Friday, October 17, 2014

Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Book reviews are today.  You should have already sent me your presentation; if you have not done so you need to have it ready on your personal laptop.  I will ask for volunteers first, then will select students randomly.  If you are not ready to go points will be taken off your presentation.  Before we begin please take a look at the rubric.

Next 6 Weeks Book Review
Now that you have completed your first round of book reviews it is time to choose your next book!  Once again it must be from the list.  Let me know if you need suggestions or any help with your next selection.  The next book review presentation will take place on December 5th.  Please choose and book and bring it to class by next Monday.  Along with your book, please submit a page breakdown of how many pages you need to read per week to have the book finished by December 5th.  You are welcome to submit a daily breakdown that excludes Saturdays for example that may be more helpful to you.  Also, take into consideration the Thanksgiving break.  Please turn this in Monday (10/27) when you arrive in class.

Assignments Due
Art of Early Japan Due Today
President Paper Due Monday
Socratic Seminar Questions Due Monday
Socratic Seminar Wednesday
Book Check and Page Breakdown due Monday

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