Supreme Court decisions to review and then answer the questions at the bottom.  You DO NOT need to complete the extension activity.

Dread Scott v. Sanford (this may require small amount of additional research)
Marbury v. Madison
Brown v. Board of Education
Miranda v. Arizona
Roe v. Wade

Please turn in on Friday 10/31

Senior Exhibition
There have been lots of changes to exhibitions this year.  Please take a look at the new exhibition guidelines. The new exhibition will focus on a service project that you are interested in.  We will discuss this more in depth on Friday.  I want you to start brainstorming ideas about what you want to focus on.  Chose a social issue that you feel personally connected to or passionate about.  Your topic could include issues like LGBT rights, beach clean up, conservation, war on drugs, private prisons, racial profiling, homelessness, etc.

College Info
Applications for all CSU & UC schools are due by November 30th!  Remember every year the sites WILL CRASH close to the deadline, so don't wait until the last minute.  If you need any assistance with applications please see me.

On Friday at 1:00 we will have a presentation about CSU applications here in class.  The presenters will give you information about the application process and then be here to answer any questions for you.  If you are having any issues/concerns please bring a list of questions to ask to get anything you need cleared up.

If you have any questions about CSU or UC applications answered immediately or you can't get an answer here at school please use these following resources:
CSU Admissions
Open from 9am-4pm
(619) 594-6336

UC Admissions
Open from 10am-6pm

The Resource Conservation District of San Diego is offering 5 $1,000 scholarships for students.  If you have interned with a conservation group or are interested in conservation, agriculture, or the outdoors.  Please consider applying.  Qualifications and the application are available here.

I have not seen many of you working on scholarship applications.  Please check in on FastWeb to search the long list of scholarships offering you $$$$ to attend school.  More scholarships will come available in December, but there is money out there for you; all you have to do is work for it.

Door Decoration Contest
The Holiday Club is hosting a door decorating contest.  The classroom with the best decorated door will win a free pizza party for our class.  Is our class interested?  Who would like to be involved or take the lead and win us a free pizza party???

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Announcements

Catcher in the Rye
This week we will resume our reading of Catcher in the Rye.  Monday (10/27) we will have a quiz on chapters 9-12.

Socratic Seminar Rubric
The rubric for your Socratic seminar on Wednesday is available.  Please take a look if you are interested in how you will be scored and understand the expectations.  Socratic Seminar Rubric

Art History
You will select your favorite piece of Early Asian Art (painting, ceramic, statue, architecture, etc.).  The piece can be from the book or of your own selection.  The piece must be from Asia and prior to the year 1300.  You will give a short (3-4 minute) presentation where you discuss the artist, style, period, materials used, symbolism, cultural significance, and any other relevant information.  Presentations will be given Friday (10/24).  You must submit the image of your piece by Wednesday (10/22).

We as a senior class need to start thinking about fundraising for senior activities such as grad night and prom.  Fundraising will help make these events more fun and more affordable.  I would like everyone to submit 3 potential ideas for fundraising and any information you may have by the end of the day.

Old Documents
There are some old documents from Mrs.Villegas' class and from the file cabinet last year.  Please take a look and take anything you want to keep.  Anything left will be thrown away.

The Princess Project
The princess project is an organization that gives free prom dresses to students in need.  If you are interested in donating or volunteering, or would like information on how to get a free prom dress please visit their site. Princess Project

Friday, October 17, 2014

Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Book reviews are today.  You should have already sent me your presentation; if you have not done so you need to have it ready on your personal laptop.  I will ask for volunteers first, then will select students randomly.  If you are not ready to go points will be taken off your presentation.  Before we begin please take a look at the rubric.

Next 6 Weeks Book Review
Now that you have completed your first round of book reviews it is time to choose your next book!  Once again it must be from the list.  Let me know if you need suggestions or any help with your next selection.  The next book review presentation will take place on December 5th.  Please choose and book and bring it to class by next Monday.  Along with your book, please submit a page breakdown of how many pages you need to read per week to have the book finished by December 5th.  You are welcome to submit a daily breakdown that excludes Saturdays for example that may be more helpful to you.  Also, take into consideration the Thanksgiving break.  Please turn this in Monday (10/27) when you arrive in class.

Assignments Due
Art of Early Japan Due Today
President Paper Due Monday
Socratic Seminar Questions Due Monday
Socratic Seminar Wednesday
Book Check and Page Breakdown due Monday

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Socratic Seminar Guidelines

Socratic Seminar Guidelines
Please take a look at these Socratic Seminar Guidelines for next Wednesday.  We will go over our expectations.  Make sure you have started reading and annotating the required articles.  I will have a rubric for the Socratic Seminar on Friday.

ASB and Yearbook
Tickets to the Halloween dance are available now.  Talk to your ASB representatives about buying tickets ASAP.  The dance will be as fun as you guys make it!

I have forms for purchasing your yearbook available.  There is a large group of students working hard this year to make it a great yearbook for your senior year.

Grades Posted
Grades are posted in the back of the class.  Please see me about any questions or concerns.

Upcoming Assignments
Art of Ancient Japan is due Friday
President Paper is Due Monday
Book Review Slideshow is Due Today (Thursday via e-mail)
Socratic Seminar Questions are Due Monday by the end of the day

Monday, October 13, 2014

Socratic Seminar

Catcher in the Rye Socratic Seminar
We will be having a Socratic Seminar next Wednesday (10/22) on PTSD and Catcher in the Rye.  I want to have an engaging discussion in which we discuss: What is PTSD? Whether or not we can attribute some of Holden's behavior to PTSD? Whether or not JD Salinger may have suffered from PTSD? How did Salinger's experience in WWII affected his writing and his later life? How are we dealing with this issue in America today?

Today we began to brainstorm some questions we may have regarding these topics.  Your job is to read the following articles and gain some knowledge on the subject.  I want you to keep the questions we discussed in mind as you read.  As you read the following articles I want you to annotate the text.  Meaning write down any questions you have, mark any confusion, or highlight main points that will back up your ideas.  You will use these documents to aid the discussion and allow you to back up any claims with facts.  You will need to turn in at least 5 open ended questions or discussion topics by Monday (10/20) regarding each of the following:
  1. Do you think we can attribute some of Holden's feelings to PTSD?
  2. Do you believe Salinger himself suffered from PTSD which affected his writing and later life?
  3. What are we doing in America currently, or can we do, to help those with PTSD?
 Please read the following and use them to support your arguments:
The Catcher in the Rye
How Fighting in World War II Changed JD Salinger
The PTSD Crisis That’s Being Ignored: Americans Wounded in Their Own Neighborhoods
 A Loyal Soldier Doesn't Deserve This
PTSD Foundation of America - What is PTSD?
Mental Health America - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Art of Early Japan
Please complete your art history and turn it in by Friday (10/17) when you arrive in class.  Remember next week you will be giving a presentation on your favorite piece of early Asian art.
Art of Early Japan

Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy Friday!

Book Reviews
We will begin book reviews next Friday (10/17).  Your Pecha Kucha presentation must be e-mailed to me by Thursday (10/16) so we are ready to present Friday morning.  Remember, the presentation consists of 15 slides set on a timer for 20 seconds each.  More detailed instructions are available on the blog under book reviews.  If you need help setting the timer please let me know.  If you have not completed your book you will not receive full credit.

We are moving on from the legislative branch and will now take a look at the executive branch, better known as the president.  We learned already about presidential power and the ability to veto a law.  Now I want you to think about what you look for in a president.  We previously looked at our local representatives and what we like about them, now think about what you want when voting for the most powerful position in the country and potentially the world.

What qualities do you look for in a president?  What must the president do or believe in to be an effective leader?  From your knowledge of US History, who do you think was an effective president and why?

In a one page response, first I want you to explain what qualities are essential for a president.  Then I want you to look back and think about who, in US History, you believe was an effective president or one that positively represented the United States.  Tell me specifically (one policy, event, stance, goal, attitude, etc.) what about them you thought made them a good leader or why they demonstrated the qualities you think are most important.  Due: Monday (10/20)

October Newsletter
Students interested in upcoming events here at the MET please take a look at the new monthly newsletter, it features our very own Austin Lopez, Shaelee Barry, and Sean Tilghman.  Here is the October Newsletter.

Free & Reduced Lunch
Those students who have not submitted forms for free or reduced lunch will be forced to pay beginning on Tuesday.  If you have not submitted you MUST go to the office to get the appropriate forms and turn them in on Monday.  Even if you are unsure or do not receive free or reduced lunch please turn in the form if you have not done so already as the school receives some funding based on those forms.

Mesa Math Assessment
Leonor, Vincent, and any other students interested in taking a Mesa College math course next semester must take a math assessment.  Go to the Mesa Assessment office, you do not need an appointment but must bring your ID.  The office is open until 6 on Monday - Thursday and until 3 on Friday.  The test must be taken by Wednesday of next week to be eligible.

I still need ADA papers from the following students:
Shaelee                     Chad                            Fabiola                 Frida
Fatima                    Madeline                         Jacob

For Monday
Catcher in the Rye Quiz chapters 5-8
Narrative story on feeling disconnected

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Narrative Writing

Catcher in the Rye Narrative
Remember that your 1 page story of a time you felt disconnected should be a story.  Meaning it should be told in first person and about a single event.  Do not simply give a summary of a period in your life, but one specific event.  this will be due Monday (10/13)

Book Reviews
You should be getting close to finishing your books and start working on your presentations.  I should see a lot of people reading in class this week.

College Apps
You should be working on college applications.  If you have any questions about any part of the application process please see me or Mr. Moravec.  If you are worried about financing college I strongly encourage you to apply and look at grants you get from financial aid before you make your final decision.  I'm here and happy to help in any way I can.

I am working on our ADA box and still need work from many of you.  I will be passing back some assignments today.  I encourage you to keep them and double check they are entered in the grade book before you throw them away.  I am not perfect (though almost) and sometimes make mistakes in the gradebook.  For many of you I wanted to give you back an edited copy of your personal statement so I could not use it for English.  If you could please print another copy, with appropriate ADA heading and dates, so I can put it in the box.

I still need ADA subsidiaries from the following:
Sam Barbour
Chad Benner
Alejandro Espinoza

Remember all tardy's must be cleared by Friday or you will receive a referral and we will have to discuss your inability to make it to class or serve detention with Mrs. Leonard

Monday, October 6, 2014

Catcher in the Rye Quiz #1

Catcher in the Rye
After our quiz today we will have a discussion about what we've read so far.  I hope you all felt good about the quiz and have enjoyed your reading so far.  Clearly, Holden is a young man with some issues.  He seems disconnected from teachers, peers, and even his own family.  As we read further we will look into why.  Think about that as we continue with the novel.  We will have another quiz next Monday (10/13) on chapters 5-8.

For your English assignment this week due Monday (10/13) when you arrive:
Can you relate with the way Holden feels sometimes?  Are any of his feelings ever warranted?  I want you to write about a time where you felt disconnected.  This could be from teachers, a principal, or school... peers, even friends or family.  Think about a time when you felt excluded or like nobody else could understand you.  Please write a one page narrative, or story, about this experience.  Try to focus on one specific event rather that just summarizing.  Please use dialogue to enhance your story.  Please use proper quotations when using dialogue.

Art History
Your assignment for this week is on the Art of Early China and Korea.  Think about some of your favorite pieces as you will have to give a detailed presentation on your favorite piece of Early Asian Art.  This will be due Friday (10/10) before the end of the day.

Museum of Contemporary Art
I am trying to plan a field trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art which is in Downtown San Diego.  I wanted to gauge your level of interest and talk about transportation possibilities

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Happy Friday

Assignments Due
Please turn in the Art History assignment in the appropriate box.  You have until the end of the day to work on your JD Salinger bio.

Remember quiz on chapters 1-4 of Catcher in the Rye is on Monday when you arrive in class

Old Globe Play
The Old Globe Theater has offered us tickets to the play The Royale about the first African American Heavyweight Champion boxer, on Wednesday October 15th.  If you would like to attend and do not have college class and have no D's or F's let me know.  We will try to get you a ticket.

Tardy Policy
Students MUST serve detentions for tardy within one week.  That means all detentions must be cleared by next Friday.  To many students are leaving without serving detention.  If you do not serve your detention within one week you will receive a referral.  Rides home, or issues with the bus need to be figured out on your time and planned ahead; or simply DON'T BE LATE!