Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Socratic Seminar Today!

Socratic Seminar
We will begin our Socratic seminar after a few brief announcements.  Make sure you have questions in front of you as well as your annotated articles and any other information you may need.  Please look at the rubric for today if you have not done so already.

Today you will start looking at the judicial branch of government, focusing on the Supreme Court.  Please complete the following Judicial Branch Worksheet.  Answers can be found online through your own research and in your government book.  Once you have completed that please choose ONE of the following landmark Supreme Court decisions to review and then answer the questions at the bottom.  You DO NOT need to complete the extension activity.

Dread Scott v. Sanford (this may require small amount of additional research)
Marbury v. Madison
Brown v. Board of Education
Miranda v. Arizona
Roe v. Wade

Please turn in on Friday 10/31

Senior Exhibition
There have been lots of changes to exhibitions this year.  Please take a look at the new exhibition guidelines. The new exhibition will focus on a service project that you are interested in.  We will discuss this more in depth on Friday.  I want you to start brainstorming ideas about what you want to focus on.  Chose a social issue that you feel personally connected to or passionate about.  Your topic could include issues like LGBT rights, beach clean up, conservation, war on drugs, private prisons, racial profiling, homelessness, etc.

College Info
Applications for all CSU & UC schools are due by November 30th!  Remember every year the sites WILL CRASH close to the deadline, so don't wait until the last minute.  If you need any assistance with applications please see me.

On Friday at 1:00 we will have a presentation about CSU applications here in class.  The presenters will give you information about the application process and then be here to answer any questions for you.  If you are having any issues/concerns please bring a list of questions to ask to get anything you need cleared up.

If you have any questions about CSU or UC applications answered immediately or you can't get an answer here at school please use these following resources:
CSU Admissions
Open from 9am-4pm
(619) 594-6336

UC Admissions
Open from 10am-6pm

The Resource Conservation District of San Diego is offering 5 $1,000 scholarships for students.  If you have interned with a conservation group or are interested in conservation, agriculture, or the outdoors.  Please consider applying.  Qualifications and the application are available here.

I have not seen many of you working on scholarship applications.  Please check in on FastWeb to search the long list of scholarships offering you $$$$ to attend school.  More scholarships will come available in December, but there is money out there for you; all you have to do is work for it.

Door Decoration Contest
The Holiday Club is hosting a door decorating contest.  The classroom with the best decorated door will win a free pizza party for our class.  Is our class interested?  Who would like to be involved or take the lead and win us a free pizza party???

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