Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy Friday!

Book Reviews
We will begin book reviews next Friday (10/17).  Your Pecha Kucha presentation must be e-mailed to me by Thursday (10/16) so we are ready to present Friday morning.  Remember, the presentation consists of 15 slides set on a timer for 20 seconds each.  More detailed instructions are available on the blog under book reviews.  If you need help setting the timer please let me know.  If you have not completed your book you will not receive full credit.

We are moving on from the legislative branch and will now take a look at the executive branch, better known as the president.  We learned already about presidential power and the ability to veto a law.  Now I want you to think about what you look for in a president.  We previously looked at our local representatives and what we like about them, now think about what you want when voting for the most powerful position in the country and potentially the world.

What qualities do you look for in a president?  What must the president do or believe in to be an effective leader?  From your knowledge of US History, who do you think was an effective president and why?

In a one page response, first I want you to explain what qualities are essential for a president.  Then I want you to look back and think about who, in US History, you believe was an effective president or one that positively represented the United States.  Tell me specifically (one policy, event, stance, goal, attitude, etc.) what about them you thought made them a good leader or why they demonstrated the qualities you think are most important.  Due: Monday (10/20)

October Newsletter
Students interested in upcoming events here at the MET please take a look at the new monthly newsletter, it features our very own Austin Lopez, Shaelee Barry, and Sean Tilghman.  Here is the October Newsletter.

Free & Reduced Lunch
Those students who have not submitted forms for free or reduced lunch will be forced to pay beginning on Tuesday.  If you have not submitted you MUST go to the office to get the appropriate forms and turn them in on Monday.  Even if you are unsure or do not receive free or reduced lunch please turn in the form if you have not done so already as the school receives some funding based on those forms.

Mesa Math Assessment
Leonor, Vincent, and any other students interested in taking a Mesa College math course next semester must take a math assessment.  Go to the Mesa Assessment office, you do not need an appointment but must bring your ID.  The office is open until 6 on Monday - Thursday and until 3 on Friday.  The test must be taken by Wednesday of next week to be eligible.

I still need ADA papers from the following students:
Shaelee                     Chad                            Fabiola                 Frida
Fatima                    Madeline                         Jacob

For Monday
Catcher in the Rye Quiz chapters 5-8
Narrative story on feeling disconnected

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