Monday, October 5, 2015

Active vs. Passive Voice

Active Vs. Passive Voice
Today we will learn about the active and passive voice in writing.  We will discuss the differences between active and passive voice, when to use them, and how to identify them in your writing.  Please look at the following examples to help you understand.  Once we finish you will have time to work on your short story.  I want you to go through your paper and try to identify any use of passive voice and change it to active.  Remember to turn in a rough draft today so I can check your progress and give you some suggestions.  Use your time today to continue writing, you should be at or around 5 pages at this point.  If you think you are finished go back and find places you can add detail to your characters and setting.  Your paper can always be improved!

Free & Reduced Lunch
Please fill out the following form for free and reduced lunch.  Even if you do not qualify our school recieves funding for all applications.  Please follow the link below to apply:

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