Friday, December 19, 2014

Have Fun at the Zoo!

Enjoy your time at the zoo today!  Here are a few announcements to remind you about upcoming events or things you should be thinking about over winter break.

Your government assignment is due today.  Grades for the economic issues are in the gradebook.  I want you to think about some of the topics we have discussed and keep those in mind for the semester final of "philosophical chairs."  I will give you a list of topics again to study/research for the final.  You are encouraged to do additional research to make sure you have appropriate information and a solid stance for the debate.

There was also some confusion about what exactly welfare is and what people receive.  Also, the misconception that all individuals who receive welfare are unemployed or not working.  There are still many reasons to be for or against the distribution of social welfare and many good ides to improve the system.  I want to direct you to these 2 links for more information (which can be used on the final).

List of Social Welfare Programs
Relationship Between SNAP (food stamps) and Low Income Households
WalMart and McDonald's Workers Receiving Welfare
WalMart Affect on the Economy and Welfare

Independent Reading Books
Take some time during break to read your independent reading book.  There will be lots of time available to you and it will really pay off for you when we get closer to finals.  Get ahead now and stress less during finals.  You also might actually enjoy your reading!!!

Use this time over break to apply for scholarships.  There is money available to all types of students for all types of circumstances.  Go out there and get yourself some money for school!  Please check to following websites:
San Diego Foundation Scholarships

Enjoy your break!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Final Week Before Winter Break

For this week please think about your stance on the following issues:

  • Do you support increased gun control?  Do you believe we should have mandatory criminal and personal safety background checks?
  • Should the US legalize marijuana?  Are you in favor of decriminalizing drug use?
  • Should the US outlaw gerrymandering? Are you in favor of an independent commission redrawing congressional districts?
In your response please try to include your own solution.

I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end on Friday (12/19) before you leave for the weekend.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable or authoritative sources.

Progress Reports
Please turn in your progress reports.  Students who do not turn them in will receive calls home.

Donate Goods
Wednesday is your last day to donate goods to children in need for the holidays.  Your simple gift can go a long way.  Our classroom is donating for Teens.  Or if you have extra gifts you are welcome to donate to another classroom.

Upcoming Assignments
There is no art history this week.  I want you to use your time this week wisely.  You have a lot of assignments coming up and I want you to use this time to get a head start.  that means working on your English essay, exhibitions, research paper, and reading.  I also have your art history study guide available if you would like to get a head start.

Zoo Field Trip
Please turn in your permission slip for the zoo field trip on Friday.  If you do not have a permission slip you will be stuck at school working on assignments.  We will discuss the bus route on Wednesday.  Remember to bring bus passes on Friday.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Scholarships & Upcoming Schedule

Now that most of your college applications are finished it is time to focus on scholarships.  There are countless scholarships available to you; if you search for them.  I want you to make a goal of how many scholarships you would like to apply to each week.  This is your opportunity to make a lot of money for yourself.  The first scholarship I want you to apply for is the San Diego Foundation Common App.

Please go to San Diego Scholarship Foundation.  Please fill out the common application which will make you eligible for a large amount of scholarships.  Take a look at other individual scholarships if you are interested.

Continue to search Fastweb and for more scholarships.  Now is the time that most scholarships will be made available.

Essay Contest
Essay and video contest with up to $2,000 in cash prizes.  Topic is what the American Dream means to you.  See details here

Your first semester exhibitions will be a presentation on your research topic.  In a 10 minute presentation you will introduce your topic, present your thesis, discuss major points of your paper, and discuss your research.  Please see the following rubric to understand what will be expected of you.

Exhibitions will take place on January 12th and 14th.  A schedule for presentations will be distributed in the next few days.  If you have a valid reason (absence, etc.) one of those days will not workfor you please see me.

Finals Schedule
Finals will take place on January 16th, 21st, and 23rd.  As you can see they take place directly after exhibitions.  Plan your time wisely because you will be very busy during the month of January.  The schedule is not finalized yet but on those dates you will take your 3 finals.

English - You will be turning in your Catcher in the Rye essay on the final day of finals week which will serve as your final exam.  During the finals time you will be giving your independent reading book presentations.

Government - We will be doing an activity called 'philosophical chairs' where we will have an academic discussion on some of the issues we have written about in class.  There will be 3 groups of tables; pro, con, and undecided.  Students will sit at the appropriate table based on the topic and move around after hearing student arguments.  You will be scored based on participation and your responses.  Similar to how the Socratic seminar was scored.

Art History - There will be a timed short essay write.  I will give you a study guide containing many of the most important pieces you have learned about over the semester.  On the day of the final I will put some of those images up on the projector and you will write a short essay on the work of art.  Tell me everything you know about the piece including time period, artist, region, cultural significance, etc.  The more specific the answer the better the score.

As you can see you have a lot of work to do over the next few weeks.  Please plan ahead and do not procrastinate.  There will not be any sympathy at the end of the semester.  Remember, any D's or F's at the end of the semester will put you in serious danger of not graduating.

Independent Reading Books
Have your independent reading books ready by Friday.  You may have to do a lot of reading during winter break.  To avoid that problem stay on top of your reading and make sure you have your book with you everyday in class.

Catcher in the Rye
Remember to keep working on your Catcher in the Rye essay.  I know you have submitted an outline but stay focused and continue to work on them.  I expect a high quality essay with the amount of time you have.  I am keeping the outlines for ADA, if you submitted a written copy and need to see it please let me know.

MET Super Bowl
We will have our first ever MET Super Bowl of the Seniors vs. Juniors on January 30th.  Here are the rules.  Please let me know if you will be participating.  A team consists of 6 players and we will need 3 males and 3 females on the field at all times.

Prom Committee
Prom Committee meets today in our room at lunch to discuss the theme of Prom

Monday, December 8, 2014

Finish Presentions Today

Today we will complete our independent reading presentations

As we have just finished our book please find your independent reading book for the final 6 weeks bu this Friday.  Just like last time please submit a chapter breakdown and turn it into the box by the end of the day on Friday.

Mesa College Quiz
All students must complete the following quiz for Mesa College.  It is a quick survey about the Mesa College website.  Please take a look at the mesa website, and then complete the following short survey.

For this week please think about your stance on the following economic issues:
  • Should the government raise the minimum wage?
  • Should the government provide forms of welfare to able bodied individuals?  Should these individuals be forced to work?  What requirements should individuals have to meet to receive welfare benefits?
  • Should the US reduce or increase corporate income tax rates?
I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end on Friday (12/12) before you leave for the weekend.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable or authoritative sources.

Art of Ancient America
This weeks chapter of art history is Art of Ancient America.  Please turn in the handout by Friday before you leave class.

Student Movie Night
The Holiday Club is putting on a holiday movie night this Friday.  Please see the flyer for more details

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Research Paper

Research Paper
Today we will have a presentation from Mr. Brandes on how to acquire and properly cite sources for your research paper.

Before he begins I will pass back your first check in for your paper.  I am very concerned about the quality and effort put into many of your papers so far.  Many of you are either unsure or didn't bother to properly cite or simply put your paper in MLA format.  If you have questions or concerns please see me.  If you got a low score you need to work hard in the next few weeks to make changes.  This project is a LARGE part of your final English grade.

Some common mistakes:
  • Formatting
  • Using "I" or personal info
  • Citations
  • "Facts" without backing
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Hanging Indent for Works Cited
  • No clear thesis
Prom Committee
The Prom committee is meeting today at lunch in our room.

Independent Reading Book Presentations
Please e-mail me your slides by the end of the day today.

Grades will be sent home to your parents on Monday to be signed and returned to me by Friday.  Please stay up to date with your grades on PowerSchool.

A detention list will be sent to Mr. Brandes today for all students who owe time.  Students will go to room 206 at 3:00 to begin serving detention.

Upcoming Assignments All Due Friday
Environmental Issues for Government
Islamic Art Handout
Catcher in the Rye Essay Outline

Monday, December 1, 2014

Welcome Back!

We only have 3 weeks until Winter Break and a lot to get done in that time span.  Here are your assignments for this week:

Your final assignment for our unit on The Catcher in the Rye is an expository essay.  Please carefully read the instructions and choose one of the essay topics.

This will serve as your final for English class.  It will be due on the final day of the semester (1/23).  That seems like a long ways away but you will be very busy so do not procrastinate.

Please submit which essay prompt you will be writing about and a brief outline by Friday (12/5).  Your outline will contain: the prompt you have chosen, a thesis, and what you will discuss in each of your 3 body paragraphs.  You may also have began selecting quotes you want to use to back up or support your thesis.

Please think about your stance on the following issues.
  • Is global warming a threat to the environment?  Should measures be taken to lower the United States (and the worlds) impact on the environment?
  • Should the federal government give tax breaks and subsidies to companies who create and/or research alternative energy (wind and solar)?
  • Should national parks continue to be protected by the national government?
I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end (to practice for research project) on Friday (12/5) before you leave for the weekend.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable.

Art History 
Islamic Art

Please complete the Islamic Art Handout and turn it in before you leave on Friday (12/5)

Book Reviews
Your presentation for your 2nd independent reading book is this Friday.  Have your slides turned into me before you leave on Wednesday or you will lose points.  We will be following the same presentation style and rubric we used previously.  I hope you all did your reading over break!

Be Aware, this also means you will be paying careful attention to your classmates presentations and therefore will have less time to work on assignments in class.  It also means you need to have a new book to show me by Friday (12/12) that you will read for the final 6 weeks of the semester.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Thanksgiving Break Upcoming!

Lots to do this week before we have a one week break!

Please think about your stance on the following issues.
  • What is your feeling about abortion?  Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
  • Do you believe same sex marriage should be legal?
  • Should America allow the death penalty?
I want you to describe what your views are and your reason behind your opinions.  Please write a paragraph response to EACH.  Each response will need to have one authoritative source to back up your reasoning.  Please turn in as one whole paper (will be about 2 pages) with a works cited at the end (to practice for research project) on Friday (11/21) before you leave for break.  The sources can be from wherever you want as long as they are reliable.

Art History
Art of Byzantium

Please complete Art of Byzantium by Friday (11/21) before you leave for break

If you are interested in what has happened to the Hagia Sophia since the Byzantine Empire please check out the following short documentary

Catcher in the Rye Final Quiz - Wednesday (11/19)
Research Project Check #1 - Friday (11/21)
Independent Reading Presentation - Friday (12/5)

Federal Survey Cards
I still need Federal Survey Cards from the following students:
Grecia             Alejandro         Ashley             Gavin            Austin          Vincent   

Friday, November 14, 2014

Finish Assignments & New Government

We are going to start looking at your opinions on major issues.  The goal of government is not only to teach you the structure of government and how it works, but to make you think critically about important issues.  I want you to have strong informed opinions, whatever they may be, about the world around you.  I want you to have at least one issue you feel strongly about or care about, and something that makes you politically active in the future.

We are going to start by trying to figure out where you fall on the political spectrum and your political leanings.  While you should never base an opinion solely on the thoughts of a political party it is important to understand which party you most closely identify with.  Please take the following quiz to help find out your political leanings.

Take the Quiz Here

Please click the button at the bottom of each category that says show more.  Clicking chose another stance will provide you with alternative responses on issues where you are unsure.  Clicking learn more will also give you more information to help explain the issue if you are unfamiliar.  You may also rate how important each issue is to you if you would like.  When finished click show my results and please print the page and turn in for credit.

For the rest of the semester and our government class we will be discussing and researching major issues that currently face our country.  Each week I will provide you with a group of issues you will research and form an opinion.  At the end of the semester we will have a classroom debate, similar to our socratic seminar, on the major issues.  Research you do now will help you on the final.

Assignments Due Today
Art of late Antiquity
Catcher in the Rye - Transition to Adulthood

Research Project Check #1 - due next friday
Independent Reading Presentation - Due December 5th

Federal Survey Cards
I still need Federal Survey Cards from the following students:
Grecia             Alejandro         Ashley             Gavin            Austin          Vincent   

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Catcher in the Rye
Please finish your reading of Catcher in the Rye.  Read chapters 21-completion.  We will have our final quiz on Wednesday (11/19) and we will begin working on our final project for the book after Thanksgiving break.

Your writing on fears of transitioning to adulthood are due by Friday (11/14) at 3:00pm

Art History
Art of Late Antiquity is due on Friday (11/14) by 3:00pm.

Senior Exhibtion
Your first check in for your senior exhibition research paper is due on Friday (11/21).  That means you have a week and a half left to complete:
At least 2 sources correctly cited on a MLA citation page
One-Two pages introducing your social issue and identifying the problem
Your introduction must include a CLEAR thesis
Your essay must be formatted to meet MLA guidelines
At least one quote correctly cited

Remember what is needed to meet the one source requirement:
Books (2) - may be fiction or nonfiction
Websites (3) - Must be reliable and appropriate research sources
Webinar, Podcast
Professional (peer reviewed) journal (3)
Periodicals (4)
Interview with an expert
News Program (3)
Conduct your own research - create a poll, etc.
(#)* - number required to fulfill one source

Please see me if you have any questions or need help with your research

Independent Reading
Book review presentations will be due the Friday you get back from Thanksgiving break.  You should be at least halfway done with your novel at this point.  YOU MUST BRING YOUR BOOK TO CLASS EVERYDAY.

Please fill out a form for Senior Standouts & your Senior Quotations.  Please turn them in to me when completed.  These should take NO MORE than 5 minutes.

Please fill out a form for cap and gowns.  All you need to put down is height and weight so we can get an idea of your size.

Mascot Artwork
Welcome MET Panthers! Congrats to the group and all Met students.  Students will now be able to submit artwork and design images that will represent our school.  If interested please send the following in digital form to Mr. Brandes at
A Panther Logo with the words "San Diego"
A Letter "M" Logo with word Panthers or San Diego Met
A Letterhead Logo with words San Diego Met

Federal Survey Cards
I still need Federal Survey Cards from the following students:
Grecia             Alejandro         Ashley             Gavin            Austin          Vincent    

Monday, November 10, 2014

Upcoming Assignments

Catcher in the Rye
Please read chapters 21-23. Quiz will be on Monday (11/17)

Art History
Art of Late Antiquity is due Friday (11/14)

Veteran's Day
There is no school tomorrow due to Veteran's day.  That means you DO NOT go to your internship tomorrow.  Make sure you have let your mentor know that you will not be coming in.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Upcoming Assignments

Catcher in the Rye

Catcher in the Rye Quiz on chapters 16-20 on Monday (11/10) when you get to class in the morning.  Do not be left out in the cold!  these chapters are slightly longer than previous sections and there are some difficult questions so be ready for Monday

Your English assignment is to discuss your transition to adulthood and think about your own life as you make connections to our main character.  Please turn in your paper, at least one page, on Friday (11/14)

Independent Reading
Continue working on your independent reading books.  I have not seen many of you reading in class.  You must bring your book to school with you EVERY DAY.  You have under one month left to finish your book and create your presentation.

Art History
Your Art of Ancient Rome handout is due today by 3:00

College Apps
Continue working on College Apps.  please see me if you need any help.

Cal-SOAP is holding another college application and scholarship workshop that will be held over Thanksgiving break on Tuesday, November 24th.  Please click here for more info.

Mesa College Classes
The following students need to turn in the yellow forms I passed out regarding Mesa Courses:
Shaelee      Frida      Mayan      Leonor      Ashley      Vincent      Daysie      Maddi      Jacob

The following students need to meet with the Mesa College Counselor regarding course selections next Friday:
Vincent      Leonor      Gavin

Federal Survey Cards
I need to collect federal survey cards.  If I still do not have yours I need you to bring them on Monday or I will begin sending you down to the office.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Research Project Formatting and Citations
MLA Formatting - an overview of how to format your paper, cite sources in the text, and create a works cited page.
Purdue Online Writing Lab - gives specific guidelines for a\formatting and citations for all types of sources.

How to Find Sources for Your Research Project
You have access to a college library here on the Mesa college campus.  You must go to the library tell them you are from the Met, fill out a form, and gt a barcode for your Met ID.  The Mesa library has numerous books, and academic journals for you to find.
To search for peer reviewed journals and other quality sources check out Mesa's article and reference database.  You do need a Mesa ID to log in.

Google Scholar
Google scholar allows you to search for academic literature. Many are available for free as a PDF, while others may require you to visit a library.

If goolge scholar does not have a PDF available try using Worldcat.  This is a search which allows you to find where any source is available.

Catcher in the Rye
As we move forward towards the end of the novel I want you to think about the major themes we have discussed in class; such as loneliness and the difficulty of growing up and transitioning to adulthood.  I want you to reflect on your own life as you transition into adulthood personally.

What do you fear most about becoming an adult or transitioning into the "real world"?
What is your greatest concern as you move forward into the next stage of your life?
How do you feel about your life and where you are headed as you transition out of high school?

Please write at least one page on the topic and turn in on Friday (11/14).  Make sure you have your reading done, chapters 16-20, for the quiz on Monday (11/10).

Prom Committee
We will be selecting 5 students from this class to help form the prom committee.  We are going to begin working with the junior class to start planning, organizing, and fundraising for prom.  The committee will make decisions on theme, location, etc.

Continue working on fundraisers.  We will need help with Thanksgiving grams, please see Sam to help.  I haven't seen any work on recycling or change collection so far.   I also want to choose a date and location for a senior dinner night that we can start planning.

College Applications
College application deadlines are coming up fast.  If you have not completed your applications you need to get working on them quickly.  If you need any help applying or even selecting a college please see me or Mr. Moravec.

Mascot Elections
Please clean up any of your mascot election advertising around the classroom.  Please throw away any papers and completely clean any whiteboards.

If you are listed on the board to serve detention you MUST serve by Friday.  You were made aware that you must serve last week.  If you do not serve your time by Friday I will be forced to write a referral.

Federal Survey Cards
I still need Federal Survey Cards from the following students:
Grecia              Shaelee               Chad              Kassy          Alejandro      
Ashley             Diana            Austin               Fatima
Vincent            Daysie                Jacob
If you are on this list you need to do something to remind yourself to get that turned in on Friday

Monday, November 3, 2014

Senior Exhibitions

Catcher in the Rye
Please read chapters 16-20.  We will have a quiz on the chapters on Monday (11/10) when you arrive in class.  Remember not to be late so you are stuck outside during the reading discussion!  Think about some of the themes we discussed on Friday as you read.

Art of Ancient Rome
Complete the handout on the Art of Ancient Rome.  Please turn in by the end of the day on Friday (11/7).  The chapters are beginning to get much longer and more detailed as we move forward, so be prepared and don't leave it until the last minute. 

Once again here is the outline for your senior exhibition.  We are going to begin working on our research project and start gathering sources.  You must have at least 3-5 different authoritative sources for your final paper.  Here are the following sources you may chose from:

Books (2) - may be fiction or nonfiction
Websites (3) - Must be reliable and appropriate research sources
Webinar, Podcast
Professional (peer reviewed) journal (3)
Periodicals (4)
Interview with an expert
News Program (3)
Conduct your own research - create a poll, etc.
(#)* - number required to fulfill one source

We will begin check ins for the project.  By November 21st (last day before Thanksgiving break) you will be required to submit a check in.  For your first check in you must have:

At least 2 sources completed
Correct APA citation page
One-Two pages introducing your social issue and identifying the problem
Your introduction must include a CLEAR thesis
 Your essay must be formatted to meet MLA guidelines
At least one quote correctly cited

I will discuss effective ways to acquire some of these sources and proper citation on Wednesday

Fund Raisers
2 Students would like to discuss with you fund raising ideas they have come up with so far and get your suggestions or approval to move forward.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I want to meet with all of you today about your research project for exhibitions.  Come by and discuss with me at the following times:
8:50 - Chad          8:55 - Alejandro
9:00 - Vincent      9:05 - Daysie
9:10 - Maddi        9:15 - Sean
9:20 - Grecia        9:30 - Sam
9:35 - Shaelee      9:40 - Fabiola
9:45 - Kassy         9:50 - Frida
9:55 - Mayan       10:00 - Leonor
10:05 - Ashley     10:10 - Gavin
10:15 - Austin      10:20 - Fatima
10:30 - Trevon     10:35 - Jacob

Tardy Policy
Administration has recognized the major issue we have with students coming to school late.  My detention after school have clearly not solved the problem so we have been forced to raise consequences.  This will begin on Friday.  The tardy policy will be as follows:
1st tardy - 10 minutes
2nd tardy - 20 minutes
3rd tardy - 30 minutes
4th tardy - referral
Mrs. Leonard will decide what happens after the 4th tardy including parent conference etc. 

I received a few ideas to begin fundraising.  Keep the ideas coming.  Remember this is YOUR prom and grad night.  It's up to you to reduce cost for you and to make these events fun.  These are the ideas that have been proposed so far; lets appoint someone to head up each idea.  I expect a report from each by the end of next week.
  • Change donations (all classes and office, maybe c-store??) - Distribute & Collect
  • Recycling bottles and cans - Containers & Collection
  • Breakfast Friday (coffee and doughnuts? Krispy Kreme?) - Organize & Sell
  • Dinner at Restuarant (CPK, souplantation, etc.) - Organize & Advertise
  • Holiday Gift Wrapping (Barnes & Noble) - Organize
  • Candy Sales??? (See's or regular candy) - Organize
  • Candy Grams??? (Winter Holidays & Valentines) - Organize & Advertise
Dare to Dream College
"Dare to Dream College" is a free event at UCSD on November 1st from 7:30am to 1:00pm.  The event is geared towards African American families but everyone is welcome.  There will be free breakfast at the event.  Please follow the link to register Dare to Dream College

Federal Survey Cards
Please tun in any federal survey cards.  If you do not have them please write yourself a note to remind yourself to get them signed and returned ASAP

Monday, October 27, 2014

Exhibtions & Fundraising

Lets review the requirements for this years senior exhibition.  I want you to think more about what topic you will choose for your exhibition.  Your first exhibition where you will discuss your research, and strategies will begin on January 6th.  I want you to submit 3 topics (in order of preference) you would like to present on by Wednesday (10/29).

We have talked about some good ideas for fundraising, now lets start acting on them.  Please submit your ideas by the end of the day today.  On Wednesday we will start appointing leaders for every project and start working on making some money!

Catcher in the Rye
Please read chapters 13-16 by Friday.  You will have a quiz on Friday.  For this week I want you to write another story.  We previously talked about a time that you felt disconnected or lonely like Holden.  In the novel we have started to have a glimpse into things that used to make Holden happy.  I want you to describe when you are perfectly happy or content.  It can be in the form of either an expository or narrative story.  Talk about a person, place, or activity that makes you happy.  It can be your favorite vacation, a day at the beach, a place you go to be alone, with another person, or with friends and family.  Describe what this looks like to you.  Please submit on Monday (11/3) when you arrive at school.

Art History
Please complete the following Italy Before the Romans by Friday (10/31).   It covers the art of the Etruscans and their art before their conquest by the Romans.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Asian Art Presentations Today

Upcoming Assignments
We will have presentations in the morning then you will be able to work on the following upcoming assignments:

Catcher in the Rye Chapters 9-12 Quiz on Monday (10/27)
Book Check & Chapter Breakdown on Monday (10/27)
Continue brainstorming social issues for your senior exhibition
Continue thinking about fundraising ideas - We will discuss both on Monday
Judicial Branch Assignment Due Monday (11/3)

CSU Presentation
We have the CSU presentation in this room at 1:00pm.  Be here ready with any questions you have.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Socratic Seminar Today!

Socratic Seminar
We will begin our Socratic seminar after a few brief announcements.  Make sure you have questions in front of you as well as your annotated articles and any other information you may need.  Please look at the rubric for today if you have not done so already.

Today you will start looking at the judicial branch of government, focusing on the Supreme Court.  Please complete the following Judicial Branch Worksheet.  Answers can be found online through your own research and in your government book.  Once you have completed that please choose ONE of the following landmark Supreme Court decisions to review and then answer the questions at the bottom.  You DO NOT need to complete the extension activity.

Dread Scott v. Sanford (this may require small amount of additional research)
Marbury v. Madison
Brown v. Board of Education
Miranda v. Arizona
Roe v. Wade

Please turn in on Friday 10/31

Senior Exhibition
There have been lots of changes to exhibitions this year.  Please take a look at the new exhibition guidelines. The new exhibition will focus on a service project that you are interested in.  We will discuss this more in depth on Friday.  I want you to start brainstorming ideas about what you want to focus on.  Chose a social issue that you feel personally connected to or passionate about.  Your topic could include issues like LGBT rights, beach clean up, conservation, war on drugs, private prisons, racial profiling, homelessness, etc.

College Info
Applications for all CSU & UC schools are due by November 30th!  Remember every year the sites WILL CRASH close to the deadline, so don't wait until the last minute.  If you need any assistance with applications please see me.

On Friday at 1:00 we will have a presentation about CSU applications here in class.  The presenters will give you information about the application process and then be here to answer any questions for you.  If you are having any issues/concerns please bring a list of questions to ask to get anything you need cleared up.

If you have any questions about CSU or UC applications answered immediately or you can't get an answer here at school please use these following resources:
CSU Admissions
Open from 9am-4pm
(619) 594-6336

UC Admissions
Open from 10am-6pm

The Resource Conservation District of San Diego is offering 5 $1,000 scholarships for students.  If you have interned with a conservation group or are interested in conservation, agriculture, or the outdoors.  Please consider applying.  Qualifications and the application are available here.

I have not seen many of you working on scholarship applications.  Please check in on FastWeb to search the long list of scholarships offering you $$$$ to attend school.  More scholarships will come available in December, but there is money out there for you; all you have to do is work for it.

Door Decoration Contest
The Holiday Club is hosting a door decorating contest.  The classroom with the best decorated door will win a free pizza party for our class.  Is our class interested?  Who would like to be involved or take the lead and win us a free pizza party???

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Announcements

Catcher in the Rye
This week we will resume our reading of Catcher in the Rye.  Monday (10/27) we will have a quiz on chapters 9-12.

Socratic Seminar Rubric
The rubric for your Socratic seminar on Wednesday is available.  Please take a look if you are interested in how you will be scored and understand the expectations.  Socratic Seminar Rubric

Art History
You will select your favorite piece of Early Asian Art (painting, ceramic, statue, architecture, etc.).  The piece can be from the book or of your own selection.  The piece must be from Asia and prior to the year 1300.  You will give a short (3-4 minute) presentation where you discuss the artist, style, period, materials used, symbolism, cultural significance, and any other relevant information.  Presentations will be given Friday (10/24).  You must submit the image of your piece by Wednesday (10/22).

We as a senior class need to start thinking about fundraising for senior activities such as grad night and prom.  Fundraising will help make these events more fun and more affordable.  I would like everyone to submit 3 potential ideas for fundraising and any information you may have by the end of the day.

Old Documents
There are some old documents from Mrs.Villegas' class and from the file cabinet last year.  Please take a look and take anything you want to keep.  Anything left will be thrown away.

The Princess Project
The princess project is an organization that gives free prom dresses to students in need.  If you are interested in donating or volunteering, or would like information on how to get a free prom dress please visit their site. Princess Project

Friday, October 17, 2014

Book Reviews

Book Reviews
Book reviews are today.  You should have already sent me your presentation; if you have not done so you need to have it ready on your personal laptop.  I will ask for volunteers first, then will select students randomly.  If you are not ready to go points will be taken off your presentation.  Before we begin please take a look at the rubric.

Next 6 Weeks Book Review
Now that you have completed your first round of book reviews it is time to choose your next book!  Once again it must be from the list.  Let me know if you need suggestions or any help with your next selection.  The next book review presentation will take place on December 5th.  Please choose and book and bring it to class by next Monday.  Along with your book, please submit a page breakdown of how many pages you need to read per week to have the book finished by December 5th.  You are welcome to submit a daily breakdown that excludes Saturdays for example that may be more helpful to you.  Also, take into consideration the Thanksgiving break.  Please turn this in Monday (10/27) when you arrive in class.

Assignments Due
Art of Early Japan Due Today
President Paper Due Monday
Socratic Seminar Questions Due Monday
Socratic Seminar Wednesday
Book Check and Page Breakdown due Monday

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Socratic Seminar Guidelines

Socratic Seminar Guidelines
Please take a look at these Socratic Seminar Guidelines for next Wednesday.  We will go over our expectations.  Make sure you have started reading and annotating the required articles.  I will have a rubric for the Socratic Seminar on Friday.

ASB and Yearbook
Tickets to the Halloween dance are available now.  Talk to your ASB representatives about buying tickets ASAP.  The dance will be as fun as you guys make it!

I have forms for purchasing your yearbook available.  There is a large group of students working hard this year to make it a great yearbook for your senior year.

Grades Posted
Grades are posted in the back of the class.  Please see me about any questions or concerns.

Upcoming Assignments
Art of Ancient Japan is due Friday
President Paper is Due Monday
Book Review Slideshow is Due Today (Thursday via e-mail)
Socratic Seminar Questions are Due Monday by the end of the day

Monday, October 13, 2014

Socratic Seminar

Catcher in the Rye Socratic Seminar
We will be having a Socratic Seminar next Wednesday (10/22) on PTSD and Catcher in the Rye.  I want to have an engaging discussion in which we discuss: What is PTSD? Whether or not we can attribute some of Holden's behavior to PTSD? Whether or not JD Salinger may have suffered from PTSD? How did Salinger's experience in WWII affected his writing and his later life? How are we dealing with this issue in America today?

Today we began to brainstorm some questions we may have regarding these topics.  Your job is to read the following articles and gain some knowledge on the subject.  I want you to keep the questions we discussed in mind as you read.  As you read the following articles I want you to annotate the text.  Meaning write down any questions you have, mark any confusion, or highlight main points that will back up your ideas.  You will use these documents to aid the discussion and allow you to back up any claims with facts.  You will need to turn in at least 5 open ended questions or discussion topics by Monday (10/20) regarding each of the following:
  1. Do you think we can attribute some of Holden's feelings to PTSD?
  2. Do you believe Salinger himself suffered from PTSD which affected his writing and later life?
  3. What are we doing in America currently, or can we do, to help those with PTSD?
 Please read the following and use them to support your arguments:
The Catcher in the Rye
How Fighting in World War II Changed JD Salinger
The PTSD Crisis That’s Being Ignored: Americans Wounded in Their Own Neighborhoods
 A Loyal Soldier Doesn't Deserve This
PTSD Foundation of America - What is PTSD?
Mental Health America - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Art of Early Japan
Please complete your art history and turn it in by Friday (10/17) when you arrive in class.  Remember next week you will be giving a presentation on your favorite piece of early Asian art.
Art of Early Japan

Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy Friday!

Book Reviews
We will begin book reviews next Friday (10/17).  Your Pecha Kucha presentation must be e-mailed to me by Thursday (10/16) so we are ready to present Friday morning.  Remember, the presentation consists of 15 slides set on a timer for 20 seconds each.  More detailed instructions are available on the blog under book reviews.  If you need help setting the timer please let me know.  If you have not completed your book you will not receive full credit.

We are moving on from the legislative branch and will now take a look at the executive branch, better known as the president.  We learned already about presidential power and the ability to veto a law.  Now I want you to think about what you look for in a president.  We previously looked at our local representatives and what we like about them, now think about what you want when voting for the most powerful position in the country and potentially the world.

What qualities do you look for in a president?  What must the president do or believe in to be an effective leader?  From your knowledge of US History, who do you think was an effective president and why?

In a one page response, first I want you to explain what qualities are essential for a president.  Then I want you to look back and think about who, in US History, you believe was an effective president or one that positively represented the United States.  Tell me specifically (one policy, event, stance, goal, attitude, etc.) what about them you thought made them a good leader or why they demonstrated the qualities you think are most important.  Due: Monday (10/20)

October Newsletter
Students interested in upcoming events here at the MET please take a look at the new monthly newsletter, it features our very own Austin Lopez, Shaelee Barry, and Sean Tilghman.  Here is the October Newsletter.

Free & Reduced Lunch
Those students who have not submitted forms for free or reduced lunch will be forced to pay beginning on Tuesday.  If you have not submitted you MUST go to the office to get the appropriate forms and turn them in on Monday.  Even if you are unsure or do not receive free or reduced lunch please turn in the form if you have not done so already as the school receives some funding based on those forms.

Mesa Math Assessment
Leonor, Vincent, and any other students interested in taking a Mesa College math course next semester must take a math assessment.  Go to the Mesa Assessment office, you do not need an appointment but must bring your ID.  The office is open until 6 on Monday - Thursday and until 3 on Friday.  The test must be taken by Wednesday of next week to be eligible.

I still need ADA papers from the following students:
Shaelee                     Chad                            Fabiola                 Frida
Fatima                    Madeline                         Jacob

For Monday
Catcher in the Rye Quiz chapters 5-8
Narrative story on feeling disconnected

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Narrative Writing

Catcher in the Rye Narrative
Remember that your 1 page story of a time you felt disconnected should be a story.  Meaning it should be told in first person and about a single event.  Do not simply give a summary of a period in your life, but one specific event.  this will be due Monday (10/13)

Book Reviews
You should be getting close to finishing your books and start working on your presentations.  I should see a lot of people reading in class this week.

College Apps
You should be working on college applications.  If you have any questions about any part of the application process please see me or Mr. Moravec.  If you are worried about financing college I strongly encourage you to apply and look at grants you get from financial aid before you make your final decision.  I'm here and happy to help in any way I can.

I am working on our ADA box and still need work from many of you.  I will be passing back some assignments today.  I encourage you to keep them and double check they are entered in the grade book before you throw them away.  I am not perfect (though almost) and sometimes make mistakes in the gradebook.  For many of you I wanted to give you back an edited copy of your personal statement so I could not use it for English.  If you could please print another copy, with appropriate ADA heading and dates, so I can put it in the box.

I still need ADA subsidiaries from the following:
Sam Barbour
Chad Benner
Alejandro Espinoza

Remember all tardy's must be cleared by Friday or you will receive a referral and we will have to discuss your inability to make it to class or serve detention with Mrs. Leonard

Monday, October 6, 2014

Catcher in the Rye Quiz #1

Catcher in the Rye
After our quiz today we will have a discussion about what we've read so far.  I hope you all felt good about the quiz and have enjoyed your reading so far.  Clearly, Holden is a young man with some issues.  He seems disconnected from teachers, peers, and even his own family.  As we read further we will look into why.  Think about that as we continue with the novel.  We will have another quiz next Monday (10/13) on chapters 5-8.

For your English assignment this week due Monday (10/13) when you arrive:
Can you relate with the way Holden feels sometimes?  Are any of his feelings ever warranted?  I want you to write about a time where you felt disconnected.  This could be from teachers, a principal, or school... peers, even friends or family.  Think about a time when you felt excluded or like nobody else could understand you.  Please write a one page narrative, or story, about this experience.  Try to focus on one specific event rather that just summarizing.  Please use dialogue to enhance your story.  Please use proper quotations when using dialogue.

Art History
Your assignment for this week is on the Art of Early China and Korea.  Think about some of your favorite pieces as you will have to give a detailed presentation on your favorite piece of Early Asian Art.  This will be due Friday (10/10) before the end of the day.

Museum of Contemporary Art
I am trying to plan a field trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art which is in Downtown San Diego.  I wanted to gauge your level of interest and talk about transportation possibilities

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Happy Friday

Assignments Due
Please turn in the Art History assignment in the appropriate box.  You have until the end of the day to work on your JD Salinger bio.

Remember quiz on chapters 1-4 of Catcher in the Rye is on Monday when you arrive in class

Old Globe Play
The Old Globe Theater has offered us tickets to the play The Royale about the first African American Heavyweight Champion boxer, on Wednesday October 15th.  If you would like to attend and do not have college class and have no D's or F's let me know.  We will try to get you a ticket.

Tardy Policy
Students MUST serve detentions for tardy within one week.  That means all detentions must be cleared by next Friday.  To many students are leaving without serving detention.  If you do not serve your detention within one week you will receive a referral.  Rides home, or issues with the bus need to be figured out on your time and planned ahead; or simply DON'T BE LATE! 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Welcome Parents!

Welcome all parents.  Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and visit.  Please sign in, take a look around class, and have a seat.  I want to introduce myself and tell you about a few things before I open it up to any questions.
  •  Introduction
  •  Class Blog
  •  Internships
  •  Classes
  •  Independent Reading Books
  •  Laptops
  •  Absences
  •  Tardiness
  •  Senior Activities/Fund Raising

Know Your Representatives!

Today we will continue looking at the Legislative Branch of government.  We previously found out how a bill becomes a law.  Now we will learn about what Congress is and who represents you.  First you will look at the basic make up of congress; including key facts and terms.  Then you will find out who is your local representative.  You recently wrote about the importance of free speech in a democracy, and many of you voiced the importance of voting and being politically active.  You will be asked to find out who is your current representative and who they will be running against in the upcoming election.  You will do some research on the candidates and decide who you would (or if you are 18 will!) vote for.  Please complete the following handout and turn it in Wednesday (10/8) when you arrive to class.  You can use the following links to aid in your search:
Find your Representative
Open Congress
Candidate List for SD County Election November 4th

College Applications
Applications for Cal State Schools begins today! Log into CSU Mentor to begin your application process if you plan to apply.  It is important to get started early to make sure you have everything ready well in advance and ready to submit.  Remember, the schools servers begin to overload and crash the day before so don't delay!

UC applications are not able to submit until Nov. 1st.  However, you can still begin filling out your application online.  Again, you want to get started early to make sure everything is in line and you can correct any errors or get all the information you may need from the counseling office.

Good Luck!

Holiday Club
Some of your fellow students are putting together 'Holiday Club.'  I have small flyers for you, sign ups are in Rm 213 if you are interested or would like to learn more.

Senior Portraits
If you have not done so already you NEED to schedule your senior portrait.

Election Workers
If you are one of the students interested in working at a polling station please return the signed hand out.

If you are absent make sure that you have a parent call and excuse your absence.  Remember you will not be allowed to make up work for an unexcused absence.  It will be considered late and not accepted if your absence is not excused.

Subsidiary Agreements
Still need agreements from the following:
Sam Barbour
Chad Benner (Syllabus)
Alejandro Espinoza
Austin Lopez
Please see me if you need another copy.  Your name will not come down until it is turned in.

Upcoming Assignments
Ancient Art of South & Southeast Asia (Due Friday When You Arrive)
JD Salinger Bio (Due Friday by the End of the School Day)
Catcher in the Rye Quiz Chapters 1-4 (Monday)
Independent Reading Book Presentations

Monday, September 29, 2014

JD Salinger

JD Salinger
Today we will begin our reading of Catcher in the Rye.  We will start by looking at the author of the novel JD Salinger and get some insight into his life.  Many issues and themes that we find in Catcher in the Rye are seen throughout Salinger's life.  Like the novels main character, Holden Caulfield, Salinger was kicked out of school and sent to a military academy.  He also experienced extreme trauma in his life as a soldier during WWII; engaging in battle and witnessing the horror of the holocaust.  Please read the following two articles about his life, a NY Times Obituary following his death in 2010 and a Vanity Fair article on how fighting in WWII changed Salinger and his popular main character.  Once finished please write a one page response to the articles.  Include details of his early life, post war experience, and conclude with your opinions of his journey. Paper will be due Friday (10/3) at the end of the day
JD Salinger, Enigmatic Author of 'The Catcher in the Rye,' Dies at 91
He's No Phony: How Fighting in WWII Changed JD Salinger and Holden Caulfield

Catcher in the Rye
Please collect your copy of the book.  We will have a quiz on Monday (10/6) on the first 4 chapters.  The quiz will be multiple choice and include a short section on vocabulary.  I will pick 2-3 words from the novel and present them to you in context from the novel.  This means you should look up any words you come across that you do not know.  Questions will be specific and I will make sure that they are not available on SparkNotes.

Ancient Art of South & Southeast Asia
Please complete the following handout and turn it in at the beginning of the day on Friday (10/3)
Ancient Art of South & Southeast Asia

New Presentation Standards
All presentation rubrics will now include points for being an attentive audience member.  Any students drawing, doing other homework, or talking, will lose points for themselves and their group.  It is rude to simply ignore your fellow classmates when they are presenting.  Also, powerpoints or other visuals will be due the night before the presentation.  As you can tell we have a limited amount of time and cannot waste time trying to get started.

Subsidiary Agreement
I still need subsidiary agreements from the following:
Sam Barbour
Chad Benner (Syllabus also)
Alejandro Espinoza
Austin Lopez

Friday, September 26, 2014

Ancient Greek Art Presentation Today

Ancient Greek Art Presentation
Be ready to present when you come in today on your style of Ancient Greek art.  Make sure you turn in the handout to my box as well to gain full credit.

Scholarships on FastWeb
You should be working on applying for scholarships anytime you are free in class!  Please sign up here at FastWeb and take a look at scholarship opportunities.  This is a great resource to find scholarships, and they will match you with scholarships that meet your interests or strengths.  There is lots of $ out there available to you if you put in the effort to get it.

Due Monday
Your paper on why you think freedom of speech is essential to a democracy and your paper on congress and the process of how to create a law are both due on Monday when you arrive at school.

Book Reviews
Our first book review presentation is fast approaching!  The due date is October 17th, meaning you only have 3 weeks to complete your book and prepare your presentation.  You should be at least half way through your book at this point.  Remember this is a large part of your English grade.

Catcher in the Rye
We will begin Catcher in the Rye on Monday.  If you would like to get ahead you may take your book today.  We will begin reading Chapters 1-4 on Monday and have a quiz on those sections Friday.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Legislative Process

Mesa College Classes
If you are currently in a Mesa college class you will be meeting in room 206 at 8:45 to talk about classes for next semester.  Think about courses that will meet general ed requirements that will save you TIME & MONEY$$$ in the future.

LRC Booksale
Today from 9am-2pm there will be a cash only booksale.  They will be selling paperback books for only $0.50.  Take a second to see if any books from the list may be available or any books you may be interested in reading on your own time.  Here is the flyer.

ADA Subsidiary
I still need signed subsidiary agreements from the following students:
Sam Barbour                      Chad Benner          Frida Durazo
Alejandro Espinoza            Austin Lopez         TreVon Skinner

Legislative Process
We have finished looking at the Constitution and Bill of Rights and will move on to discuss the three branches of government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.  We will start by looking at the legislative branch and the process of how a bill becomes a law!
 Please take a look at this Legislative Process Chart about the legislative process and creating law.  Then you will use the following Descriptions to complete the handout.  You will enter the descriptions into the blanks provided by the chart.  This can be a complex process, while the schoolhouse rock video is clever and informative, you will need to do your own research.  Please use your government textbook, or online resources to complete the assignment.  This will be due on Monday (9/29) when you arrive in class.

Upcoming Assignments
  • Personal Statement Final Draft - Today
  • Ancient Greek Art Handout and Presentation - Friday (9/26)
    • Make sure you are ON TIME and ready to present 
  • Freedom of Speech Paper - Monday (9/29)
  • Legislative Process Handout - Monday (9/29)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Freedom of Speech

Tardy policy has changed.  Students who are 5 minutes late or less to class will owe me 5 minutes after school.  Any student that arrives more than 5 minutes later will owe me 15 minutes after school.

Personal Statements
Personal statements are due on Wednesday.  If you need help with editing please let me know.

Ancient Greek Art
The handout as well as your group presentation for the chapter on ancient Greek art is due this Friday.  Make sure your presentations are polished and well prepared.  Make sure to clearly explain your style and why the pieces you chose demonstrate that style.

Freedom of Speech
Today we will do a lesson on free speech.  It will discuss issues that have come up in government as well as introduce the novel we will begin reading next week The Catcher in the Rye

Your assignment is to write a 3 paragraphs about why freedom of speech is essential to a democracy.  I expect your paper to have an introduction that contains a thesis statement, concrete details, and a conclusion with your opinion.  The paper will be due on Monday (9/29).

Friday, September 19, 2014

Bill of Rights Presentations Today

Presentations Today!
Today we will be hearing from all groups about their topics on Bill of Rights issues that affect teens

ADA Subsidiary Agreements
Please turn in all signed subsidiary agreements to me today. If you do not have them you MUST return them to me on Monday signed.

Late Work
As a reminder, NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.  Please work something out with me if you are falling behind on any assignments.  Issues with computers, books, printers, etc. need to be worked out before the assignment is due.  All assignments and due dates are posted on the board in class and here on the blog.  Ignorance is no excuse.

Senior Portraits
Many of you still need to schedule an appointment to have your senior portrait taken.  That needs to be taken care of today!  Please see the links below for information.  If you have an issue with payment please see Mr. Brandes or Mrs. Leonard

Please continue your work on personal statements, as well as your Ancient Greek art handout and presentation.  For those of you applying to a 4 year university directly this year please continue to work on you college checklist.  If you plan on attending a 2 year college (community college) don't worry about completing it, applications don't begin until Spring.  If you have questions about reach, safety, and middle of the road schools for you please come see me.  Applications are coming up and you need to be educated about your possibilities.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Upcoming Assignments

Personal Statements
Today you will all be getting your personal statements with some edits and suggestions.  Please review suggestions and make the appropriate changes.  Some of you have very few while others need to think about changing the focus of your papers.  To give you a few extra days to work on corrections I will make the final drafts due on Wednesday (9/24).  Please come and see me if you need help or explanations on some of my comments.

ADA everyone's favorite is back!  Please fill out the appropriate boxes, have your parents sign, and then return to me Friday.

College Classes
Those of you with Mesa college classes need to quickly write down your Mesa class schedule and give it to me ASAP

College Checklist
For those of you planning to attend a 4 year university need to complete the following assignment.  you need to select the colleges you plan on applying to.  Your list should contain between 3 and 10 schools, and include some safety schools and some reach schools.  Once you have decided please fill out the following spreadsheet using these instructions.  This will help you stay organized with your applications.  Please complete by Wednesday (9/24)

Book Check
I need to see that everyone has an independent reading book.  If you do not have one yet I fear you are behind!  You need to check with me about choosing a book ASAP.  Book presentations will be a large part of your total English grade.  not participating may result in failure of the class.

Upcoming Due Dates
Ancient Egypt Art History - Due Today
Bill of Rights Court Case Presentation - Due Friday (9/19)
Personal Statement Final Draft - Due Wednesday (9/24)
Ancient Greek Art Handout and Presentation - Due Friday (9/26)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Picture Day!

Picture Day
Today is picture day and our class will go down to take pictures in room 206 at 9am.  Today's photos are for your school ID card, which is free for you this year.  If you would like to order prints of these photos please fill out the info before you head down to room 206.  If you have questions about senior portraits please follow the link for more information.  Here is a flyer with contact info and pricing.  We have a lot of info to get to before we head down for photos.

Constitution Day
Mesa College is celebrating Constitution Day throughout the week.  Since we are working on learning about the Constitution this week please check out any of the following displays that may interest you.  If your schedule permits and you go see the presentation by Richard Ochoa on Wednesday and do I short write up about what you found most interesting I will give you 5 extra points.  Follow the link for details.

I have edited or given suggestions to all of your personal statements.  I want you to spend time this week perfecting them.  Please submit your final draft for both essay prompts to me typed, double spaced by Friday (9/19)

Bill of Rights Assignment
After our presentation on the Bill of Rights we had on Friday you will get to research and analyze your own court cases that affect the rights of teens.  Please take a look at the following Bill of Rights Presentation Assignment.  Please get in groups of 4 and select which case most interests you, first come first serve.  Please be smart and take care when selecting your groups.  Work with students who have similar schedules or availability.  I am trusting you all to self-select your groups and be responsible.  If it becomes clear that you cannot choose your own groups I will begin choosing them for you.  The presentation will be Friday morning (9/19) at the beginning of class.

Art History
Today we will begin our look at Ancient Greek art.  Please complete the following guided reading from the Art Through the Ages book.  Again please get into groups of 4 for a presentation.  Please read the following instruction for the presentation.  Each group will select a topic from the list to present on and teach the class; again topics are first come first serve.  This presentation will be prepared to present at the beginning of school on Friday (9/26).

Do Something! offers scholarships for students like you!  Take a look at some of the interesting campaigns you can become involved in and potentially earn money for college

Short Day
Today is a short day due to heat.  Please use this extra time wisely!  I suggest applying for at least one scholarship and/or doing some reading.  If you haven't started your book you are behind!  I would calculate how many pages you should be reading daily on average to give you a good idea of where you need to be.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Announcements & Bill of Rights!

This afternoon you will be meeting with your internship advisor to discuss your plans for this year.  Remember, you want to be involved in internships that will boost your resume or lead to potential future employment.    If you have not filled out the student internship questionnaire you need to do so BEFORE your meeting.  If you are not sure who your advisor is please see me before the end of the day.  You should be spending your time on Tuesday's and Thursday's looking up potential internships.  Think about discussing potential projects at your meeting today.

Picture Day
Picture day is on Monday, so come prepared and looking your best!  I'll pass out information on how to order your pictures if you would like.  If you have questions about your senior portrait please speak with them on Monday.

Last day to get credit for bringing in your signed syllabus.  I need a signed copy with your parents preferred method of contact ASAP.

Today's Lesson
Today we will begin with a Government lesson on the Bill of Rights.  Then you will be given an assignment to present as a group next Friday.  Presentation & Assignment

Due Today
Your 2 personal statement rough drafts are due by the end of the day today.  Your Constitution assignment is also due today.  In the future please pay attention to assignments due at the beginning or the end of the day.  Be aware many assignments are due in the morning when you arrive in class.

What You Should Be Working On
Create log-in
Personal Statement (Due Today)
Constitution Work Sheet (Due Today)
Art History Ancient Egypt (Due Wednesday 9/17)
Bill of Rights Presentation (Due Friday 9/19)
Content Classes (Math, Science, Spanish)
Mesa College Course
Read Independent Reading Book

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Info! Procedures, Scholarships, and More

Lots to discuss today:

Make sure you get your parents to sign the syllabus and have it turned in by Friday (9/12).  Those of you who turn in on time will receive points.  Put a reminder in your phone or whatever you need to do to remember as I need signatures and contact info from each of your parents.

Where Are You??
Please sign out on the board in the back of the class EVERY TIME you leave to go to the office, restroom, etc.  You do not need to sign out only if heading to a scheduled content area class, or mesa college class.
Also, please DO NOT use the back door

You now have assigned laptops.  You can see the list posted on the blog.  Please use ONLY your laptop.  You will be responsible for taking care of and charging your laptop, as well as putting them away NEATLY in the laptop cart.  You are now able to take laptops home, but remember you are responsible for any damage.  Your parents have already signed a waiver regarding your liability for any damaged, lost, or stolen laptops.  You make consider purchasing a charger if you plan to frequently take laptops home, as chargers will not leave the cart.

Independent Reading Books
We will be having a book check next Wednesday, where you will get credit for bringing in your independent reading book.  Please have a hard copy or electronic copy to show me by next Wednesday (9/17).  I'm going to be writing down and taking record of everyone's book they will be presenting.  Only books on the list will be accepted, please do not ask.  If you would like to try and check out books from the supply here in the conference room please check with me first as other teachers may need class sets.

Today we will also discuss the instructions for your presentations of your book.  Written instructions can be found under book reviews - presentation instructions

SAT/ACT Test Dates
SAT Test dates are available here. Remember SDSU and may other state schools, and universities around the country will not accept scores for tests taken after Nov. 8th.  Registration deadline for the next test is Friday (9/12).
ACT Test Dates available here.  Understand the differences between the ACT and SAT.  Most schools take the top score from either.  Next test is October 25th, which may be your last chance. Registration ends on Sept 19th.

College Scholarships
Today, everyone needs to create a log-in for  Please take the time to not only an account but search the site and get used to the features.  Take a look at different search options, and types of scholarships.  Also, look at scholarships trending now for a list of popular scholarships with upcoming deadlines.  Make sure to save any essay you complete (including your personal statement) that you may be able to reuse or cut and paste for multiple scholarship apps.  I'm more than happy to look at or edit any application essay you may want to send.

Local Scholarships That May Interest You:
San Diego BBB Torch Awards
Holiday Bowl Scholarship
CAC Educational Scholarship Fund
National Scholarships:
Elks National Foundation
Gen & Kelly Tanabe Scholarship
Coca-Cola Scholarship

Art History
We will begin Art History with a look at ancient Egyptian art.  We will predominantly use the ART Through the Ages textbook.  The other book will be used occasionally as an additional reference.
for this week please complete the following worksheet and select a piece of art from the list to analyze.  Your assignment will be due next Wednesday (9/17) by the end of the day.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back Students!  Welcome to our new classroom and welcome to new students with us this year.  I look forward to a fun and productive senior year.

Today we will start by going over our course syllabus for the year.  Please have your parents take a look at the syllabus and have them sign the last page and return to me by the end of the week.

We will start English class this year by writing Personal Statements.

You will have 2 prompts to write about.  Please write an essay of 750 words for each.

1.   Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

2.  Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

These are very common questions for any college essay and they are from the UC app.  Those of you who do not plan to apply to a 4 year university this is a good opportunity to practice your writing.  It is good to think about yourself and your accomplishments so far. I will be here to help you with your writing if you need any assistance.

Tips for your essay are available here

Please have your rough draft of both completed and turned in by the end of the day on Friday.

We will start the year in Government the first semester and Economics next semester.

For this week we will begin Government with a study of the constitution.  Your assignment due Friday is below
6 Big Ideas Part 1
6 Big Ideas Part 2

Lets start the year off strong!!!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Interesting Facts About the Great Gatsby

Use your time wisely today as we are closing in on our final week of school.  A to do list is written on the board but remember to work on these projects

  1. Gatsby Essay - Due your last day of school
  2. History Final - Wednesday (6/11) If you will not be here that day you must make arrangements to take the test
  3. Independent Reading Book Review - Due your last day of school
  4. Work from Content Courses
While you work here are some interesting facts about the Great Gatsby

24 Great Gatsby Facts

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

History Exam Essay Topics

Above is the link for your history exam essay topics.  On Wednesday (6/11) I will give you a handout with 4 of these short essay topics, you will choose 3 of them to write about.  You should study all the essay topics but this will allow you to eliminate one that you feel you know the least about or you feel will be most difficult.  I suggest that you write an outline for each topic in preparation.  

I expect about a 2 paragraph response to each.  Please research specific information to complete your essays, you are even encouraged to go beyond the textbook if necessary.  I will be looking for relevant and specific information to help answer each question.  Make sure that you answer the prompt completely.  Many of the topics do require you to take a stand or write your opinion, so do not be afraid to use "I" or make a statement of your beliefs.  However, you must be able to back up your opinion with concrete details and facts.  You will not be allowed to use the textbook, notes, or any other aids, only your brain!

Great Gatsby

Your rough draft of your Great Gatsby essay is due this Friday (6/6).  I want to be able to edit and give suggestions to you and make sure that you are working on your paper ahead of time rather than rushing the night before.  This is an important part of your grade an your last assignment for your junior year.  Your essay does not have to be completely finished, but must have a thesis statement that is easy for me to identify and assess.  You should also be working on your body paragraphs and plan out the 2 characters you have chosen to discuss and the moral issues those characters face.

ITP forms and Evaluations

You should all be turning in signed ITP forms from your mentor today.  If not they must be in by Friday.  If I do not receive your signed ITP form by Friday it will be taken out of my portion of your final ROP grade.  Please speak to your mentors and remind them to send me you evaluation if they have not done so already.  If you are not sure if they have completed an evaluation please see me.

Mesa College Classes

Today I will be passing out a form for those of you taking Mesa courses next year.  This form requires your signature and your parents. It must be turned in by Friday or you risk losing your ability to take those classes.


I need ADA from the following individuals.  You need to find work from the class or speak to the instructor today.

James - Math
Grecia - ROP
Chad - ROP & Computer Science
Alejandro - ROP


Please take this quick anonymous survey about your ROP class.  Please complete by the end of first period today

Transformational Thinkers Essay

Mrs. Whigham is working on her Masters and would like an example of a student work for you Transformational Thinker Essay.  If any of you still have your graded essay in your binder or stored somewhere please give it to me so I can pass it on to her and help her complete her class.  Thanks!