Thursday, October 8, 2015

Peer Edits & Polish Paper

Your short story is due on Monday when you arrive in English class.  Please take a close look at the rubric so you understand how you will be graded.  This is your final day to work on your paper in class.  You can do 1 of 3 things today:
  1. Work on corrections from me or your partner from Wednesday.  Read paper aloud and work on any final edits.
  2. Get with a partner and quietly review each others paper, using the following peer edit form.
  3. Work with me individually to improve your paper.  This is on a first come first serve basis and I will move quickly as possible in an attempt to work with the most students I can.
Federal Survey Cards
Federal survey cards have been sent home.  Please have your parents fill them out completely and then return them ASAP. 

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